7 Unique Features of GPS Trackers For Employee Productivity

As long as companies are legally safe and open to their employees about GPS tracking, it can help employers to keep an eye on their employees by establishing a comprehensive and controlled management structure. It helps to ensure their security by keeping track of their location during work hours. By gaining access to data that includes monitoring employees remotely, employers are able to understand staff behavior. Let’s take a look at the different features of GPS Trackers,



1. Fleet Management

With the use of GPS tracking, routing and dispatching become a lot easier to the dispatcher to locate every vehicle in a fleet. The closest vehicle to any job site or address can be monitored using GPS tracking solutions. It helps to automatically locate the vehicles nearest to an address. So an employee will be able to come across jobs easily and employers can easily find someone who is ready to take up a task.

It can be ensured that drivers are taking the most direct route to a job site and re-route them if they get lost during the journey. Real-time traffic reports can help employers to warn drivers regarding this and provide the right information about traffic delays.


2. Cost Cutting

Employees can save by monitoring activities like over speeding or idling to save fuel and also reduce depreciation on the vehicle. You will be able to receive time sheets and its results while you are online and install auto-payment feature. This ensures faster payments and reduces your load at the end of the month.

You can customize the system to suit how you keep a check on your employees’ productivity. You can also insert a form to track work records along with GPS tracking system, which in turn comes handy when you want to keep the record of work and payments.


3. Monitoring Activities

A lot of employees have admitted that they use the internet for purposes that are not related to work. While they work on other things they find less focus on the tasks they have been assigned.  A good tracking system will help to reduce the unproductive hours by keeping an eye on the employees’ behaviour online during work hours.

Read Also: “Top 10 Benefits Of Employee Transport Management System”

The better you can keep an eye out to understand the employee behaviour during work the better the tracking system is. A good GPS tracking system can record individual online activities and find out what they are working on during working hours. Ultimately it is a human resource tool where you can find out who your most productive employees are.


4. Avoid Unauthorized Activities

GPS tracking enables employers to see it employees are using vehicles or tools for authorized purposes and only during work hours. If a vehicle or a tool enters off-limit areas the concerned person will be alerted and thus help business keep track of their vehicles or tools. GPS tracking can send alert the owners when a particular vehicle enters a location. In other words, it can also alert the owners if a tool or vehicle has been misplaced or stolen and help them recover it without losing precious time.

But a vehicle activity alert is especially useful for businesses that allow drivers to take company vehicles home. It can track employees who make use of vehicles to carry out unauthorized side jobs and use the company time to handling work unrelated to the company. This significantly helps to improve production and reduce any liabilities that arise from such malpractices.


5. Safety and Security

You wouldn’t want your staff to be in any kind of trouble. One of the most important features of tracking your employees is a concern for safety. GPS tracking can give you a fair idea of the location of your personnel and ensure their security. Tracking systems helps to improve the overall safety and security of the staff by locating their employees in case of an emergency and quickly reach them at the right time. Employees who are travelling can be given live reports about traffic congestions, accident-prone locations, nearest gas stations or restaurants.


6. Live Dispatch and Customer Satisfaction

When a GPS tracking system being is integrated with your dispatching system, you will know which of your employees is nearer to them and best positioned to meet your customer’s need. This will make your delivery system more efficient by increasing response time and you will also be appreciated for your quick response to the query made. In this way, tracking helps you to improve your customer satisfaction.


7. Employee Productivity and Accountability

Once you are on par with your employees and their activities you get to manage your employees and their daily schedule. Business flow can be ensured when you have the right information to take the right decision timely. You can count on your employees when a customer requirement arises and meet them at the right time.

Thus overtime costs can be easily managed with the use of a GPS tracker. If in case an accident occurs involving your trucks or your employees a tracking device justifies your employee if false accusations are made and if he hasn’t done anything wrong.


The future is already here – it’s just not evenly distributed. Features of GPS Trackers is scaling up fast a good tracking system helps you optimize  your fleet operations by analyzing the performance & preventing breakdowns.

