5 Cool Things About Geo-Fencing That You Didn’t Know

GPS trackers are now being put to use mainly for tracking purposes. However, there is a new feature for GPS which has already come in handy for many. Let’s have a look at Geofencing and its killer features that you never know.


What’s Geo Fencing?

Geo fencing is a location-based feature in the software that uses GPS or RFID to create virtual geographical boundaries. It sends push notifications to users who enter a particular geographical area. Besides that, it has a lot of application in a virtual parameter. It is a great opportunity for brands who want to sell their product based on the location. Brands can send a notification, discount coupons, and offers to regular as well as new customers. It makes sure that the relevant content is communicated at the right time at the right place.

The applications for geo-fencing are endless. People who travel to the same place again may get a notification for a welcome drink at a hotel nearby. A store owner will have an idea about who is a re-visitor to their store and thus have a better customer base. This will improve customer interaction.


Geofencing, how does it work?

Working principle of geofencing is pretty much straight forward and simple. An admin or a developer can set a virtual boundary in Google Maps using specific API’s when they develop apps. In short, when a user breached a geo fence it should trigger responses in accordance with the specifications of the developer.

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Geo fencing is not just confined to apps it has wide range of application such as in shipping industry, agriculture, cattle industry, security purposes etc.

Let’s see in detail

1)    Location-based pop-ups

It can send location-based pop-ups on your device, while walking by a store. This is done by adding a circle or a pentagon around the store in Google map and when customers enter this they get a notification and is engaged by the store. When customers enter a particular location they get pop-ups on their device. This will make sure that a customer at a location is not missed.

2)    Offers to customers

You can use geofencing to send information and offers to your prospect. Sending a good and catchy content is important. Make sure you know what you are trying to communicate with your prospect. You might want the prospect to buy something from you, or sign up with you, whatever it is, be clear about your objective. You customer can check in to your store if they find a deal that is interesting to them.

3)    Setting parameters

Setting your perimeter too large or too small affects the campaign that you are running. If it’s too large you might not be reaching the relevant prospects or if it’s too small you might not reach all your prospects. So you have to set the parameters right. Like it is said above a circle or a pentagon specific to your store can help nearby customers to reach you.

4)    Location

Geo-fencing is great for outdoor activities. You can reach a particular group of people with an offer that is exclusive to a summer camp. It is not relevant to someone who is outside the summer camp. So the area of geofencing must be carefully chosen. Thus even outdoor activities can be pepped up using geofencing.

5)    CRM

30% of the world’s population is using geofencing. It improves sales and customer loyalty. It helps to build a good CRM data. So you can know when a customer who had visited your store earlier is near you. You can even know the activities of your competitor. It also helps you get customer feedback from surveys and feedback forms which are great for business.


GPS trackers are now being widely used for tracking. Nowadays a new feature (geofencing) is added to these trackers besides just tracking. Virtual boundaries can be set up app providers or tracker provides for various purposes. However, only a few know about this killer feature and its incredible benefits. Know More