10 Accurate Predictions From Movies About Transportation

Tech portrayed in Sci-fi transportation movie has always been ahead of time when compared to the existing technology, especially futuristic ones. But where do they draw the inspiration to portray the future in such bizarre/ jaw-dropping/brilliant way?

Ideas from scientists, sci-fi novelists and visionary architects have always had their influence. Above all, the incredible mind has played its part too.

When it comes to the technology used in all these transportation movie, the sky has always been the limit.

But the question here is. Is it entirely fictional? Or is it conveying an idea about the future technology that is about to arrive soon?

Absolutely not! Some ideas are so brilliant and innovative that they actually came to be true.


Some of them are waiting to be in the future.

Let’s have a look

1. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)

Directed by the visionary, Stanley Kubrick the movie set a benchmark when it comes to sci-fi movies. The movie featured a lot of tech-based innovations which were so well-thought that it came to be true later on.

Speaking about transportation system used in the movie, the most important and significant one was the pan-am space clipper. This space plane depicted in the movie has the ability to take passengers from our planet to a space station (Space Station V).

Years later, space shuttle came to be true when Russia launched a low-earth space shuttle on April 9, 1971. Transportation to the space station came to be true in the year 1971 when NASA launched their first orbiter in the space shuttle system OV-101 out of a modified Boeing 747.

2. Star Wars (1977)

The cult classic Star Wars began its journey in the year 1977 and is continuing. The movie has managed to continuously astonish people with its jaw-dropping visual effects. Apart from the visual effects, Star Wars has always been praised for the creativity that is being put behind the cinema in setting the mood for the audience.

Among the various technologies depicted in the movie, the most sought-after technology was the land speeders. The hovering car concept, although featured in many movies, the most noted one was the one in Star Wars.

In one of the recent events hosted by Renault, a new concept car was unveiled by Yunchen Chai. It is a hovering car which is the winner of the car of the future design. Yes, hovering cars is not very far from realization. Let us look forward to flying over the roads very soon.

3. Blade Runner (1982)

Directed by Ridley Scott, it is a neo-noir science fiction which portrays Harrison Ford as a cop who is in pursuit of fugitives that escape back to earth from off world colonies. A classic, which has no equal.

I’m sure all of us have dreamed about flying, not on airplanes, but on our very own cars. How great it would be if we could avoid the traffic and hover above other vehicles? This movie has depicted that fascination about flying a car and landing on top of tall buildings. It is purely a vision for mankind for quite long.

Well, many aerospace companies like DeLorean, Terrafugia etc gone so far in research of manufacturing commercial flying cars. It is not very far that we realize our imaginations.

4. Back To The Future 2 (1989)

Back to the future is indeed iconic in every sense. The story revolves around a mad genius who invents a car that takes you to the different time zones by travelling around to the past and future. This adventure/comedy science fiction transportation movie is directed by Robert Zemeckis.

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Hold on! Time machine has not been invented yet. But yes, the hover board that is depicted in the movie is definitely a dream that has come true. Recently in 2016 a company named Hendo has introduced a prototype levitating hover board.

5. Total Recall (1990)

I hope most of us have come across this Schwarzenegger movie at some point in our life. Long before we send space orbiting probes, and the ones which landed on Mars, we fascinated about life on Mars. Martians we depicted even in cartoons and television commercials.

Total Recall is a cult classic movie that features a self-driving car with a creepy humanoid robot. In it, Schwarzenegger boards the Johnny cab and tries to ride in it without saying a destination and ends up tearing the humanoid robot from its pedestal.

A self-driven cab is now not a dream but a realization. General Motors have announced that their Robot Taxi service will be ready to go by 2019. Soon you will be riding Zoox taxis that are driven by robots. Woo-hoo!

6. Demolition Man (1992)

Directed by Marco Brambilla, Demolition man is a Science fiction movie that has a lot of new technological vision. The lead roles are done by Sylvester Stallone and Wesley Snipes. The movie revolves around these two men; one a cop and the other a notorious criminal.

The movie has an autonomous GM Ultralite Police Car that uses Biolinks to adjust the setting of the car in accordance with the driver. Biolinks are not very far away. We have it on our phones or at a place we work. Soon your vehicles will have these and we will have them unlocked by scanning our fingerprint or our iris.

Fujitsu has already predicted that biometrics will be used as car unlock system and will be used to create a personalized driving experience. Now you can forget the hassle of carrying around keys everywhere.

7. Minority Report (2002)

This is another neo-noir movie starring Tom cruise, where he is a cop who is after future criminals. The movie is directed by the well-known director Steven Spielberg. The core theme of the movie is a conflict between free will and determinism. If a crime can be forecasted, can it be stopped? In minority report, the cops predict a crime with the help of 3 psychics they call ‘precogs’.

There is a nail biting scene in the movie where Tom Cruise jumps about vertical car lanes to capture a criminal. Do you think we can have these kinds of roads in the near future? Oh yes we can. Architects Christopher Christophi and Lucas Mazarrasa in 2014 have suggested a feasible design that vertical transportation for megacities will soon be realised in the near future.