What other features of GPS Trackers do you look for? Share it with us

Corporate Carpooling – Save on Transportation Costs

If many of you don’t know what carpooling is it is sharing the same vehicle by a number of people to commute to the same place. Imagine you are working in a corporate company and many of your colleagues live nearby where you live. You can co-ordinate with them to share a ride to the office. This is corporate carpooling.

It can also be an arrangement between a group of vehicle owners to take drives in turn to drive their children to and fro from a particular place. More than one person sharing a ride is the main aim for car pooling.


However carpooling is not popular among people who spent more time at office, older workers. In this blog we will discuss about the benefits of car sharing and how it simplifies the journey to work and back.

Corporate Carpooling and its Benefits

As you can guess, carpooling is popular because it has so many advantages. Let us look at how carpooling benefits its users.

1. Saves Fuel – When more than one person uses the same vehicle to travel to the same destination or other destinations nearby it saves a lot of fuel. If the same people use different cars to commute to their destination double or triple the amount of fuels will be spent for the purpose of travel. When you look at the monthly savings that you have made you will be amazed at how much fuel you have saved by sharing your ride with your friends.

2. Saves Money – As you already know that the fuel is saved and along with it the money spent for it. The money that you have saved from sharing your ride will be a significant amount. Also if there is a toll on the way to the destination it can also be saved. Only one car needs to pay for the toll.

3. Less Pollution – Just like the fuel is saved so is there a saving on the carbon footprints. With the increase in air pollution these days carpool can be a blessing towards the environment. If you are a rational thinker you will understand the health benefits that you get from creating less pollution.

4. Reduces Traffic – The lesser the cars on the road the lesser the traffic. If more than one or two people share the same vehicle it reduces the number of cars in the street. Sharing your ride with other people or sharing a ride with others helps to decrease the number of cars on the road. It combats the traffic congestion and is thus beneficial to you and others as well.

5. Reduce the Stress of Driving – Although many of us enjoy driving, it can be stressful in case we are riding through heavy traffic. Carpooling helps to take turns while driving to work or taking children to school. You can read books, listen to music or look out the window while you are not riding the car.

6. Make New Friends – Carpooling is a great way to socialize with your friends travelling with you in the vehicle. It gives the time and opportunity to make new friends and take your time off. Enjoy the ride while you are not driving the vehicle. Even while you are driving you can still talk to your friends and make the ride more interesting.

7. Convenience – You can use your free time to prepare for a presentation at office, plan your day, or eat your breakfast while you are on the go. In some places there are special lanes for carpooling by which you can avoid congested roads. There are spaces designated for carpooling vehicles which makes it easier to park your vehicle.

8. Safety – Driving with other people is not just economic but also safer. You will have a sense of security travelling with other people. In case there is an attempted theft you will be accompanied by other people.

But at the same time you won’t have flexibility with your schedules and activities. You might be carpooling with different people in your area that might be reaching at office or commuting from office at different timings.

This might hinder your plans for a day. There is also an issue of privacy if you are an introverted person. If you are that kind of person who likes to be alone with your thoughts carpooling is not the thing for you.

Also the designated driver is responsible for other passengers. This also means the safety of others who are riding with him.

Final Thoughts

Keep aside all this carpooling is still an important move to reduce our addiction to oil. The advantages of corporate carpooling surpass the disadvantages that it has.

In the near future we will consume all the oil in the world not to mention the pollution caused by it. So weighing the good things that it offers it is definitely a good move for mankind.

How to Manage New Employee Onboarding Efficiently

Gone are the days when the HR managers considered employee onboarding as a once-done thing and over. With the massive change in the job market and jobs extending beyond boundaries, onboarding plays a vital role.

Onboarding is done to make the new employee familiar with the culture of the organization and to make sure that you live up to the promises that you have made to him during the interview.


Employee onboarding is crucial and also considered as a part of team building exercise. The immediate benefits of a proper onboarding are it helps to build company’s image, speak about company’s culture, work environment and also the performance expectation that the leadership team has from the new member.

