How Employee Transport Management is Revolutionizing Employee Transportation

There are basically two types of employee transportation. The first type is for the employees traveling to and from work and the second type is for client visits, conference visits, and business visits. Over the last decade, organizations began to provide free or subsidized employee transport as one of the perks for employees.


What started as a perk for employees has now become essential in many organizations. In this blog, we will trace the development and transformation of the employee transportation system over the years. And look into how the transport management system is revolutionizing employee transportation.

The Early Days of Employee Transportation

Initially, companies started offering transportation to encourage candidates to choose the company and reduce attrition. But soon organizations realized that there were many more benefits in providing employee transportation. Moreover, multinational companies or organizations that were catering to North American or European clients needed to have odd-hour shifts.

Public transportation was not available during such times. It then becomes necessary for companies to arrange safe and reliable transportation for employees. As the need and benefits began to grow, employee transportation became one of the horizontals of the organization.

Read Also: Say Hello to Optimized Employee Transport Management: Here’s Why!

In the early days, company transportation was highly unorganized with the company’s HR or Admin team managing the employees’ daily commutes. However, as the demand for transportation grew, the private transportation sector becomes more organized.

Transportation agencies started to increase their fleet sizes to keep pace with the demand. This growth, in turn, led to the development of fleet management software solutions that help in operating and managing huge fleets. At the same time, the increased dependence on employee transportation also brought in many challenges to the company.

Challenges that Organisations Face in Transport Management

One of the biggest challenges is the cost. The cost of investing in a fleet, maintenance, and fleet management is very high. Some companies manage the expenses by charging employees a subsidized price for availing the transportation system. But even then, the expenses are high.


These days many organizations try to cut down the costs by outsourcing employee transportation services to a third-party service provider. But outsourcing comes with its own set of challenges, the top being the security of the employees. Another challenge is ensuring that the safety regulations and compliance to government regulations regarding employee transportation are followed.

A major challenge is managing the fleet, whether the transportation is being managed inhouse or outsourced. The fleet manager has a lot of responsibilities, including creating the list of employees who need transportation, planning the routes, and scheduling the pickups and drops.

The average headcount of a company is nearly 1000, give or take a few hundred. All the employees don’t work in the same shift. Also, they travel from different parts of the city. This means that the transportation manager needs to consider parameters such as employee count, shift details, location, best route and cost factor before organising the logistics. Manually managing such large numbers can be a huge challenge for anyone.

Plus, as the fleet sizes started to grow and the challenges began to increase, companies turned to software applications for an effective solution. It led to the development of fleet management and employee transportation management software platforms.

Read Also: Employee Transportation Software Facts to Check Before You Choose

The Emergence of the Employee Transport Management Systems
The transportation management systems are bringing about a revolution in employee transportation. They not only help in automating various tasks involved in transport management, but also help ensure the safety of the employees.

Build a database

The software application takes care of one of the huge tasks of transportation managers – building a database. The application allows you to easily enter large volumes of data collected in an excel spreadsheet or other formats.


Once the database updated is in the application, it automatically classifies and sorts employees based on location and shift. It makes it easy for transport managers to plan routes and pickup/drop points.

Seamless fleet management

As we discussed earlier, it is difficult to manually plan and organise transportation for 1000s of employees. The fleet management system automates the entire process once the key details are entered. The software also has an option for the fleet manager to update the trip manifest based on current situations, traffic conditions, and such.

Ensures secure transportation

The fleet management solution also addresses one of the major challenges of providing employee transportation – security of the employees. The application automatically monitors the data obtained from the GPS trackers installed in the vehicles. So, you get real-time updates on the location and the trip status.

Secondly, the application lets you set up a geo fence based on the trip details and location. If the vehicle travels beyond this virtual boundary, the admin and other key persons will immediately get alerts. The responsible authorities can then contact the employees to find out if there is anything untoward happening or if there is any emergency.

Read Also: Role of Geofencing in Employee Transportation

The employees can get the trip details, driver details, as well as approximate pickup or drop time on the app. So, the employee need not wait for a long time at the pickup point. Also, the employee can update the ‘reached safely’ status in the app once they reach home/drop point. This feature is more important when employees are travelling during non-social hours.


From being unorganized to becoming automated, the employee transportation management system has come a long way. As the needs and demands change, the software application will also be updated and upgraded. However, the fact is that this automated system has helped solve many of the problems that fleet managers face while managing employee transportation system.

Fleet managers don’t need to spend a lot of time on the repetitive tasks that can be automated. So, they can focus on developing the fleet and building a better customer relationship. If you are looking for a customized and easy-to-use employee transportation management solution, contact us.

