10 Future Transportation Methods That Will Change The Way We Travel


To a great extent Innovations in the future transportation methods has changed the way we travel in this century.  But it’s all an outdated topic to discuss now.  Let us see what future transportation methods holds for the transportation industry which in some way or the other, changes the way we experience travelling.

1. Smart Cars

Well, this is something that’s already taking its place in the market. Smart cars were a concept thought of after the implementation of smart watches. The first thing you will notice about these cars is its shape and size. They are small and compact in size.


Smart cars use artificial intelligence assistance offering you a hassle-free driving. It can give route suggestions, be autonomous in driving, talk to you when you are behind the wheel, and sometimes it can also measure your emotional responses.

As they say ‘A smart car for smart drivers.’

2. Urban transport pods

Imagine jumping into a moving pod and travelling to another part of the city?  That is what an urban transport pod is all about.  When the plan for this future transport was being made, it aimed at developing a system for urban transportation in a sustainable way.

No such pods are out and running yet, but soon we will have the opportunity to travel in one of them. They are certainly environmental friendly and easy methods in the transportation industry.

3. SkyTran

All of us have wasted a lot of time in traffic and wished if we could just fly above all and reach our destinations. That’s the idea that SkyTran brings to us. SkyTran is a self-driving monorail that allows you to fly 20-25ft. above the ground for a 10min trip.

The government   should make these new technologies being tried out at different stations for a stretch of 1km in various countries, since the technology is almost about to make its place in many parts of the US.  The first fully-fledged SkyTran is going to make its entry through Logos in Nigeria by 2020. We are really excited to fly though!!!! Aren’t you??

4. Maglev Trains

The Magnetic levitation train, or as commonly known, the Maglev trains, uses electromagnetic field repulsion technique to float over a predefined route.

In MagLev trains, the vehicles are lifted by magnetic fields which travel through a pre-decided path that has no physical contact with the trains. Instead, they are automatically moved through the magnetic field. This revolutionary transportation can be seen as very cheap, fast and easy.

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The same technology will be put to use in roads in such a way that a platform will be levitating on a predefined path that can carry your vehicle from one place to another quickly. Elon Musk, The face of Tesla has already put forward his concept of levitation transport and it is believed that within a couple of years he will make it happen.

5. Super Cavitation

The Super Cavitation transportation follows the submarine technology and can travel underwater at 750mph.  When an object is submerged under water, it starts creating bubbles. This phenomenon is known as Super Cavitation. The same technology being applied to the transport industry will soon change the way people travel

Since the bubbles are filled with gas it reduces the contact friction up to 900 times than that of normal. Owing to this reduction only a small force is required for quick propulsion. Regarding the transportation applications, many reports state that it can get you travelled from New York to London in just an hours’ time in a submerged pod that can run through waterways.

6. Skylon

As the name suggests, Skylon is an aircraft transport technology and can reach you even to the earth’s orbit in just 4-5 hours. That fantastic day isn’t far now. The agency that’s researching on this has said it won’t just help you travel anywhere in the world in just 4-5 hours, but also give you a chance to travel the space.

The Skylon is powered by a new technology engine SABRE. It has the ability to move the aircraft 5 times faster than the sound in the atmosphere.  It is considered as one of the cheapest ways to achieve your space dreams.

7. Nuclear Powered cars

Uranium is used to power cities, submarines and planes. How about a vehicle?  As crazy as the idea sounds, nuclear powered vehicles might happen in the future but not to a public transportation level as danger surrounding the technology is too high.

China has already announced that their nuclear-powered rockets will be good to go by 2040.

8. Hyperloop

This high-speed train system, Hyperloop, has started a revolutionary way of the new train system. The concept plans to carry passengers at a speed of 700mph through a tube. With the previously proposed technologies, Hyperloop will allow floating of trains using magnetic fields like the Magnetic levitation train.

Though the project is just under the news, nothing has been confirmed about its launch. Many people seem to back the theory of hyper loops, but the feasibility of the project is yet to be tested.

9. Teleportation

Science is working on your worry of the long morning commute and public transit dilemma. The teleportation works on the phenomenon that scans your body, grasping all your favorite parts, and transmitting it onto another point in a fraction of the second.

Many people call the technology the ‘Star Trek’. If this technology really comes into existence, it won’t be difficult for you to travel from point A to point B by just crossing the space between them. Sound interesting, what say?

10. Space Elevator

The Space Elevator concept was first proposed in the year 1985. Many people call it a fiction due to its idea of a giant elevator carrying us from the earth to space.  The technology will allow a carrier to transport passengers across planet via a cable.

Space Elevator’s idea of space transportation system being developed can make traveling to Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) a daily event and transform the global economy.


Technology without a doubt, will bring significant change to our future transportation methods. Future transportation methods are not long in distance, its almost near, so keep in touch with us to be updated on everything new.

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