8. HER (2013)

Her is about a lonely writer who develops a unusual relationship with an AI-powered operating system that meets his every need. It is a romantic science fiction drama written, directed, and produced by Spike Johnze. It has a great cinematography and is well written, and it takes the viewers through an emotional roller coaster. The lead role is handled by Joaquin Phoenix.

Unlike the other movies listed here, ‘Her’ suggests that in future there won’t be many cars on the road, and people will rely mostly on public transport.

Sounds shocking? Come on, we will have to conserve fuel in the future if at least for the coming generations.

Many American cities already have a huge reduction in personal vehicles as people started using public transportation. I believe a lot of us agree to the fact that it saves energy, reduces traffic and pollution.

9. I Robot (2002)

I’m pretty sure you have seen this Will Smith and Bridget Moynahan movie. It happens to be a neo-noir science fiction action film directed by Alex Proyas. A futuristic movie, it shows an era of robots that assist humans with house-hold work and goes berserk when its program is corrupted.

This transportation movie features a concept car Audi RSQ that is capable of autonomous driving. We have already discussed regarding the cars that drive autonomously and we know that soon it will be a realization and cars will be driving around on their own.

For now, vehicles like Audi A8 and various Tesla cars are capable of autonomous driving. Want to know how it works. Well, put it in automatic mode and take your hand off the steering and your legs off the pedals and the car will automatically sense the traffic ahead and drive automatically. Now you don’t need to get a sore foot trying to drive in traffic.

10. Iron Man 3 (2013)

You all know Tony Stark, the Iron man. Many of you have watched the trilogy umpteen times, especially the third part in which the villain is the infamous Mandarin. Spoiler Alert!

Have you noticed in this transportation movie that there is a flashy Audi concept electric car? It’s not just designed for the movie. The car (R8 e-tron) is real and the beast of an electric vehicle can run 62mph in 3.9s, has 456bhp and have the ability to run 280 miles on a single charge?

Anyway, electric cars are not something new. But an electric car having that much power and runs several miles is a dream come true.

Tesla has revealed their supercar ‘Roadster’ which is the fastest electric car in production. It goes from 0-60 in 1.9 sec and has the ability to go 620 miles on a single charge.

10 Future Transportation Methods That Will Change The Way We Travel

To a great extent Innovations in the future transportation methods has changed the way we travel in this century.  But it’s all an outdated topic to discuss now.  Let us see what future transportation methods holds for the transportation industry which in some way or the other, changes the way we experience travelling.

1. Smart Cars

Well, this is something that’s already taking its place in the market. Smart cars were a concept thought of after the implementation of smart watches. The first thing you will notice about these cars is its shape and size. They are small and compact in size.


Smart cars use artificial intelligence assistance offering you a hassle-free driving. It can give route suggestions, be autonomous in driving, talk to you when you are behind the wheel, and sometimes it can also measure your emotional responses.

As they say ‘A smart car for smart drivers.’

2. Urban transport pods

Imagine jumping into a moving pod and travelling to another part of the city?  That is what an urban transport pod is all about.  When the plan for this future transport was being made, it aimed at developing a system for urban transportation in a sustainable way.

No such pods are out and running yet, but soon we will have the opportunity to travel in one of them. They are certainly environmental friendly and easy methods in the transportation industry.

3. SkyTran

All of us have wasted a lot of time in traffic and wished if we could just fly above all and reach our destinations. That’s the idea that SkyTran brings to us. SkyTran is a self-driving monorail that allows you to fly 20-25ft. above the ground for a 10min trip.

The government   should make these new technologies being tried out at different stations for a stretch of 1km in various countries, since the technology is almost about to make its place in many parts of the US.  The first fully-fledged SkyTran is going to make its entry through Logos in Nigeria by 2020. We are really excited to fly though!!!! Aren’t you??

4. Maglev Trains

The Magnetic levitation train, or as commonly known, the Maglev trains, uses electromagnetic field repulsion technique to float over a predefined route.

In MagLev trains, the vehicles are lifted by magnetic fields which travel through a pre-decided path that has no physical contact with the trains. Instead, they are automatically moved through the magnetic field. This revolutionary transportation can be seen as very cheap, fast and easy.

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The same technology will be put to use in roads in such a way that a platform will be levitating on a predefined path that can carry your vehicle from one place to another quickly. Elon Musk, The face of Tesla has already put forward his concept of levitation transport and it is believed that within a couple of years he will make it happen.

5. Super Cavitation

The Super Cavitation transportation follows the submarine technology and can travel underwater at 750mph.  When an object is submerged under water, it starts creating bubbles. This phenomenon is known as Super Cavitation. The same technology being applied to the transport industry will soon change the way people travel

Since the bubbles are filled with gas it reduces the contact friction up to 900 times than that of normal. Owing to this reduction only a small force is required for quick propulsion. Regarding the transportation applications, many reports state that it can get you travelled from New York to London in just an hours’ time in a submerged pod that can run through waterways.

