GPS Trackers – Why Are They Relevant Now?

You are being tracked 24×7! As odd and provocative the statement sounds, we are at a juncture of time where it’s imminent.

Of course, the clamor for the word GPS tracking has always been loud. But look at the scenario that’s persisting. Threats like terrorism and crime are at a rapid rise nowadays. Statistics are there to cement it.


Security has always been a forte of GPS trackers, however, the latest innovations in the technology have given much more applications to it.

GPS trackers and its role inside an organization

A recent news article that came up in Telegraph has pointed out that the record spike in crime rate is forcing companies to install GPS tracking system to assure employee safety.

Another article that came up in The Atlantic clearly says that in the USA, employees are being tracked by their companies to keep an eye on their assets like phones, vehicles etc. Tracking also helps companies to ensure that their employees are clocking in and out.

Vehicle owners are saying “Set it, forget it”

Demand for GPS tracking not just because organizations are buying them in large quantity. Nowadays vehicle owners and those who are into fleet related business are also installing GPS trackers onto their vehicles widely.

One of the most attracting features of this kind of devices is their low maintenance and easy installation.

Installation procedures are carried out by the providers themselves which will take not more than few hours.

A plethora of software’s is now available in the market which can process the data that has been collected by the GPS system. They can actively track as well as geofence the route of a vehicle thus leaving vehicle owner’s tension free.

Catch em!!

Chasing suspects have always been dangerous since public safety is at stake. High-speed chases can be made a bit risk-free by using GPS trackers. A new kind of GPS trackers has now been invented which allows policemen to fire it at suspect vehicle.

Read More: “Employee Transportation & its Impact on Productivity & Business”

An adhesive is attached to the rear end of the tracker which will stick onto any object that it comes in contact with. Once it’s been attached to the suspect’s vehicle. Police can do a computer-aided search to track the location of the vehicle.

After the implementation of this new technology in the USA, a news was published in KRQE.COM regarding its effectiveness. As quoted by them a sheriff said that.

“In this case, we feel that the citizens are going to be safer, our deputies are going to be safer,”

Never miss your train

Lately, a new website was developed by Metrolink which allows users to track the location of their train in real time. This feature helps the user to locate their train and plan their time accordingly.

Tracking Animal Movements

Scientists recently developed an animal movement tracking device (based on GPS) which will equip them to simultaneously collect data regarding animal navigation along with the wind information.

The invention of the device was primarily for studying bird navigation. However, scientists are now saying that there is much more tech application than that.

As quoted in Professor Yusuke Goto commented about the new technology that, “The new method we proposed in this study enables to estimate wind speed and wind direction from bird track data,” 

Apart from that, researchers believe that this new device will throw light on conservation efforts of animals and climatic change and its impact on animals.

Never get lost inside a building

GPS trackers and its functionalities are vast in outdoors. However, in indoors they are of not much use. But that’s all in the past, a company named LogicJunction has developed a technology through which your mobile device can help you navigate inside a huge complex building.

The software company uses magnetic footprints of buildings along with the sensors inside the phone to help its users.

The possibilities of GPS are endless. Their potential to an extent has been concentrated to a GPS tracker thus making it portable and powerful. Since the demand is high new innovations are bound to happen to GPS trackers which will undoubtedly make people’s lives easier than it is now.

Top 5 ways IOT (Internet of Things) Will Help in Fleet Management

Before we jump into the benefits of IOT in fleet management let’s discuss what’s IOT and why they are going to be next big thing?

According to Business Insider, by the end of 2020 24 billion internet connected device will be active around the globe.

Far-seeing the possibilities’ US government are planning to invest $8.8 Billon in the IOT market. The astonishing part about this investment is that previous year it was just around $1.1 Billion.


Since IOT is spreading like wildfire isn’t it obvious that it’s going to have a deep-rooted impact on each and every aspects of our day-to-day life?

The story is exactly the same when it comes to transportation and business related to it.

Let’s dig deep,

What exactly is IOT?

Precisely, IOT is the connection of your physical device to the internet. A physical device can be anything, computers, Smartphone’s, wearable’s, tablets, TV, kitchen equipment etc., literally it can be anything that’s confined to the digital world.

In short, these devices are exchanging data back and forth seamlessly so that they keep connected 24×7.

What sort of remarkable changes can IOT bring in transport safety?

WHO has released a shocking report on May 2017. According to the report, around 1.25 million people die each year owing to accidents.

The report clearly indicated that speeding is one of the major causes of accidents globally. However, it is true that speeding is entirely a personal choice. What IOT can do in this situation is that it can monitor as well as notify a driver upon his erratic behavior through connected transportation.

Quite simply, connected transportation means WIFI and other sensor-enabled vehicles that can exchange data with the internet.

By connecting a vehicle to the internet, issues such as bad weather, traffic congestion, and bad route can be foreseen in advance.

Above all, this kind of smart transportation initiatives can help create safer roads, lesser accidents and save a lot of money.

In the case of fleet business, since all the vehicles are connected, they will be secure, predictive as well as cost-effective.

To get an exact idea about how powerful IOT is going to be, Gartner has recently released a report in which they have estimated that by the end of 2020 quarter of billion cars will be connected.

Coming back to fleet management, IOT‘s use can’t be restricted to just tracking.

Their top 5 uses include,

1. Keep an eye on your driver behaviour

Drivers tend to stop the fleet vehicle multiple times causing disruption in the proposed time schedule. During these stops, they tend not to turn off their vehicle in fear of malfunction.

Another scenario is that drivers sometimes drive in a reckless manner causing potential danger to the passengers.

By installing a fleet management solution which supports IOT, all these behaviors can

Be monitored, that too continuously.

2. Helps in creating a green environment

Idling (not stopping the engine when the vehicle is at a short halt) is a menace when it comes to fleet business. They are often considered as not dangerous and left alone. However, researchers have found out that over a billion gallon of diesel is being wasted globally because of vehicle idling and more than 10 million ton of greenhouse gas is pumped into our atmosphere owing to it.

Read Also:“10 Future Transportation Methods That Will Change The Way We Travel”

By using a Transportation Management solution idling time can be closely monitored and notification can be given to the driver in real-time.

3. Check on the parts of your vehicle

With proper hardware installation, a fleet management system which is connected to the IOT can closely monitor engine and other parts which are subjected to wear and tear. For instance, imagine that your car battery level is low or engine is performing in an erratic way. A fleet management system can graph out this behaviour and compare it to the normal behaviour of your vehicle parts. If there is any irregularity, authorized personals can be informed, thus saving a vehicle from grave damages.

4. Get hold of the precious data

Data have always had godly power in our lives. In the case of a fleet, an enormous amount of data is sent to a vehicle management system with the help of IOT. This enormous quantity of data can be processed using the software-hardware system and come up with magnificent results that will assure efficiency of your fleet.

5. Save Money

Primary motto of any business would be to earn the profit. Same is the story in the case of a fleet business. However, there are certain factors which make fleet business risky. The most dangerous one would be the fuel consumption.

A fleet management system can track as well as compare data so that fuel can be saved. Prompting tax payment, notifying proper maintenance schedule, comparing expenditure etc. also helps a lot in saving money.