The long-term benefits mostly include employee retention, increased productivity, lower stress and higher job satisfaction.

Managing onboarding is not tricky if planned meticulously. It fails when there is a lack of planning, it goes haywire, and the right objective cannot be met.  To make sure that your onboarding exercise yields the desired results follow specific essential rules:

1. Make a plan

Develop a step-wise-step process and a full-proof checklist before a new team member joins your company. Keep everything ready for the time and leave no place for errors.

This creates a positive image of the company in the mind of the new employee, and he is likely to work more efficiently. The steps must include a checklist of all the documents required from the new candidate, form-filling exercise, previous year records, etc.

The other steps should have names of key people to whom the new candidate must be introduced, his introduction to his team and reporting bosses, a visit to the entire campus and other things that make him more familiar with the organization.

These steps need not necessarily be completed in just one day, instead, plan a relaxed and hassle-free onboarding.

2. Make it as Personal

Employee onboarding is a great way to know more about the new member. It helps the HR and the reporting officers to know about things which were not possible to know during several rounds of interview.

The best practice is to assign a mentor to help the new employee make the transition into the company smoothly. He will not only be a person who will guide but will also act like a person who is a go-to person in case the new hire experience any discomfort.

3. Plan induction and Other Training

It is crucial to inform the new employee about various HR policies, leave management, salary, PF and gratuity policy, reporting rules, punctuality norms, appraisal systems, etc.

This is an excellent opportunity to make him aware of various legal standards, sexual harassment policies, and paternity leaves.

During onboarding, it is also recommended to plan training and other employee engagement activities.

While training plays a vital role in skill development of the new hire, employee engagement makes him friendly with other co-workers and lowers his stress. Employee engagement activities also help new hire to adapt to the new culture and build healthy relationships.

Every organization and its HR know that they must provide new employees with various technical training for learning specific business systems and processes.

However, it is the responsibility of HR people to not to limit training to be domain-specific and go beyond. Training that help building skills, motivate new hires and enhance their knowledge should also be integrated.

4. Evaluate the plan

The most important exercise is to evaluate the entire onboarding plan, but most of the organizations usually miss this. As a result, old and obsolete onboarding plan fails to achieve the objective of the entire exercise and makes the complete activity a waste of time.

Therefore, always plan,  implement and be consistent with the onboarding plan and involve some key people in the whole exercise who can guide you to make changes.

Feedback, in particular from the employee, is also valuable because he is one of the major stakeholders, his feedback will help you make changes in the plan.

Make a survey schedule at the end of the first week, or make it bi-monthly or quarterly with the objective of understanding whether they are happy with the organization and whether their expectations were met or not.

5. Seek advice from forums

It is a good practice to seek information on how to make your onboarding even better and more result oriented from various HR forums available on the internet or offline HR communities.

Ask them their experience and where they failed and what changes and innovation they have done in their onboarding plan. This will give you lot of idea to bring changes in your policy and to make it more employee-centric.

Seek advice from industry veterans and thought-leaders and take help of professional networks like Linkedin. They have a lot to offer owing to their experience that will inspire you and make your plan more effective.

6. Tailor-made Plan

Although difficult, try to make tailor-made onboarding plan for every employee. It is recommended keeping in mind that each is different and falls under different age-bracket, backgrounds, have varied strengths, weaknesses, skill-sets, attitude levels.

Therefore, there are no one-size fits all, and a tailor-made plan is much more productive. This will also help to assess any additional training needs.


Employee onboarding is very important and beneficial when done with extensive planning. It is a way to manage the influx of new hires and to make them familiar with the team member and policies of the organization. This makes them team players, fully productive & comfortable at the workplace.


Female Employee Transportation – Challenges and Safety Measures

Female employee transportation takes center-stage in the Corporate sector where transportation to and from work is extended as a perk to the employee. Employee productivity is directly proportional to their well-being.


With shifts and odd operational hours, commuting to work for female employees, is a major concern. It is the onus of the employer to ensure the safety of female employees. Safety measures are to be adopted by the employer to meet the challenges involved in female employee transportation.