6. Skylon

As the name suggests, Skylon is an aircraft transport technology and can reach you even to the earth’s orbit in just 4-5 hours. That fantastic day isn’t far now. The agency that’s researching on this has said it won’t just help you travel anywhere in the world in just 4-5 hours, but also give you a chance to travel the space.

The Skylon is powered by a new technology engine SABRE. It has the ability to move the aircraft 5 times faster than the sound in the atmosphere.  It is considered as one of the cheapest ways to achieve your space dreams.

7. Nuclear Powered cars

Uranium is used to power cities, submarines and planes. How about a vehicle?  As crazy as the idea sounds, nuclear powered vehicles might happen in the future but not to a public transportation level as danger surrounding the technology is too high.

China has already announced that their nuclear-powered rockets will be good to go by 2040.

8. Hyperloop

This high-speed train system, Hyperloop, has started a revolutionary way of the new train system. The concept plans to carry passengers at a speed of 700mph through a tube. With the previously proposed technologies, Hyperloop will allow floating of trains using magnetic fields like the Magnetic levitation train.

Though the project is just under the news, nothing has been confirmed about its launch. Many people seem to back the theory of hyper loops, but the feasibility of the project is yet to be tested.

9. Teleportation

Science is working on your worry of the long morning commute and public transit dilemma. The teleportation works on the phenomenon that scans your body, grasping all your favorite parts, and transmitting it onto another point in a fraction of the second.

Many people call the technology the ‘Star Trek’. If this technology really comes into existence, it won’t be difficult for you to travel from point A to point B by just crossing the space between them. Sound interesting, what say?

10. Space Elevator

The Space Elevator concept was first proposed in the year 1985. Many people call it a fiction due to its idea of a giant elevator carrying us from the earth to space.  The technology will allow a carrier to transport passengers across planet via a cable.

Space Elevator’s idea of space transportation system being developed can make traveling to Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO) a daily event and transform the global economy.


Technology without a doubt, will bring significant change to our future transportation methods. Future transportation methods are not long in distance, its almost near, so keep in touch with us to be updated on everything new.

GPS tracking : Tracking Your Employees, Ethical or Not?

GPS trackers are a boon to mankind and can be named as one of the most important inventions of this century. . It is installed in various devices like mobile phones, wrist watches, cameras and what not. We cannot agree more to the fact that navigating has become quite easy with the help of navigation tools that precisely show the best shortest route that can be taken along with the traffic details. But the possibilities of GPS tracking system are not constrained to these.


Invasion of privacy is one of the ethical issues of GPS tracking which is discussed about a lot. Knowing where a person is at any time can infringe a person’s basic freedom as such because the system can provide information about an individual even without their consent. At present there are no laws that are violated by tracking a person as such.

However, in the case of various industries employers save a lot of time and money by using GPS as an amazing tool to watch over their employees’ movements. For example in case of a package delivery service or fleet tracking in transportation industries, an employer can monitor if a particular employee is travelling to other locations without their consent. It varies according to job role or industry. It optimizes resources and saves time for the transportation industry. Let us take a look at how companies make use of GPS tracking services.

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Bosch has recently installed GPS tracker onto their power tools successfully. Although GPS drains a lot of battery, they have installed it into corded models. It keeps track of where the tools are which reduces overtime. Moreover it helps in theft and misplacement recovery. Some of the other benefits include alerts to the cell phone regarding non-working hour activation or non-authorized location alerts. Tracking is free for the first 12 months and later on it will be $9.99 per month or $99 per year for the GPS tracking service to continue. Although a confirmation regarding this is yet to be clarified.

However, according to tech enthusiasts the tracking device installed in the tools will be a GPS25-4 retrofit tracking module that can be installed in all the current retrofit Bosch SDX-max hammers (10 models). However, the newer Bosch models like the GSH27-26 brute turbo breaker will have the GPS tracker pre-installed as standard equipment.

The device is one of a kind and is the exact reason for the hype. Earlier devices like Milwaukee’s Tick and One-Key or DeWalt’s Tool Connect systems etc. were not capable of such extensive tracking as they were only able to connect to a mesh network through Bluetooth.


The use of GPS tracking can be perceived as a double edged sword. When employers are making use of GPS tracker to track the activities of employees, there is an ethical question whether tracking each and every activity of employees is a breach into personal privacy. But if there is a legitimate reason for tracking there it’s ethical and a necessity in today’s work atmosphere. Complete information about tracking and how they use this information should be rightly communicated to the employees.

13 Amazing Electric Vehicles That Will Change The Game

Cars powered by fossil fuels will soon be a thing of the past. Soon countries will run out of carbon credits and cleaner air strategy will take over its place. Reducing air pollution is the new motto of many car companies. Let us take a look at the amazing electric vehicles that will change the phase of transportation.


