Dominant Benefits of Automatic Vehicle Location Technology

Dominant Benefits of Automatic Vehicle Location Technology

Automatic Vehicle Location technology is not all an alien for us now. Once seen as a mystery is now being put to use extensively in both public as well as private sector. Their widespread usage has increased security as well as the efficiency of transportation to a considerable amount.

The transit sector mainly uses Automatic Vehicle Location Technology to optimize the resource. So that it will be easy to manage a large fleet efficiently. Besides optimization it helps in reducing fuel consumption, labor and capital cost, manage transit schedule, handle passenger information etc.


Use of Automatic Vehicle Location Technology does not end here.  AVL has always proved to be crucial in earning customer satisfaction by successfully predicting destination signs, monitoring vehicle components etc.

However, there are some common queries that have been surfacing for quite some time regarding AVL. Let’s address that,

How does AVL work?

The AVL technology is based on 2 pillars

The Vehicle’s real-time position is shared with retail companies using wide area network. The position data of the vehicle can be updated in every 2 minutes, it can be re-adjusted as per the demand of the user. This vehicle positioning data are also stored and a report is generated using the data to help the supervisor manager.

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Each AVL vehicle has an emergency switch code blue. This switch sends an emergency signal and trigger alarm so that the users running the AVL application software get the emergency message.

Some general advantages of AVL technology:

What are the benefits of AVL?

AVL system with its arrival and development have changed the face of transit industry to a great extent. Once complicated has now become user-friendly, smooth and extremely useful.  Present use of AVL system is not just confined to tracking.

They are now being put to extensive use in the transit industry. One of the astounding factors of AVL systems is that they can use the available data to come up with better results.

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