11 Building Blocks of An Effective Employee Transport Solution

One of the perks that employees will like to get from a company is transportation. Yes, organizing safe and convenient transportation is a great motivator. Employees will feel happier that they don’t need to battle public transportation every day when they come to work.


At the same time, the management will see good improvement in employee morale and productivity. So, having an employee transportation solution will be a win-win solution for everyone. Let’s look more into the building blocks of an effective employee transportation solution.

The Building Blocks of an Effective Employee Transport Solution

1. Database

When you’re setting up an employee transportation system, the first thing you need to do is build a database of all the employee details such as pickup and drop points, shift timings, and such. It would be best if you can have all the details in an excel spreadsheet that you can directly upload to the software application.

To reduce confusion and make your data collection easier, it would be better if you have a list of locations from which your employees can choose the nearest location. Otherwise, you will end up with all kinds of locations, which can make mapping very difficult.

2. Types of Transportation

Based on the number of employees, you need to decide on the type of vehicle for transportation. If you have just 4 or 5 employees traveling from a particular area, you can have a sedan or an SUV.

However, if there are many employees coming from a particular locality and you can cover other areas on the route to the office, you can have a larger vehicle like a minivan or a bus.

3. Optimized Routes

Planning the best route goes hand in hand with deciding on the type of transportation. Once, you’ve got the database updated, you can find out the number of people from each locality.

Then based on the traffic, factors like construction, or the presence of a railway gate, you can plan an optimized route. While planning the route, care needs to be taken so that the routes don’t overlap. Also, you should also ensure that the distance traveled is minimal.

4. Real-time Tracking

If you want your employee transportation solution to be effective, then it is best to have real-time tracking. You can use a GPS tracker for this purpose. The tracker will allow you to monitor the vehicle movement at all times. Real-time tracking will also enhance employee safety.

5. Mobility

The employee transportation application that you use should be mobile compatible. The software should have different dashboards for employees, drivers, and logistics managers.


The mobile app for employees should provide pertinent information like route, expected pickup time, drop time, route details, vehicle details, and driver information.

The app dashboard for drivers should give them details of the route, expected pickup timings as well as the number of employees at each pickup point. The manager’s dashboard should have all the information as well as the real-time tracking stats.

6. Notifications

One of the important features that an effective employee transport solution needs to have is notifications and alerts. The software application should give notifications and updates regarding route and pickup points to the driver.

The employee should be able to receive alerts when the vehicle is near their pickup point. Also, if the vehicle goes out of the virtual boundary, alerts need to be sent to the concerned persons. We will be looking more into geofencing later in this blog.

7. Vehicle diagnostics monitoring

The app should also allow you to monitor the fuel usage, distance traveled as well as the repairs and services. Optimized routes are planned such that there are a minimal number of dry runs.

Based on the distance traveled and the kind of vehicle, you can easily calculate the supposed fuel spend. The app should also keep track of regular maintenance, spare parts replacement, and repairs. It should also alert you when it’s time to renew the registration or go for an FC.

8. Day-to-day planning & monitoring

Employees may not always work in the same shifts. Also, employees may request different pickup and drop points sometimes. It is essential to have a transport management system that takes all these into account and allows for changes and updates.


You should be able to do day-to-day planning and monitoring without affecting the overall performance of the transportation management system.

9. Overview of employee attendance

The employee transportation management solution should help you keep track of the employee’s cab-in attendance and vehicle dispatch. Often there could be a change in the number of employees and vehicles because of multiple shifts. This attendance will help you keep track of the daily variation.

10. Reports

Reports are one of the most important building blocks of an effective employee transport solution. The data presented in the reports will give you precise information about the system’s performance.

Also, it will help you identify areas of improvement, which can help make your employee transportation system more effective. Details such as daily run reports, trip manifest, distance traveled, real-time updates and such can also help you prepare your monthly or quarterly reports to be submitted to the management.

11. Geofencing

Geofence is an important feature that an effective employee transport solution needs to have. This GPS-based tracking feature creates a virtual boundary based on the route and the locations.

If the vehicles exit this geofence, the app immediately raises an alert. The concerned persons can immediately check to see if there are any problems or identify the reason for going beyond the boundary. This feature helps enhance employee safety during the commute.


We build innovative solutions using advanced technologies. Improve your employee transportation with our customized software application. Our software solution easily integrates with your existing system and helps streamline employee logistics. To know more about our employee transportation solutions, contact us.