1. VW Budd-e

One of the most awaited electric cars by Volkswagen, this is not just a car but a creation. It is the electric microbus of the future and it boasts of a couch at its rear. This is 100% electric car is fitted with a 101-kWh battery, thereby enabling the vehicle to go impressive 373 miles on a single charge.

2. Thor Trucks

A startup that came out of nowhere is now supposed to be a rival to Tesla’s truck. Their prototype named as ET-one aim to modernize the trucking industry. With just 18 employees this venture is tiny compared to its competitors. Thor has been able to tow 80,000 pounds of cargo with ease so far.

3. NIO ES8

Chinese electric vehicle company NIO has brought out their new vehicle ES8 which is a sports utility vehicle that can run 500 kms on a single charge. NIO is all set to enter the next phase of electric car market with this SUV. Formerly known as Next EV, NIO is a Chinese company producing electric vehicles that are eco-friendly and economic.

4. Audi E-Tron Quattro

Expected to be out by 2018, the Audi E-Tron Quattro is a four-seat that looks like an SUV. It has 500 bhp under its hood. It goes from an amazing 0 to 100 in 4.6 seconds. It is said to have 3 engines one that drives the front axle and two in the rear axle. Audi claims it can reach a top speed of 210 kmph. Quattro is something to watch out for.

5. Vigo motorcycle

A British company Vigo is creating the first fully electric motorcycle. It has an amazing 400 mile range and can go from 0-60 mph in just 3.2 seconds. Although it is in the concept stage and is looking for crowdfunding, it looks promising enough to capture the market. With a 120 bhp direct drive motor, it has a storage facility and a digital lock. Moreover, it has a built GPS tracker too. Impressive, isn’t it?

6. Jaguar I-Pace

Jaguar’s concept car is a five-seater sports car and it’s totally electrifying. With the cutting edge of zero vehicle emissions technology, it is set to introduce Jaguar to the world of electric cars. On the first test drive itself, the vehicle was able to cover a jaw-dropping 321km.

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7. Zero SR

Zero motorcycles is a California based company that is introducing its new line up of electric bikes that have faster charging and greater mileage. The new model SR is equipped with heavier batteries that are charged 6 times faster. It can go up to 223 miles on models that have the ZF14.1 battery and ZF3.6 Power Tank accessory. It is designed for smoother and quieter rides.

8. Nissan Leaf

As the name suggests, it is an eco-friendly no-emission electric vehicle that is quite affordable. It runs 172 kms on a full battery charge. The largest market of Leaf is the United States with over 1 million cars sold. It is already on the roads. It has won the Green Car Vision Award in 2010. Reduced dependency on petrol is the idea of Nissan.

9. Electric Ship, Ahoy!

A Chinese shipyard company Ltd has launched the world’s first all-electric ship. The ship which that has a length of 70.5-metres can haul 2000-tonnes of cargo at 80 kmph after charging for two hours. As the ship has zero emissions it can put a stop to the oil leakages happen frequently. Even though it is powered by electricity it has managed to achieve a top speed of 12.8 km per hour.

10. Tesla Model 3

Tesla is one of the pioneers in electric vehicles. The name has become a brand by now which requires no further introduction. Model 3 is a luxury sedan that has a range of 350 km. With a five-passenger seating capacity it can go from 0 to 60 miles per hour in 5.1 seconds. Designed to achieve a 5-star safety rating Model 3 is claimed to have traction even on ice. Look out for the next model of Tesla to hit the roads.

11. Hyundai Ioniq

Hyundai Ioniq is a hatchback vehicle that has hybrid and all electric variants. It comes with 5 doors and an aerodynamic design that helps to lower air friction. The Ioniq is Hyundai’s entrance into the hybrid market. The Ioniq Hybrid’s electric motor delivers an estimated 139 bhp and is eco as much as it is powerful.

12. Tesla Semi

Tesla Semi is a heavy-duty all-electric truck. On the other hand it claims to be safe and comfy. It has an acceleration of 0-60 mph with 80k lbs in 20 seconds. It shows that it has got the power that it claims to have. It consumes only 2 kWh/mile which is the lowest energy cost per mile.

13. Catalyst E2 Max

Proterra, an electric bus manufacturer has created Catalyst E2 Max the bus that broke the previous record of driving the maximum distance in one recharge. It drove an outstanding 1,101.2 miles without stopping to recharge. Although it was on a test track with no passengers or traffic, it is still quite impressive. Because an electric bus can revolutionize the public transport. Imagine all the fuel that is going to be saved and all the pollution that is curbed.


This list of 13 Amazing Electric Vehicles that will change the game will help you understand the rapidly transforming EV industry and keep in you updated with the latest trends in the amazing electric vehicles industry

10 Electric Cars That Are Surprisingly Cheaper Than They Look

With petrol and diesel raising concerns of using up the fossil fuels and governments trying to lower the harmful emissions, electric cars have become the future of transportation. Even though vehicles with hybrid engines will be launched in the car market in the coming years, electric vehicles would be the dominant ones in the driving landscape.


