10 Things That Can Go Wrong in Employee Transportation


There are a lot of things to take into perspective while you are part of an organization’s management team. The more the employees of the company, the more responsibilities to be taken care of. Employee benefits and well being inside the company is one of the major factors to be considered in the employee transportation service.


Here are a few points to be pondered while discussing employee transportation.

1. What if the employee does not turn up?

The situation mentioned above is aplenty. This happens when the assigned company’s cab/bus driver is not informed of the employee’s absence.

A situation wherein a driver has to go all the way to pick up just a single employee from a remote location and when he/she does not show up is bad. Commuter benefits are being misused here also resulting in revenue loss.

2.  Misbehavior towards employees

At times if there is a shortage of staff buses, the company may resort to bus rental services from an external vendor. Many of them would obviously be on a temporary basis. There are chances that the drivers of these bus rental services might misbehave with the employees.

3.  Reckless driving

Alcohol inflicted driving is more common among temporary staffs. Consider the case of bus rental services in case of shortage with the permanent cab or company bus drivers. This seriously affects the employee environment and makes a dent in the scheme of affairs.

4.  Poor handling of daily shifts

The human resource team and in general the manager would be responsible for allocating the proper time shifts for the transportation based on the employee time shifts.

Especially when it comes to the lady staffs, security and proper planning is an inevitable factor. A foolproof system has to be implemented without trial and error methods since a small fault can tarnish the company’s reputation.

5. Depending on pen & paper

With the advent of digital technologies, it would be non-pragmatic to resort to using pen and paper to track down the routes & schedules.

Implementing a web-based solution integrated with the HR management system of the company to track down the assigned routes, drivers, the name of employees to be traveling on the designated vehicles would be a good choice.

Implementing a mobile-based GPS solution would be very handy for both the drivers and the employees. The employees need to be ready only when the cabs or bus are nearby their locations.

These could act as one of the better commuter benefits while thinking on the whole perspective of employee transportation service.

6.  Employee productivity

While dealing with employee transportation, the key thing to be tackled is employee productivity. This could take a heavy toll if timings are improper or if a driver does not show up at the right time.

The revenue leakage, if the commuter management is not done properly would cost the company dearly.

7.  Traffic congestion

Dealing with traffic is one of the most difficult issues when it comes to transportation. If the management can tackle it efficiently, then half of your employee transportation conundrum is solved.

Heavy traffic can seriously mess up the whole schedule. It can affect employee productivity resulting in extended work hours to meet tight deadlines. Most of the companies have started offering ’work from home options’ in case of heavy traffic days.

Drivers have to be made aware of the traffic situation pre-hand. With the help of applications like Google maps and Waze, rerouting and locating heavy traffic timings can be done in a jiffy. Planning the rides accordingly could save a lot of time and revenue for the company.

8.  Maintenance

Cabs and buses should be maintained in proper working conditions so they remain mechanically efficient, and the devices, such as global positioning system (GPS) function properly.

Vehicles such as buses with large seating capacity must be thoroughly monitored by a competent examiner and reports kept. Planned monitoring is a critical part of preventive maintenance.

These include daily safety drills carried out by drivers, staff and proper maintenance monitoring based on time, mileage and performance.

Drivers and the accompanying staff should be provided with a checklist of the daily inspections to be signed off at the start of each shift. This should be monitored to ensure the checks are carried out properly.

9.  Driver inaccessible

A situation wherein the driver’s phone is switched off or unreachable when the employee calls will create a sense of uneasiness,

Especially when the employee has not located where the driver of the company cab or bus is. The driver either has to keep an extra phone that has to be supplied by the company or the employee has to be notified by the management authorities that the cab has been dispatched to pick him up.

10.  Rude employee behavior

There are situations wherein a frustrated employee might take out his anger on the staff handling the employee transportation. This is better to be avoided. Always maintain the courteous behavior while traveling inside company cab or bus.

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