Future of Transportation – How Beneficial It Can Be

A few years ago, people preferred traveling by their vehicles, but it is changing now. With technological advances in transportation services, the urban population prefers to commute using public transport rather than private, paving way to the future of transportation.

After surveying 50 metropolitan cities around the globe, McKinsey found that if all people living start using public transportation, the air will turn pure and it’ll save as much as $600 billion.


The more the world progresses, the more people are going to be inclined towards technology. Considering the current technological advancements, here is how the future of transportation will look like:

1. Autonomous Driving

Driving consumes a lot of time, which you rather enjoy relaxing or working on the last minute project. Apart from clearing some time from your schedule, driverless cars will ensure access to mobility, cheaper transportation, and also reduces accidents.

Autonomous vehicles will work on blockchain technology. So instead of you going to pick up your mother from the airport, you can send your car.

2. Shared Mobility

Using vehicles as the need arises is the future of the traditional carpooling system. It makes more sense to use the vehicles for a shorter time than buying it. Today, Uber is worth around $600 billion and owns not a single car.

Future of transportation aims to remove middlemen like Uber and connect car owners to clients so that they get the entire profit. Such technology is being developed right now using blockchain.

3. Electric Vehicles

We all know that Tesla makes electric cars, but they are costly. Still, more electric vehicles are sold now than in 2011. 450,000 electric vehicles were sold in 2015 as compared to only 50,000 sold in 2011.

According to Bloomberg New Energy Finance, electric battery prices are going to fall below $100 per kilowatt-hour in the next ten years. The product will be cost and performance effective and superior to fuel-based vehicles.

4. Public Transportation

The EuroRail has changed the global map. You sleep in a different country and wake up in another. It is only the beginning because after this technology combines with the Internet of Things, it is going to make public transportation even more flexible and convenient.

If you in developing countries like India, the public transport in urban cities like Mumbai and Kolkata are still growing with metro rails sprouting everywhere connecting the city centers with exterior areas.

The future of transportation will not only get smarter technology-wise but also become bigger accommodating more people and reliable too.

5. Internet of Things

Infrastructure and vehicles will be used to generate data, which governments and companies will use to analyze data and find efficient ways to reduce traffic. It is ideal for making long-term transit plans.

6. Infrastructure

As per population studies by the United Nations Population Division, the population is going to increase by two thirds in 2050. With such a vast community, it is going to be challenging to manage traffic on roads, because there’s only so much they can accommodate.

Public transit infrastructure needs to be upgraded starting now. Also, people should be motivated to use cycles for going to nearby places, which can double as exercise. Reforms should be taken where people who use cycles and public transport will get tax rebates.

7. Decentralization of Energy Systems

Over the years, the cost of renewable energy will fall while the awareness will increase, making it one of the most used energy systems across the globe in the next 15 years.

It will increase the use of electric vehicles and make electricity cheaper and cleaner. Most house owners will have their charging points for electric vehicles. The energy will be generated using solar panels on the top of their houses.

8. Regulation

On a national level, the government will introduce incentives and tax rebates for people using electric vehicles. It won’t remain an urban phenomenon but will take over all levels of the countries. The government will promote larger public goals including cleaner air for the cities and reduce traffic.

All these trends depend on one another, and a lack of one can result in the poor implementation of another.

For example, if shared mobility dominates because of reduced costs of using driverless vehicles as compared to fuel-based vehicles, the pollution levels will come down drastically.

At this point, the government should encourage people to try the new technology since most of them will be apprehensive about doing so, which is understandable.

How Will The Future of Transportation Improve the City Life

Reinforcing integrated mobility systems will improve the city life, which is considered as hectic and monotonous. One of the first things that will be positively affected is the environment.

With higher use of public transport, electric and autonomous vehicles, health problems like premature birth, respiratory disorders, and cardiovascular can be brought down as the air will be more transparent of pollutants that cause them.

The traffic congestion won’t be stopped immediately, but you can see developing cities like Mumbai, Delhi, and Istanbul are working towards it. For example, Mumbai, a city in India is building a dense network of metros to reduce traffic and has been successful in its phase one.


The more the world progresses, the more people are going to be inclined towards technology. With the help of our blog hope you could understand how the future of transportation will look like.