Earlier, least level of practicality, poor performance, and limited range showed that even the top model electric cars were not equal to the conventional cars. However, the electric cars today can efficiently deliver up to 62 mph and cover a range of 300 miles to challenge the supercars.


Top 10 Low-Cost Electric Cars

We have compiled a list of best ten electric cars to help those who are planning to own an electric car but have a tight budget.


1. Chevrolet Volt

Electric vehicles in 2016 as well as this year. After its launch during the year 2008, the Volt has undergone several revisions and changes to make it the best one among the cost-effective electric vehicles in the automobile market. The plug-in hybrid car can cover up to 420 miles range and offers 53 electric miles.


When charged regularly, it can go beyond 1000 miles without any fill-ups, as a mighty direct injected 1.5L engine powers it. The car has a 240V charge system that helps it get charged in just 4.5 hours, and a 120V portable cord can charge it for 13 hours. The starting price of this high-efficiency EV is $33,220.


2. Volkswagen e-Golf

The electric cars by Volkswagen assure the buyers that they are safe while they travel by such electric motor powered vehicles. The e-Golf delivers top quality, proven and straightforward appeal similar to its conventional counterparts. With a single charge, this car can drive 80 miles and can be charged at a public charging station or with the help of a home kit.

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This highly responsive car is equipped with excellent regenerative braking to avoid road crashes during rainy days. It has an array of driver assistance features ranging from Park Distance Control, Forward Collision Warning to Park Assist to help the driver park it easily even in a small parking lot. The price range of this car starts at $30,495.


3. Nissan Leaf

Nissan has been successful in adapting electric revolution, which explains why Nissan Leaf has been gracing the streets of several countries across the globe. This four-seater comes with a decent boot space of 370 liters that makes it an apt choice for small families.

This electric car is quick and responsive to offer a drive ranging from 124 miles to 155 miles. The dashboard display of Leaf features tree icons to support economic driving and outlines the brand’s planet-saving responsibility. It can reach its full charge in 8 hours using a domestic three pin socket. You just have to spend about $30,680 to own this Nissan electric car.


4. Chevrolet Bolt

The Bolt by Chevrolet was launched this year and has received a warm welcome for its affordability and practicality. In fact, this electric car has reshaped the EV world, as can cover about 238 miles while delivering a high output of 266 peak torque and a fantastic output of 200 horsepower.

The floor mounting battery pack of Bolt supports low gravity center, provides optimum energy efficiency with open pedal driving and has a stable design to offer a comfortable ride. This people carrier also zips in a warm and spacious cabin and sports a big touchscreen of 10.2 inches plus DC charging options. The Bolt EV is a family car and is available in a price range of $36,620.


5. Hyundai Ioniq

The Ionic from Hyundai is the only electric vehicle that comes in 3 different electric powertrains. This electric powered car reaches 62 mph within 9.9 seconds, as it is backed by a powerful electric motor with 118 bhp.

The maker claims that Ioniq can drive for 174 miles in a single charge while 150 miles would be more than enough for everyday use. This affordable electric car has several safety features like blind spot detection, Auto emergency braking along with pedestrian identification and lane departure warning. This hatchback comes with a starting price of $29,500.


6. Mitsubishi I- MiEV

This electric car is offered by Mitsubishi at an affordable range to cater to the small budget families. This vehicle is designed to deliver 66 horsepower while covering 62 miles with an impressive torque of 145 lb. This electric vehicle is priced at $22,295.


7. Renault Zoe

This small sized hatchback is the cheapest electric car in the market and is based on the design of Renault Clio. With a huge 338-liter boot space, this car is easy to drive, as there is no need to change gears. This super silent electric car can cover up to the 250-mile range and regenerative braking system. Renault Zoe is available in a price range of £13,995 to £20,645.


8. Kia Soul EV

The Soul, the South Korean brand is equipped with a powerful battery that helps it cover a range of 93 miles with an electrifying torque of 210 lb-ft. Its battery can attain 80% charge in just 35 minutes. Kia Soul comes with a starting price of $33,950.


9. Ford C-Max Energi

The responsive handling of Ford C-Max Energi makes it a fun-filled experience to drive it. The spacious design of this electric car enables it to house Li-ion batteries of 7.6 kWh effortlessly. This reasonably priced EV is powered by Hybrid Electric Powertrain of 2.0L, regenerative braking system eCVT or electronically controlled continuously variable transmission. The starting price of this Ford vehicle is $27,120.


10. Smart ForTwo

Those who wish to own a small-sized affordable electric vehicle that can drive well in city traffic conditions, and then Smart ForTwo is a wise choice. This two-seater car can cover a range of up to 100 miles and can reach full charge in just 3 hours. It can drive up to 62 mph at 11.5 seconds and can reach 40 mph in a jiffy. The cost of this compact vehicle is $25,270.


Car makers also offer EV or electric vehicles with seven seats for big families with space needs.  No wonder, the electric car market has been experiencing a rapid growth in the recent years.

240 mph, Virgin Hyperloop Sets Record – Why is it the Imminent Future?