Worldwide, women using public transport feel unsafe and insecure. Public transport is used more by women than men. They are prone to harassment and assault on public buses and trains. It is only a very small fraction of women who have not experienced an uncomfortable situation while travelling alone.

Though they do feel comparatively safe in public buses and trains during daylight hours, they undergo physical, sexual or verbal harassment in some form or the other.

Harassment faced while walking to a station, standing at a crowded bus-stop during peak hours or while rushing home before dark are some of the common fears that women are faced with.

It is highly essential to ensure the safety and security of women by the government as well as the employers as most of the untoward instances take place while women commute to work and back. The women hence avoid public transport and resort to taking cabs and ride-hires or personal transport if possible.

  • Transportation of employees is the major operation for the fleet management of a company. The transportation of female employees is even more of a challenge as their safety and security are of prime importance.
  • Increasing the wellbeing of female employees will increase productivity in the workplace. With globalization, the shift in working hours demands that the female employees work odd hours between 7 pm and 6 am and it shifts through the days This makes it difficult and unsafe for the employee to commute to work. Hence the least the employer can do is to assure the female employees of a safe commute to work.
  • Female only buses and train compartments have to an extent solved the problems of travel for women. This has been tried out in Brazil and India. This sort of an exclusive operation, though lauded by the users, might not turn profitable for the government or transport authorities.
  • Increasing the hiring of female drivers to pick up and drop off is another option. But the female drivers might not be able to commit themselves to long hours of work or night runs due to constraints of family and their safety.
  • On-demand bus stops closer to home can be created for travelers by public buses. This will not be possible for travelers by trains. In either case, the last leg of the journey home from the bus stop or train station is still hazardous at odd hours of the day.
  • The cost will be a guiding factor for any organization providing transport for the employees. The transport policy has to be reviewed periodically to maintain viable operations. Different models of costing like the company bearing the entire cost or the employee contributing a part of the cost can be worked out. These options again depend on the perks and packages given to the employees.
  • Operating an entire fleet of buses, coaches or cabs may not prove to be cost-effective for certain industries. The employees can be given the freedom to use public transport, share cabs, car-pools, etc, the charges of which can be reimbursed by the company. In this case, the safety of travel cannot be ensured. Companies outsource their transport needs. This again means higher costs, minimal control and lesser security.
  • Though sexual harassment happens quite often, the victims do not report the incident for fear of being blamed for the incident. The pressure on the victims to prove their innocence and lack of knowledge of legal recourse available to them silence them. Without proper reporting, quick remedial measures cannot be affected. Hence the women should be encouraged to speak without inhibition so that travel could be made safe for the whole female community.

Safety Measures

  • The employers have gone to great lengths to ensure that the employee arrives safely and comfortably to work and back. The companies should have well-defined policies and a dedicated team to handle the transport of employees. There are several passenger safety apps that can be used by the transport department.
  • In today’s scenario, a multitude of tracking apps is available. The apps will enable the transport team to optimize costs and resources. The automated control and reporting systems will enhance the operations. The organization can choose an app suited to their requirements and the employee needs.
  • GPS devices can be fixed in all vehicles to enable live tracking of vehicle movement. The presence of police or person of authority on a bus is recommended. Video cameras installed in the buses will record the happenings on the bus and will help to deter assaults if any.
  • Female-only cabs, fixed with GPD devices, can be tracked and monitored separately. Any deviation in the route can be detected and suitable action is taken immediately.
  • Panic buttons fixed in the vehicles can be used to alert the transport desk in case of an emergency. The desk then can inform the security and the police for immediate action.
  • Fleet management has to make sure that the female employees are always accompanied by a male colleague and not left alone with a driver during trips at night. The route plan should ensure that the female employees are not the first to be picked up or last to be dropped off. In unavoidable cases where it is necessitated the employee should be escorted by a guard.
  • The female employee should be able to contact the driver without having to share her telephone number. This can be done with a call masking facility. The mobile numbers of female employees have to be masked on the devices used by drivers.
  • The female employee should be able to send a confirmation of the safe-drop on reaching her destination via the app to the transport desk.
  • The drivers of the vehicles, owned or hired by the companies, should go through an extensive process of background checks before being absorbed into the system. They should be trained on aspects of courtesy, etiquette and usage of technology.
  • The companies have to work out a transport model that is cost-effective and at the same time does not compromise on safety and security. Depending on the size and nature of business they can decide on the mode of transport – buses and coaches during the day and cabs by night – to pick and drop female employees.
  • Random checks on drivers should be performed by the transport team to avoid drunken driving, fatigue, and tiredness, over-speeding and traffic offenses to ensure driver discipline.
  • Awareness programs for the female commuters to familiarize them with the reporting systems and the legal recourse available to them would be highly beneficial. This would encourage them to voice their concerns and report specific incidents.
  • A regular feedback mechanism from the passengers will help the transport team in their evaluation of the drivers. It will aid them in upgrading their services.

