Corporate Carpooling – Save on Transportation Costs

If many of you don’t know what carpooling is it is sharing the same vehicle by a number of people to commute to the same place. Imagine you are working in a corporate company and many of your colleagues live nearby where you live. You can co-ordinate with them to share a ride to the office. This is corporate carpooling.

It can also be an arrangement between a group of vehicle owners to take drives in turn to drive their children to and fro from a particular place. More than one person sharing a ride is the main aim for car pooling.


However carpooling is not popular among people who spent more time at office, older workers. In this blog we will discuss about the benefits of car sharing and how it simplifies the journey to work and back.

Corporate Carpooling and its Benefits

As you can guess, carpooling is popular because it has so many advantages. Let us look at how carpooling benefits its users.

1. Saves Fuel – When more than one person uses the same vehicle to travel to the same destination or other destinations nearby it saves a lot of fuel. If the same people use different cars to commute to their destination double or triple the amount of fuels will be spent for the purpose of travel. When you look at the monthly savings that you have made you will be amazed at how much fuel you have saved by sharing your ride with your friends.

2. Saves Money – As you already know that the fuel is saved and along with it the money spent for it. The money that you have saved from sharing your ride will be a significant amount. Also if there is a toll on the way to the destination it can also be saved. Only one car needs to pay for the toll.

3. Less Pollution – Just like the fuel is saved so is there a saving on the carbon footprints. With the increase in air pollution these days carpool can be a blessing towards the environment. If you are a rational thinker you will understand the health benefits that you get from creating less pollution.

4. Reduces Traffic – The lesser the cars on the road the lesser the traffic. If more than one or two people share the same vehicle it reduces the number of cars in the street. Sharing your ride with other people or sharing a ride with others helps to decrease the number of cars on the road. It combats the traffic congestion and is thus beneficial to you and others as well.

5. Reduce the Stress of Driving – Although many of us enjoy driving, it can be stressful in case we are riding through heavy traffic. Carpooling helps to take turns while driving to work or taking children to school. You can read books, listen to music or look out the window while you are not riding the car.

6. Make New Friends – Carpooling is a great way to socialize with your friends travelling with you in the vehicle. It gives the time and opportunity to make new friends and take your time off. Enjoy the ride while you are not driving the vehicle. Even while you are driving you can still talk to your friends and make the ride more interesting.

7. Convenience – You can use your free time to prepare for a presentation at office, plan your day, or eat your breakfast while you are on the go. In some places there are special lanes for carpooling by which you can avoid congested roads. There are spaces designated for carpooling vehicles which makes it easier to park your vehicle.

8. Safety – Driving with other people is not just economic but also safer. You will have a sense of security travelling with other people. In case there is an attempted theft you will be accompanied by other people.

But at the same time you won’t have flexibility with your schedules and activities. You might be carpooling with different people in your area that might be reaching at office or commuting from office at different timings.

This might hinder your plans for a day. There is also an issue of privacy if you are an introverted person. If you are that kind of person who likes to be alone with your thoughts carpooling is not the thing for you.

Also the designated driver is responsible for other passengers. This also means the safety of others who are riding with him.

Final Thoughts

Keep aside all this carpooling is still an important move to reduce our addiction to oil. The advantages of corporate carpooling surpass the disadvantages that it has.

In the near future we will consume all the oil in the world not to mention the pollution caused by it. So weighing the good things that it offers it is definitely a good move for mankind.

Future of Transportation – How Beneficial It Can Be

A few years ago, people preferred traveling by their vehicles, but it is changing now. With technological advances in transportation services, the urban population prefers to commute using public transport rather than private, paving way to the future of transportation.

After surveying 50 metropolitan cities around the globe, McKinsey found that if all people living start using public transportation, the air will turn pure and it’ll save as much as $600 billion.


The more the world progresses, the more people are going to be inclined towards technology. Considering the current technological advancements, here is how the future of transportation will look like:

1. Autonomous Driving

Driving consumes a lot of time, which you rather enjoy relaxing or working on the last minute project. Apart from clearing some time from your schedule, driverless cars will ensure access to mobility, cheaper transportation, and also reduces accidents.

Autonomous vehicles will work on blockchain technology. So instead of you going to pick up your mother from the airport, you can send your car.

2. Shared Mobility

Using vehicles as the need arises is the future of the traditional carpooling system. It makes more sense to use the vehicles for a shorter time than buying it. Today, Uber is worth around $600 billion and owns not a single car.

Future of transportation aims to remove middlemen like Uber and connect car owners to clients so that they get the entire profit. Such technology is being developed right now using blockchain.

3. Electric Vehicles

We all know that Tesla makes electric cars, but they are costly. Still, more electric vehicles are sold now than in 2011. 450,000 electric vehicles were sold in 2015 as compared to only 50,000 sold in 2011.

According to Bloomberg New Energy Finance, electric battery prices are going to fall below $100 per kilowatt-hour in the next ten years. The product will be cost and performance effective and superior to fuel-based vehicles.

4. Public Transportation

The EuroRail has changed the global map. You sleep in a different country and wake up in another. It is only the beginning because after this technology combines with the Internet of Things, it is going to make public transportation even more flexible and convenient.

If you in developing countries like India, the public transport in urban cities like Mumbai and Kolkata are still growing with metro rails sprouting everywhere connecting the city centers with exterior areas.

The future of transportation will not only get smarter technology-wise but also become bigger accommodating more people and reliable too.

5. Internet of Things

Infrastructure and vehicles will be used to generate data, which governments and companies will use to analyze data and find efficient ways to reduce traffic. It is ideal for making long-term transit plans.

6. Infrastructure

As per population studies by the United Nations Population Division, the population is going to increase by two thirds in 2050. With such a vast community, it is going to be challenging to manage traffic on roads, because there’s only so much they can accommodate.