Yes the Future is here! Virgin’s supersonic pod Hyperloop One has successfully delivered in the full scale test by reaching an amazing 240 mph. It has broken the earlier record set by Tesla at 220 mph. During the test phase conducted on December 15 on the grounds of Nevada, the pod that uses magnetic levitation through vacuum created a break-through in Virgin Hyperloop realization.


Theoretically Hyperloop can achieve a maximum speed of 700 mph. If the concept is realised it could take the pod 380 miles in about half an hour. The transition from normal atmospheric and vacuum conditions was experimented using new airlock systems. The pod uses minimum energy to attain high speeds because it travels in extremely low air pressure which reduces friction and air resistance.

The Maiden run

While conducting the test, the approximate air pressure inside the tube was that of 200,000 feet above sea level. Built in a nearly airless environment in which the 28 foot long pod is loaded into a 1600 foot long tube, it can take you faster than a bullet train. The unmanned test pod that ran through an evacuated cylinder reached a speed of nearly 387 km/h during the third test phase that was accomplished on December 15th.

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The ultimate mission is to carry passengers and goods creating a system of tubes across distances that can take passengers at airline speeds. The fact is that the system neither has air friction due to the vacuum, nor ground friction as it uses magnetic levitation.

This makes it cheaper and faster to operate, compared to other modes of transportation that rely mostly on fossil fuels. Due to very low aerodynamic drag, the pod will lift above the track and glide at a speed an airline picks up during long distance travel. Now you can imagine where you can enter a pod to reach your destination in no time. But I’m pretty sure you can’t stand or walk like you do in other modes of transit. You don’t want to be a victim of inertia.

Investments imbued

In total the company has raised $295 million since it was found in 2014 which gave a head start to your dream of travelling between locations at hyper speeds. After a global strategic partnership was signed up with the Virgin Group the company is set to raise another investment worth $50 million.

The venture looks up to pursue opportunities in key markets like the Europe, Russia and Middle East with the help of investors like Caspian Venture Capital and DP World. It has already raised $50 million from foreign venture capital investors and the new chairman of the board of directors is Richard Branson.

Relevancy in future

Virgin Hyperloop pods would help connecting people to jobs that were previously inaccessible to workers who need to commute over longer distances. Hyperloop is soon to reach out to all places in the world and will make travelling much more easy and more over faster. In turn, this can help bridging the divisions in social and economic norms.

On the other hand it is good for business as it saves a lot of time for commuters. In case of a regular worker who believes that an extra dollar is better than an extra hour, this might not prove very productive.


The Virgin Hyperloop that runs through a tube that is nearly vacuum and bullet trains that use magnetic levitation to travel at high speeds when combined gives amazing results. But realizing the full fledged concept of Hyperloop has uncertainties as it faces issues due to politics and regulation.

5 Cool Things About Geo-Fencing That You Didn’t Know

GPS trackers are now being put to use mainly for tracking purposes. However, there is a new feature for GPS which has already come in handy for many. Let’s have a look at Geofencing and its killer features that you never know.


What’s Geo Fencing?

Geo fencing is a location-based feature in the software that uses GPS or RFID to create virtual geographical boundaries. It sends push notifications to users who enter a particular geographical area. Besides that, it has a lot of application in a virtual parameter. It is a great opportunity for brands who want to sell their product based on the location. Brands can send a notification, discount coupons, and offers to regular as well as new customers. It makes sure that the relevant content is communicated at the right time at the right place.

The applications for geo-fencing are endless. People who travel to the same place again may get a notification for a welcome drink at a hotel nearby. A store owner will have an idea about who is a re-visitor to their store and thus have a better customer base. This will improve customer interaction.


Geofencing, how does it work?

Working principle of geofencing is pretty much straight forward and simple. An admin or a developer can set a virtual boundary in Google Maps using specific API’s when they develop apps. In short, when a user breached a geo fence it should trigger responses in accordance with the specifications of the developer.

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Geo fencing is not just confined to apps it has wide range of application such as in shipping industry, agriculture, cattle industry, security purposes etc.

Let’s see in detail

1)    Location-based pop-ups

It can send location-based pop-ups on your device, while walking by a store. This is done by adding a circle or a pentagon around the store in Google map and when customers enter this they get a notification and is engaged by the store. When customers enter a particular location they get pop-ups on their device. This will make sure that a customer at a location is not missed.

2)    Offers to customers

You can use geofencing to send information and offers to your prospect. Sending a good and catchy content is important. Make sure you know what you are trying to communicate with your prospect. You might want the prospect to buy something from you, or sign up with you, whatever it is, be clear about your objective. You customer can check in to your store if they find a deal that is interesting to them.

3)    Setting parameters

Setting your perimeter too large or too small affects the campaign that you are running. If it’s too large you might not be reaching the relevant prospects or if it’s too small you might not reach all your prospects. So you have to set the parameters right. Like it is said above a circle or a pentagon specific to your store can help nearby customers to reach you.

