Top 6 benefits of offering Employee Transportation

Let’s admit it; Employees nowadays have other options if a company is denying them good working condition or even facilities.

Good working condition is not just confined to the office or even the salary. Transportation plays a major role in satisfying and retaining an employee.


On the contrary, transportation also plays a major role in the success of an organization too.

Let’s see how,

1. Increased Employee Productivity

Usually, Pickup time of transportation vehicles will be pre-calculated in a way that it will reach office earlier than that of office time. By doing so, employees will get time to dive into their office activities in a relaxed manner in between and after the commute. For instance, imagine that there is a presentation or a client meeting in the office. In order to make it fruitful a relaxed mind is required. Friendly chit-chat with an employee will make a big difference to the stressful mind.

Studies have proved that long and hectic commute can adversely affect an employee and his productivity. So offering company transportation will be good for a company one way or another.

2. Go green! And earn the goodwill

Employees who use their own vehicle, mostly cars, do not utilize the seating capacity of their vehicle. As a result, more cars will be on the road resulting in congestion and pollution. Since even a mid-size company has over 1000 employees the amount of carbon footprint is huge if calculated annually.

By encouraging employees to use company transportation a huge reduction in greenhouse gas emission will be possible and apart from that companies can use these stats for their marketing purposes.

3. Save Money

As mentioned in the introduction employees, especially those who are experienced and the most productive ones in your company have a lot of options if they feel that their company is not valuing them.

Read Also: “Top 5 Employee benefits which are crucial in retention”

Imagine the pain of hiring a new employee and he/she getting used to the new habitat and work structure. Retention of employees is indeed a cost saving process for any company and for that transportation plays a crucial role.

4. Assure Safety

We are at a juncture of time where safety has become one of the biggest concerns of employees as threats and crimes are shooting up worldwide. By offering transportation and by efficiently automating and tracking it can increase the safety of employees a lot.

5. Develop Workplace Satisfaction

In order to yield maximum productivity from an employee, it is indeed a must to have a friendly as well as healthy work atmosphere.

Offering transportation will give employees an opportunity to interact with each other and they will start sharing their work-related issues and as a result, solutions will come up easily, thus productivity will increase. The flip side of such interactions is that employees will be more attached to the company owing to the friendship they have inside.

6. Create an Employee Friendly Brand Image

Hiring employees who are aligned with the vision of the company is important for the success of any company. However, attracting such can only be made possible by creating a reputed brand image among people.

In short, the company should be renowned for being employee friendly policies. Offering automated transportation is crucial in employee satisfaction of any company.

Besides that, while enticing new recruiters to a company tech-aided transportation can be projected as an added benefit.