Will Employee Satisfaction and Corporate Transport Management Go Hand-in-Hand

Job satisfaction is essential for employees to contribute to the growth of any organization. Satisfied employees remain motivated and hence the employee turnover will be very low. All employers are faced with the challenge of increasing employee job satisfaction levels with corporate transport management so that their businesses continue to enjoy a competitive advantage.

According to a survey carried out by the Conference Board, only 45 percent of the employees in America are satisfied with their current jobs. In over 22 years of the survey, this is by far the lowest level.


Changing customer demands have placed immense pressure on employers like never before. Employers have to maintain productivity, profitability, and keep their workforce satisfied and engaged with their jobs. Businesses that fail to focus on employee job satisfaction are at the risk of losing talented individuals to their competitors.

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Of course, employee satisfaction is not limited to compensation alone. A salary raise or a new perk will improve employee contentment, but there are other aspects that organizations need to take into account.

Giving More Control to Employees

An employee’s happiness is dependent on the amount of control he/she has over his/her life. As such, it pays for employers to look for ways and means to give more control over their schedules, work habits, and/or environment to their employees.


For example,

most employees prefer to work for employers that offer flexible time schedules. This is because today’s employees have to deal with demanding schedules outside of their work. Many people, therefore, prefer to work with a boss who appreciates work-life balance. This is to say that customized schedules help to improve employee satisfaction.

Easing Commuting Stress

A survey carried out by the Census Bureau in the US showed that more than 86 percent of the workers above 16 years drive to work. They either drive alone or use carpooling. Bad commutes are one of the major sources of unhappiness. People feel frustrated, stressed, and powerless.

Therefore, employers must consider ways to reduce commuting stress. Some of the options include staggering work times to help them avoid heavy traffic. By reviewing the work start and end times employers can determine the specific times as well as the number of employees needed during those times.

Additionally, it makes sense for organizations to review their late arrival policies. If people who arrive late are severely reprimanded, they will experience more stress, especially if they have a bad commute. This affects their productivity and attitude towards the organization.

Employee Transport Vehicle Fleet

Organizations wherein people work in dynamic shifts, need to meet clients, or achieve project deadlines often have fleets of vehicles. This is to avoid wasting a significant amount of time in finding public transport or waiting for pickups whenever they have to commute for office work.

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Waiting in queues for long periods or having no information as regards the arrival of the pickup vehicle often causes anxiety and worries to employees. This, in turn, affects their productivity. That’s why many organizations maintain fleets of different types of vehicles for picking up and dropping off employees to and from the workplace and for other work-related commutes.

Though flexible work schedules and telecommuting have been implemented in many companies around the world to fix the commuting problems, the average commute time has only increased over the past few years.

According to research studies across 1,360 cities in as many as 38 countries, traffic congestion is a common phenomenon. On average, drivers spend 9 percent of their travel time, driving at just 14.4 kilometers per hour (8.9 miles per hour) because of traffic congestion. It does not matter whether an individual is driving his/her car or traveling as a passenger, traffic congestion increases the commute time.

In the United States of America, by far the most developed country in the world, the average time for a one-way commute is about 26.1 minutes. In India, people spend 7 percent of the day to reach their respective offices and in Europe, the commute time has become such a pressing issue that laws for compensating workers for their official travel time are being considered.

Apart from affecting employees, commute hampers business as follows:

• Missed Workdays
• Difficulty in Hiring
• High Attrition Rates
• Increased Error Rates
• Less Productivity
• Revenue Loss

Investing In Technology For Employee Transport

Organizations that maintain fleets of vehicles for employee transport need to invest in technology not only to enhance employee satisfaction but also to improve their bottom line.

This is because transport automation systems help organizations overcome challenges and provide seamless solutions for facilitating employee transportation. Technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, cloud computing, and automation offer a set of benefits to employees and organizations. Some of the key benefits are mentioned below.

Enhanced Employee Safety

One of the key benefits offered by company-sponsored transport systems is the security and safety of employees, especially women. Transport automation systems often come with security features such as built-in panic buttons, SOS calls, real-time vehicle tracking, driver profiles, and number masking.


These systems also come with one-click options so that employees can notify the employers when they board cabs and/or reach their destination. Thus, technology enables organizations to ensure the utmost security to their employees and avoid untoward incidents which often damage an organization’s reputation.

Increased Employee Productivity

Technology-based corporate transport management systems contribute a great deal toward enhancing employee satisfaction by eliminating commuting stress.

Such systems resolve issues such as the late arrival of employees at the workplace by streamlining cab pick-ups or multiple pick-ups from locations outside the shortest route. This contributes to improving employee productivity.

Automated transport management systems employ innovative technologies to predict the number of employees traveling on a specific route by factoring in cancellations and identify the least traffic as well as shortest routes depending on the time of the day. Employees who reach on time to and from work enjoy better work-life balance.

Monitoring Driver Behavior

Corporate transport management systems allow companies to incorporate driver profiles into their database so that detailed information about them can be easily accessed. Besides, these systems come with an efficient feedback system.

Read Also: Role of Geofencing in Employee Transportation

Employees can rate drivers and leave comments as regards their driving skills and behavior. Further, advanced technological systems allow companies to keep track of aspects such as driving speeds and rash driving. All these features contribute to enhancing employee satisfaction & corporate transport management syncing up together.

