RFID Attendance for Employees – Simple Yet Effective

Manual attendance is inefficient, time-consuming and has a negative impact on employees.

Oh yes, the question that popped into your head just now is absolutely right and obvious

You might be thinking that manual attendance is at the brink of extinction and what’s the relevancy in pointing it out.

To justify,

Manual attendance need not be always paper-based. Logging in to a computer to mark your attendance is also manual.

The point here is, despite the technology manual attendance is always boring and is vulnerable to errors.


Since manual attendance was ineffective, the quest for alternate method began and it led to RFID (Radio Frequency Identification).

However, It’s strange that years have passed along with technology and till now there are a lot of companies which rely on them. To understand better, let’s dig deep into the technology.

RFID Attendance for Employees, how do they work?

RFID system mainly consists of two parts

Tags are embedded with a transmitter or a receiver. RFID part of the tag will have a microchip to store information and an antenna that can receive as well as store information.

The reader will continuously emit signals in its range. When a RFID tag comes in contact with its spectrum, a small voltage will develop inside the coils of the tag. The voltage formed in turn will activate the transmitter part of the tag.

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 The tags will send signals to the reader through serial communication. Once the reader receives the signal it will match with the information stored in the database. If it’s a match the system will mark it as an attendance.

Benefits of using RFID attendance for Employees 

How does RFID system work inside an organization?

Different types of RFID tags

Other Uses OF RFID System Besides Marking Attendance

Access Control: The same principle behind marking attendance can also be used as a way to grant access to authorized personals.

Contactless Payment System: RFID card can carry payment information so that it can be used as a payment method. Mostly this sort of payment methods is suitable for toll systems as RFID card information can be used to deduct money from the wallet of the passenger who passes by the toll.

Inventory Control: RFID tags or chips can be attached to a product which makes it easy to track them. These kinds of tags are often used in libraries and showrooms as a precautionary measure against theft.


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