Will 200-mph Hyperloop Model Transportation System By Arrivo End Traffic Congestion?

Elon Musk has become an iconic figure for tech enthusiasts all over the world. His celebrated persona has become equal to that of Steve Jobs. Lately, he broke the internet when he put forward the idea of connected cities with a lightning speed hyperloop transportation system.

However, it seems that his ex-employee has beaten him fair and square by starting the construction of a remarkable high-speed Transportation System.

A new company called Arrivo founded by Brogan BamBrogan is behind the latest tech innovation. Brogan was a former SpaceX engineer founded by Elon Musk.


Described as ‘Super Regional Network’ Brogan revealed to Fortune.com that,

What we’re focused on is connecting regions to themselves,” It’s the main doctrine of Arrivo’s take on the Hyperloop: a “super regional network” that focus on cities and their surrounding suburbs rather than long-distance journeys championed by companies like Virgin Hyperloop One, still the only hyperloop startup to build an operational test track.

Arrivo along with the Colorado Department of Transportation and E-470 Public Highway Authority is planning to construct this revolutionary transport system along the eastern perimeter of Colorado City USA.

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Arrivo team comprises of five former employees of Virgin Hyperloop one and two from the SpaceX and AECOM program.

The working principle of Arrivo’s transportation system is quite simple yet innovative. The jaw-dropping speed of 200mph is attained by loading freight to a platform which levitates on a magnet. In short, it uses the Hyperloop technology.

Arrivo uses a vacuum sealed electromagnetic highway as their medium of transport.

Arrivo, the company based in Los Angeles has said that construction of the Hyperloop will start by 2019 and will be open to the public by 2021.

The first commercial use of the system will be from the Denver International Airport to the Aurora Commerce Center. Arrivo said that installation of the Hyperloop will reduce rush hour travel time from Denver Airport to downtown from 55 min to 9 min.

The proposed Arrivo transportation network is said to have 3 main types.

  • One with autonomous lanes
  • Second one intended for freight transport
  • The third will be a super metro.

Colorado has a population explosion since 1970. The rise was an alarming 145% and is expected to be at the brink of crisis by 2035. It is expected that Arrivo’s new hyperloop transportation system will be a relief to the people who are tormented by daily traffic.

The biggest hurdle in front of the company now is the budget itself. The hyperloop comes with a tag of $24 Billion which is insanely huge considering Colorado is a state. However, there are multiple investors in the project who are positive about the outcome.


The Hyperloop transportation system from Arrivo will end the traffic congestion of Denver once and for all in the future. No doubt in that. Another aspect is the job opportunities it can provide. According to news reports Arrivo has guaranteed that it can provide jobs to more than 200 people by the end of 2020.

240 mph, Virgin Hyperloop Sets Record – Why is it the Imminent Future?

Yes the Future is here! Virgin’s supersonic pod Hyperloop One has successfully delivered in the full scale test by reaching an amazing 240 mph. It has broken the earlier record set by Tesla at 220 mph. During the test phase conducted on December 15 on the grounds of Nevada, the pod that uses magnetic levitation through vacuum created a break-through in Virgin Hyperloop realization.


Theoretically Hyperloop can achieve a maximum speed of 700 mph. If the concept is realised it could take the pod 380 miles in about half an hour. The transition from normal atmospheric and vacuum conditions was experimented using new airlock systems. The pod uses minimum energy to attain high speeds because it travels in extremely low air pressure which reduces friction and air resistance.

The Maiden run

While conducting the test, the approximate air pressure inside the tube was that of 200,000 feet above sea level. Built in a nearly airless environment in which the 28 foot long pod is loaded into a 1600 foot long tube, it can take you faster than a bullet train. The unmanned test pod that ran through an evacuated cylinder reached a speed of nearly 387 km/h during the third test phase that was accomplished on December 15th.

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The ultimate mission is to carry passengers and goods creating a system of tubes across distances that can take passengers at airline speeds. The fact is that the system neither has air friction due to the vacuum, nor ground friction as it uses magnetic levitation.

This makes it cheaper and faster to operate, compared to other modes of transportation that rely mostly on fossil fuels. Due to very low aerodynamic drag, the pod will lift above the track and glide at a speed an airline picks up during long distance travel. Now you can imagine where you can enter a pod to reach your destination in no time. But I’m pretty sure you can’t stand or walk like you do in other modes of transit. You don’t want to be a victim of inertia.

Investments imbued

In total the company has raised $295 million since it was found in 2014 which gave a head start to your dream of travelling between locations at hyper speeds. After a global strategic partnership was signed up with the Virgin Group the company is set to raise another investment worth $50 million.

The venture looks up to pursue opportunities in key markets like the Europe, Russia and Middle East with the help of investors like Caspian Venture Capital and DP World. It has already raised $50 million from foreign venture capital investors and the new chairman of the board of directors is Richard Branson.

Relevancy in future

Virgin Hyperloop pods would help connecting people to jobs that were previously inaccessible to workers who need to commute over longer distances. Hyperloop is soon to reach out to all places in the world and will make travelling much more easy and more over faster. In turn, this can help bridging the divisions in social and economic norms.

On the other hand it is good for business as it saves a lot of time for commuters. In case of a regular worker who believes that an extra dollar is better than an extra hour, this might not prove very productive.


The Virgin Hyperloop that runs through a tube that is nearly vacuum and bullet trains that use magnetic levitation to travel at high speeds when combined gives amazing results. But realizing the full fledged concept of Hyperloop has uncertainties as it faces issues due to politics and regulation.