Reduces Financial Burden

Traditional or manually-managed corporate transportation systems often incur financial losses at many levels. The main reason is ill-planned routes.

Corporate transport management systems that employ technology determine costs based on kilometers covered from point-to-point. This enables corporates to save a considerable amount of money.

Saves Human Effort

An automated corporate transport management system helps cut down labor costs and improves operational inefficiency. Automated systems enable simple rostering, fleet deployment, fleet planning, and billing services. In addition, they keep track of employee boarding/de-boarding information and driver trip-sheets through either web- or mobile-based applications.

Furthermore, the data and analytical information collected daily from employees, drivers, and transport managers enable companies to further improve efficiency and keep employees happy.


Companies that focus on reducing the commute stress of their employees will have happier people working for them. They will be more productive and contribute to the growth of the organization. As such, employee satisfaction and corporate transport management always go hand-in-hand.

11 Building Blocks of An Effective Employee Transport Solution

One of the perks that employees will like to get from a company is transportation. Yes, organizing safe and convenient transportation is a great motivator. Employees will feel happier that they don’t need to battle public transportation every day when they come to work.


At the same time, the management will see good improvement in employee morale and productivity. So, having an employee transportation solution will be a win-win solution for everyone. Let’s look more into the building blocks of an effective employee transportation solution.

The Building Blocks of an Effective Employee Transport Solution

1. Database

When you’re setting up an employee transportation system, the first thing you need to do is build a database of all the employee details such as pickup and drop points, shift timings, and such. It would be best if you can have all the details in an excel spreadsheet that you can directly upload to the software application.

To reduce confusion and make your data collection easier, it would be better if you have a list of locations from which your employees can choose the nearest location. Otherwise, you will end up with all kinds of locations, which can make mapping very difficult.

2. Types of Transportation

Based on the number of employees, you need to decide on the type of vehicle for transportation. If you have just 4 or 5 employees traveling from a particular area, you can have a sedan or an SUV.

However, if there are many employees coming from a particular locality and you can cover other areas on the route to the office, you can have a larger vehicle like a minivan or a bus.

3. Optimized Routes

Planning the best route goes hand in hand with deciding on the type of transportation. Once, you’ve got the database updated, you can find out the number of people from each locality.

Then based on the traffic, factors like construction, or the presence of a railway gate, you can plan an optimized route. While planning the route, care needs to be taken so that the routes don’t overlap. Also, you should also ensure that the distance traveled is minimal.

4. Real-time Tracking

If you want your employee transportation solution to be effective, then it is best to have real-time tracking. You can use a GPS tracker for this purpose. The tracker will allow you to monitor the vehicle movement at all times. Real-time tracking will also enhance employee safety.

5. Mobility

The employee transportation application that you use should be mobile compatible. The software should have different dashboards for employees, drivers, and logistics managers.


The mobile app for employees should provide pertinent information like route, expected pickup time, drop time, route details, vehicle details, and driver information.

The app dashboard for drivers should give them details of the route, expected pickup timings as well as the number of employees at each pickup point. The manager’s dashboard should have all the information as well as the real-time tracking stats.

6. Notifications

One of the important features that an effective employee transport solution needs to have is notifications and alerts. The software application should give notifications and updates regarding route and pickup points to the driver.

The employee should be able to receive alerts when the vehicle is near their pickup point. Also, if the vehicle goes out of the virtual boundary, alerts need to be sent to the concerned persons. We will be looking more into geofencing later in this blog.

7. Vehicle diagnostics monitoring

The app should also allow you to monitor the fuel usage, distance traveled as well as the repairs and services. Optimized routes are planned such that there are a minimal number of dry runs.

Based on the distance traveled and the kind of vehicle, you can easily calculate the supposed fuel spend. The app should also keep track of regular maintenance, spare parts replacement, and repairs. It should also alert you when it’s time to renew the registration or go for an FC.

8. Day-to-day planning & monitoring

Employees may not always work in the same shifts. Also, employees may request different pickup and drop points sometimes. It is essential to have a transport management system that takes all these into account and allows for changes and updates.


You should be able to do day-to-day planning and monitoring without affecting the overall performance of the transportation management system.

9. Overview of employee attendance

The employee transportation management solution should help you keep track of the employee’s cab-in attendance and vehicle dispatch. Often there could be a change in the number of employees and vehicles because of multiple shifts. This attendance will help you keep track of the daily variation.

10. Reports

Reports are one of the most important building blocks of an effective employee transport solution. The data presented in the reports will give you precise information about the system’s performance.

Also, it will help you identify areas of improvement, which can help make your employee transportation system more effective. Details such as daily run reports, trip manifest, distance traveled, real-time updates and such can also help you prepare your monthly or quarterly reports to be submitted to the management.

11. Geofencing

Geofence is an important feature that an effective employee transport solution needs to have. This GPS-based tracking feature creates a virtual boundary based on the route and the locations.

If the vehicles exit this geofence, the app immediately raises an alert. The concerned persons can immediately check to see if there are any problems or identify the reason for going beyond the boundary. This feature helps enhance employee safety during the commute.


We build innovative solutions using advanced technologies. Improve your employee transportation with our customized software application. Our software solution easily integrates with your existing system and helps streamline employee logistics. To know more about our employee transportation solutions, contact us.