4)    Location

Geo-fencing is great for outdoor activities. You can reach a particular group of people with an offer that is exclusive to a summer camp. It is not relevant to someone who is outside the summer camp. So the area of geofencing must be carefully chosen. Thus even outdoor activities can be pepped up using geofencing.

5)    CRM

30% of the world’s population is using geofencing. It improves sales and customer loyalty. It helps to build a good CRM data. So you can know when a customer who had visited your store earlier is near you. You can even know the activities of your competitor. It also helps you get customer feedback from surveys and feedback forms which are great for business.


GPS trackers are now being widely used for tracking. Nowadays a new feature (geofencing) is added to these trackers besides just tracking. Virtual boundaries can be set up app providers or tracker provides for various purposes. However, only a few know about this killer feature and its incredible benefits. Know More

Hoax or Not? Beer As an Alternate Fuel For Your Vehicle

As ridiculous as it sounds it is indeed true that scientists have successfully transformed beer into an alternative fuel for our vehicles. With minimum or no engine alteration, this could mean that the use of diesel, petrol, and gasoline can be replaced with a sustainable alternative.


Birth of the idea

The first step towards creating sustainable petrol using beer as a key ingredient was taken by the chemists at the University of Bristol. Scientists agree to the fact that brewing ethanol by industrial fermentation process can be essentially used as an alternative fuel to other kinds of fuel.

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Professor Duncan Wass, whose team led the research, said: “The alcohol in alcoholic drinks is actually ethanol which is exactly the same molecule that we want to convert into butanol as a alternate fuel .” With the rise of fossil fuels, it is essential to find new alternatives to the diminishing resources we have left. Ethanol is what constitutes an important ingredient in alcohol.”


Future Possibilities

Lower energy density and corrosive in nature makes ethanol not an ideal replacement for petrol. It is difficult to make butanol from sustainable sources. So, the idea is to convert ethanol which is an active ingredient in beer into butanol. This can be achieved by a petrochemical process similar to that used for refining gasoline.

As a biofuel additive for gasoline, ethanol is already put to use to make renewable fuel. It is commonly found in biomass such as corn, malt, sugar cane, molasses and other forest products.

This might take no more than 5 years for the fuel to be used on an industrial scale. At present the results are not enough to fuel transportation as only a few hundred grams of butanol can be derived from beer.

In the United States fuel is sold as a blend with up to 10 percent ethanol. The most suited alternative to petrol would be bioethanol. If a butanol can be made from sustainable sources then it can be a better alternative to petrol or gasoline.

Butanol can be considered a petrol replacement and can be used on an industrial scale if the technology works well with alcoholic drinks, especially beer.

Concluding Thoughts

Let us hope for a future where we can substitute fossil fuels that create a lot of pollution with biodegradable fuels which can fuel our means of transportation. Cheers to that!

Autonomous Vehicles – Where Do We Stand?

It is now and happening. Fully autonomous cars will soon be out of the garage. Many companies are striking a deal with Aurora Innovations; a venture co-founded by Chris Urmson and will soon introduce Autonomous vehicles to the market. Urmson says “The planned autonomous vehicles will include fully self-driving pods, shuttles or delivery vans and self-driving trucks without a cabin”. Aurora has signed deals with both Volkswagen and Hyundai and will soon launch autonomous vehicle in about three years.


Volkswagen and Hyundai are to bring out more than 15 million vehicles every year and are planning to integrate Aurora’s software and sensors which is an artificial intelligence technology. This will change the way we look at transportation.


How does the technology work?

Toyota has installed a technology called LIDAR which uses lasers to determine its surroundings. Just like the principle of a bat or sonar, the lasers shoot out, hit the objects around and bounce back to the sensors to determine the surrounding. The technology works by combining software and sensors to control, navigate, and drive the vehicle. Based on these, the vehicle creates an internal map of the surroundings and the software process these inputs and decides on a path and sends information to the actuators which control the steering, acceleration, and braking.

What renders a feeling of safety is that it uses hardcore codes, predictive modeling, and can know the difference between a truck and motorcycle. These help the vehicle to follow traffic and navigate through obstacles. Humans are great drivers, but on the contrary, machines are better at following rules.


Where we are now?

Companies like Mercedes, BMW, and Tesla already have several autonomous vehicles with self-driving features. Google has a self-driving car project called Waymo that hit the streets in 2009 and claims to make driving less stressful and roadways safer. Car making giants Volkswagen and Hyundai say their self-driven cars will be out on roads by 2021. Volkswagen Chief Digital Officer Johann Jungwirth says that it is part of “the reinvention of mobility and the automobile.”

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Volkswagen said that it would be associating with Silicon Valley Company Aurora to create self-driven cars and hopes to launch a fleet of cabs in the streets by 2021. “With Aurora, VW gains access to an experienced and globally leading development team in software and hardware for driverless vehicles,” the Wolfsburg-based group said in a statement.


What do they mean to the future of transportation?