Autonomous Vehicles – How Will It Change Public Transportation

It is said that autonomous vehicles are the future of transportation. There won’t be much time before autonomous vehicles take on the road and become a part of public transportation.

However, there is concern that it might lead to road congestion as more and more people resort to riding them. On the other hand, if they are used for public transport then autonomous vehicles can solve every bit of traffic problems that ever existed.


Using autonomous driving for public transport is not only cost efficient but also a way to avoid mishaps like harsh driving or inefficient fuel usage.

Autonomous vehicles are inevitably going to change a lot of things for everyone around. Here are some things that will happen when autonomous vehicles take over public transportation:

1. Less Traffic

While a few people argue that it might increase traffic, many believe that it will solve all traffic problems.

Even buses and trucks will work on the technology and will completely take road accidents out of the picture. It will also reduce traffic congestion because the vehicles will be able to drive side by side, without dashing into one another.

And apparently, since computers are better drivers than humans and are more systematic too, there won’t be random fights because one wasn’t driving well.

It is excellent news for the government since they’ll cover up the one percent gross domestic profit they lose because of traffic.

2. Shift in Ownership Model

A likely ownership model that might come along with the entry of autonomous vehicles is shared ownership model. Multiple people will own the same autonomous vehicle and will replace the private ownership model.

However, you can’t be confident enough that this will happen because every person who can afford will try to own an autonomous vehicle exclusively. This is where the government might need to step in and start some tax rebate for people sharing cars.

3. No More Driving Long Distances

Remember the time you drove for six hours straight and couldn’t feel your legs after getting out of the car?

Well, once autonomous vehicles are a reality, you wouldn’t have to worry about that. You can eat, watch movies, or sleep while the self-driving car takes you to your destination.

Also, it will cover a six-hour distance much faster than you, so you end up saving a lot of time.

4. Maybe an Urban Nightmare

It can be an urban nightmare if every family buys an autonomous car and go around shopping and on trips, it will only cause traffic congestion.

Since these vehicles will be electronics, it will cost a lot lower than fuel-based cars. People won’t have to spend money on refilling gasoline. All they will need to do is charge it overnight and they’ll be good to travel around.

The cost comes down a lot and is a one-time investment. People will be ready to put money at once. If anything goes as the situation described, then traffic will increase by 25 percent than right now.

5. Will Not be a Supplement

Autonomous vehicles aren’t a replacement for traffic congestion because it wouldn’t change much. More and more people will switch to autonomous vehicles for its low cost.

However, one can confidently say that self-driving cars will significantly reduce road accidents and increase safety.

Governments should start supplementing with autonomous vehicles at public transportation level. But they can’t expect that it will be a solution to all their traffic problems.

6. Combination of Sharing Services

Apart from sharing ownership of autonomous cars, ride-sharing like Uber and car-sharing scheme will take over the majority of the road. People won’t find it necessary to own a car when services like ride-sharing cost a lot lower than it does now.

What do Experts Think About Autonomous Vehicles

Christy Wegener, planning and operations director, LAVTA, feels that no one exactly knows the future. People are making assumptions and developing theories as they experiment and find new things.

They are as unknown to the technology as everyone else. Wegener said that there is fixed roadmap or tutorial to do it, so unless it is a reality, nothing much can’t be talked about it.

However, Wegener is confident about taking risks, and she praised the head of LAVTA for going ahead with the idea.

Government’s Take on It

One of the reasons LAVTA hasn’t tested its autonomous vehicle technology on the roads if because the federal government hasn’t given them the authority to do so.

Along with LAVTA, many other companies are stuck in the same situation including CCTA. They are waiting for the US House Subcommittee on Highways and Transit to give them the approval.

Both companies only have two options. One is getting a waiver from the US Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Other is they don’t need any waiver to do so. Just recently, the House Digital Commerce and Consumer Protection subcommittee announced that they pushed the US government to clear the guidelines as that would permit driverless vehicles to debut on the road.

In the end, as common people, we all are very excited about watching this new technology development. As millennials, we’ve seen the internet become a reality, watched a Nokia phone grow into a full-screen touch smartphone, and now autonomous vehicles.

Public transit is every city’s backbone and developing it gives everyone an opportunity to experience science at its best.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, the technology is going to be sustainable, beneficial to the national economy, and a significant step towards the limitless future.