Public transit infrastructure needs to be upgraded starting now. Also, people should be motivated to use cycles for going to nearby places, which can double as exercise. Reforms should be taken where people who use cycles and public transport will get tax rebates.

7. Decentralization of Energy Systems

Over the years, the cost of renewable energy will fall while the awareness will increase, making it one of the most used energy systems across the globe in the next 15 years.

It will increase the use of electric vehicles and make electricity cheaper and cleaner. Most house owners will have their charging points for electric vehicles. The energy will be generated using solar panels on the top of their houses.

8. Regulation

On a national level, the government will introduce incentives and tax rebates for people using electric vehicles. It won’t remain an urban phenomenon but will take over all levels of the countries. The government will promote larger public goals including cleaner air for the cities and reduce traffic.

All these trends depend on one another, and a lack of one can result in the poor implementation of another.

For example, if shared mobility dominates because of reduced costs of using driverless vehicles as compared to fuel-based vehicles, the pollution levels will come down drastically.

At this point, the government should encourage people to try the new technology since most of them will be apprehensive about doing so, which is understandable.

How Will The Future of Transportation Improve the City Life

Reinforcing integrated mobility systems will improve the city life, which is considered as hectic and monotonous. One of the first things that will be positively affected is the environment.

With higher use of public transport, electric and autonomous vehicles, health problems like premature birth, respiratory disorders, and cardiovascular can be brought down as the air will be more transparent of pollutants that cause them.

The traffic congestion won’t be stopped immediately, but you can see developing cities like Mumbai, Delhi, and Istanbul are working towards it. For example, Mumbai, a city in India is building a dense network of metros to reduce traffic and has been successful in its phase one.


The more the world progresses, the more people are going to be inclined towards technology. With the help of our blog hope you could understand how the future of transportation will look like.

10 Things That Can Go Wrong in Employee Transportation

There are a lot of things to take into perspective while you are part of an organization’s management team. The more the employees of the company, the more responsibilities to be taken care of. Employee benefits and well being inside the company is one of the major factors to be considered in the employee transportation service.


Here are a few points to be pondered while discussing employee transportation.

1. What if the employee does not turn up?

The situation mentioned above is aplenty. This happens when the assigned company’s cab/bus driver is not informed of the employee’s absence.

A situation wherein a driver has to go all the way to pick up just a single employee from a remote location and when he/she does not show up is bad. Commuter benefits are being misused here also resulting in revenue loss.

2.  Misbehavior towards employees

At times if there is a shortage of staff buses, the company may resort to bus rental services from an external vendor. Many of them would obviously be on a temporary basis. There are chances that the drivers of these bus rental services might misbehave with the employees.

3.  Reckless driving

Alcohol inflicted driving is more common among temporary staffs. Consider the case of bus rental services in case of shortage with the permanent cab or company bus drivers. This seriously affects the employee environment and makes a dent in the scheme of affairs.

4.  Poor handling of daily shifts

The human resource team and in general the manager would be responsible for allocating the proper time shifts for the transportation based on the employee time shifts.

Especially when it comes to the lady staffs, security and proper planning is an inevitable factor. A foolproof system has to be implemented without trial and error methods since a small fault can tarnish the company’s reputation.

5. Depending on pen & paper

With the advent of digital technologies, it would be non-pragmatic to resort to using pen and paper to track down the routes & schedules.

Implementing a web-based solution integrated with the HR management system of the company to track down the assigned routes, drivers, the name of employees to be traveling on the designated vehicles would be a good choice.

Implementing a mobile-based GPS solution would be very handy for both the drivers and the employees. The employees need to be ready only when the cabs or bus are nearby their locations.

These could act as one of the better commuter benefits while thinking on the whole perspective of employee transportation service.

6.  Employee productivity

While dealing with employee transportation, the key thing to be tackled is employee productivity. This could take a heavy toll if timings are improper or if a driver does not show up at the right time.

The revenue leakage, if the commuter management is not done properly would cost the company dearly.

7.  Traffic congestion

Dealing with traffic is one of the most difficult issues when it comes to transportation. If the management can tackle it efficiently, then half of your employee transportation conundrum is solved.

Heavy traffic can seriously mess up the whole schedule. It can affect employee productivity resulting in extended work hours to meet tight deadlines. Most of the companies have started offering ’work from home options’ in case of heavy traffic days.

Drivers have to be made aware of the traffic situation pre-hand. With the help of applications like Google maps and Waze, rerouting and locating heavy traffic timings can be done in a jiffy. Planning the rides accordingly could save a lot of time and revenue for the company.

8.  Maintenance

Cabs and buses should be maintained in proper working conditions so they remain mechanically efficient, and the devices, such as global positioning system (GPS) function properly.

Vehicles such as buses with large seating capacity must be thoroughly monitored by a competent examiner and reports kept. Planned monitoring is a critical part of preventive maintenance.

These include daily safety drills carried out by drivers, staff and proper maintenance monitoring based on time, mileage and performance.

Drivers and the accompanying staff should be provided with a checklist of the daily inspections to be signed off at the start of each shift. This should be monitored to ensure the checks are carried out properly.

9.  Driver inaccessible

A situation wherein the driver’s phone is switched off or unreachable when the employee calls will create a sense of uneasiness,

Especially when the employee has not located where the driver of the company cab or bus is. The driver either has to keep an extra phone that has to be supplied by the company or the employee has to be notified by the management authorities that the cab has been dispatched to pick him up.

10.  Rude employee behavior

There are situations wherein a frustrated employee might take out his anger on the staff handling the employee transportation. This is better to be avoided. Always maintain the courteous behavior while traveling inside company cab or bus.