Employee Transport Automation – How Your Company Can Gain From It

One of the major expenses for many of the large and medium sized businesses is the one incurred for transportation. This may be in terms of ferrying people or goods.

As a company expands its operations more employees join the force and transportation costs tend to increase and the whole process becomes complicated to handle.


All the transportation operations are done under the same umbrella. This might be the transport desk under the facilities department. In many cases the company is unclear about the various financial and operational metrics associated with the transportation sector.

Benefits of Employee Transport Automation

Employee Transport Automation systems are the future of industrial transportation. A good system aims to make the transportation moving and compact. Let us have a look through the benefits of making employee transportation automated.

1. Saves Labour One of the biggest advantages of automation system is that it saves labour. Extra labour that is used for manage employee transportation can be avoided when an automated system takes its place.

A manual system will take up more time and labour to make the transportation system happen. Businesses can avoid the extra labour and resort to an automated system that takes care of transportation by itself.

2. Avoids Data Manipulation – Unlike a manual system in which data is tracked manually and is presented as a worksheet to the management, an automated system generates a report that is easily comprehended.

Moreover there are chances that there are intentional or unintentional manipulation of the data that help make decisions regarding employee transportation.

By using an automated the entire workflow is digitally managed with scope for complete audit trail. This makes sure that there is no scope for data manipulation.

3. Operational and Financial MetricsWith the dashboard and analytics in the automated system management can stay at the pinnacle of financial as well as operational metrics.

These facilities can give the management a better idea of the operation and expenses incurred for handling the transportation facilities.

4. Better DecisionsBy analyzing the reports that are generated by the transportation software, better decision can be made regarding the route of the vehicles.

The best shortest route with less traffic can be assessed and can be selected for the fleet. This reduces the cost of travel and also the money spent for it. With better decisions better performance can be achieved.

5. Employee Productivity Routes can be simplified and the travel time reduced which in turn helps employees save their precious time. Anyhow what matter is not just the time, but it helps not to take a toll on the employees’ health and productivity.

On time arrival and departure helps with the employees’ productivity too. With better control and tracking, an automated employee system makes it possible for the employees to arrive in time which in turn increase the productivity as they reach in time.

6. Safer TransportWith the organization providing transportation, employees feel more secure and safe. The company is obliged to ensure the safety of the employees. Employees will be transported in safe and secure way when robust transport management software is used.

7. Increased Customer Service Not only does an automated system transport employees to and from home, it also takes care of customers by reaching out to them.

It is a fact that companies don’t want to lose even one of their customers. Auto pick-up and auto dispatch will make sure that you have a constant rapport with your customers.

8. Integrate with Existing Enterprise Applications A good employee transport automation system can be integrated with other enterprise applications that already exist.

ERP software can be assimilated with transportation system to get reports on how well the system is performing. You can know about the return on investment from the automated system.

9. Eliminate Dry Runs – Fuel costs are one important factor that transport managers are concerned about. There are too many unwanted dry runs that can waste precious fuel.

A good automated system will make sure that optimum use of fuel is ensured. Faulty route planning and absence of a good transportation system for employees are the main reasons why fuel is wasted.

10. Monitor Driver BehaviourWith the use of automated software you can monitor the behaviour of your drivers. There are even options to rank the driver according to the satisfaction level of the employees.

Over speeding or sudden braking can be reported to the management by the use of applications exclusively for the employees.


It is essential for companies to maintain a good transportation management system. This ensures their comfort and safety. To make this happen a good automated system needs to be in place.

Increased productivity and on time arrival and departure are some of the benefits of having an  employee transport automation system. If used well it can save a lot on transportation costs.

Other than that the company can get reports that can be used well to make important decisions.