Soon our roads will be swarming with vehicles that don’t have a driver to maneuver it. It is estimated that by 2020 almost 10 million cars will be on the road. While looking out for any pedestrians or obstacles, these autonomous vehicles can detect road signs, follow traffic signals and keep track of other vehicles with the use of video cameras. We can imagine people and goods being traveled around without a driver. You choose the destination and sit back and relax and even drink a cup of coffee while you are on the run. Trucks will be delivering goods to the destination in no time as the driver needn’t take rest in between. But a negative impact of this is that many drivers will lose their jobs. Although at present the trucks are not fully automated but have facilities similar to an autopilot function in an airplane.


Dubai has recently tried out an air drone in collaboration with Volocopter. The mission is to call an air taxi just like you would book a ride in Uber. Amazon is been given a patent to try out drones that can deliver in 30 minutes and even recharge itself by connecting to an electric car.


Autonomous Vehicles are the future of automotive industry. Even though we have seen a vivid image of them in movies, in reality, we are far behind. But we are we on the right track. Keep in touch with us to the latest updates that are happening in the autonomous vehicle industry.


7 Unique Features of GPS Trackers For Employee Productivity

As long as companies are legally safe and open to their employees about GPS tracking, it can help employers to keep an eye on their employees by establishing a comprehensive and controlled management structure. It helps to ensure their security by keeping track of their location during work hours. By gaining access to data that includes monitoring employees remotely, employers are able to understand staff behavior. Let’s take a look at the different features of GPS Trackers,



1. Fleet Management

With the use of GPS tracking, routing and dispatching become a lot easier to the dispatcher to locate every vehicle in a fleet. The closest vehicle to any job site or address can be monitored using GPS tracking solutions. It helps to automatically locate the vehicles nearest to an address. So an employee will be able to come across jobs easily and employers can easily find someone who is ready to take up a task.

It can be ensured that drivers are taking the most direct route to a job site and re-route them if they get lost during the journey. Real-time traffic reports can help employers to warn drivers regarding this and provide the right information about traffic delays.


2. Cost Cutting

Employees can save by monitoring activities like over speeding or idling to save fuel and also reduce depreciation on the vehicle. You will be able to receive time sheets and its results while you are online and install auto-payment feature. This ensures faster payments and reduces your load at the end of the month.

You can customize the system to suit how you keep a check on your employees’ productivity. You can also insert a form to track work records along with GPS tracking system, which in turn comes handy when you want to keep the record of work and payments.


3. Monitoring Activities

A lot of employees have admitted that they use the internet for purposes that are not related to work. While they work on other things they find less focus on the tasks they have been assigned.  A good tracking system will help to reduce the unproductive hours by keeping an eye on the employees’ behaviour online during work hours.

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The better you can keep an eye out to understand the employee behaviour during work the better the tracking system is. A good GPS tracking system can record individual online activities and find out what they are working on during working hours. Ultimately it is a human resource tool where you can find out who your most productive employees are.


4. Avoid Unauthorized Activities

GPS tracking enables employers to see it employees are using vehicles or tools for authorized purposes and only during work hours. If a vehicle or a tool enters off-limit areas the concerned person will be alerted and thus help business keep track of their vehicles or tools. GPS tracking can send alert the owners when a particular vehicle enters a location. In other words, it can also alert the owners if a tool or vehicle has been misplaced or stolen and help them recover it without losing precious time.

But a vehicle activity alert is especially useful for businesses that allow drivers to take company vehicles home. It can track employees who make use of vehicles to carry out unauthorized side jobs and use the company time to handling work unrelated to the company. This significantly helps to improve production and reduce any liabilities that arise from such malpractices.


5. Safety and Security

You wouldn’t want your staff to be in any kind of trouble. One of the most important features of tracking your employees is a concern for safety. GPS tracking can give you a fair idea of the location of your personnel and ensure their security. Tracking systems helps to improve the overall safety and security of the staff by locating their employees in case of an emergency and quickly reach them at the right time. Employees who are travelling can be given live reports about traffic congestions, accident-prone locations, nearest gas stations or restaurants.


6. Live Dispatch and Customer Satisfaction

When a GPS tracking system being is integrated with your dispatching system, you will know which of your employees is nearer to them and best positioned to meet your customer’s need. This will make your delivery system more efficient by increasing response time and you will also be appreciated for your quick response to the query made. In this way, tracking helps you to improve your customer satisfaction.


7. Employee Productivity and Accountability

Once you are on par with your employees and their activities you get to manage your employees and their daily schedule. Business flow can be ensured when you have the right information to take the right decision timely. You can count on your employees when a customer requirement arises and meet them at the right time.

Thus overtime costs can be easily managed with the use of a GPS tracker. If in case an accident occurs involving your trucks or your employees a tracking device justifies your employee if false accusations are made and if he hasn’t done anything wrong.


The future is already here – it’s just not evenly distributed. Features of GPS Trackers is scaling up fast a good tracking system helps you optimize  your fleet operations by analyzing the performance & preventing breakdowns.

What other features of GPS Trackers do you look for? Share it with us