Talented and professional women refrain from taking up employment due to harassment while commuting to the workplace and back. Companies should not overlook this fact and they should strive to tap this extensive pool of talent.

Safe transport to and from work will be an added incentive for a female employee to join an organization.


With the technology innovations and extensive background verification processes in place, the organization can provide the employee with all the support required. Even then it is practically impossible to guarantee cent percent safety.

In the end, it is the female employee who is responsible for her safety. Being aware and mindful of the circumstances and maintaining a level of alertness are prime requisites to one’s own safety.

Employee Transportation Software Facts to Check Before You Choose

Employee transportation software is the need of the hour, especially in companies that have multiple shifts. Studies have shown that providing safe and comfortable transportation for employees has greatly helped improve employee morale as well as productivity.

Gone are the days when employers thought that organizing transport for employees as a waste of time and money. Nowadays, companies offer transportation as a part of the employee benefits and not as a perk.

The top benefits of using employee transportation software are:

• The software reduces expenses involved in employee transportation management

• It helps streamline the logistics by creating routes based on employees’ pickup and drop points

• The shift details are automatically updated to create an optimized route

• The senior management get a clear picture of the transportation system and expenses involved in employee transportation

We can see that there are many benefits both in terms of performance and finance. However, to make the most of the technology, you need to use the right employee transportation software.

If the application doesn’t cater to your specific requirements and preferences, then it may not be worth the time and effort. That’s why it is essential to get an employee transportation software that is custom-designed to your company’s needs and requirements.

In this blog, we will elaborate on the essential facts that you need to check before you get employee transportation software.

Facts to Check Before Choosing an Employee Transportation System

There are many transport management systems available in the market. You should choose a system that meets the specific requirements of your company. So, you need to explore the features of the system and check the facts to see if they meet your firm’s needs and preferences.

Setup and integration

The first fact that you need to check when you get a transport management system is setup and integration. The system should be able to integrate into your existing system. Plus, you should be able to easily upload employee data in an excel format to the software program.

Even a non-technical person should be able to use the app to update details such as shifts, pickup, and drop points. The software should also have an option for employees to register using their employee ID.

The questions that will help you verify the facts about the software setup are:

• What is the process for setup and integration?

• Will you provide professional assistance for the setup?

• Do I need to invest in external software or application to use this employee transport management system?

• How much time will it take to setup the transport management software?

• Will I need a dedicated resource to manage the software or can a person from my existing team handle it?


An effective transportation management software should have a good scheduling system. The scheduling system should come with predetermined filters as well as a feature to add your options. The software should be able to create a schedule based on the number of vehicles, routes, employees, and shift details.


It should also offer multishift management. Once the schedule is prepared, the complete trip manifest should be shared with all the team. The manifest should have details such as vehicle and driver details.

The questions that will help you verify the facts regarding scheduling are:

• Does the software automatically create the schedules or will it need manual intervention?

• When will the schedule be prepared and shared?

• I want to make changes in the schedule after the manifest is prepared. Is it possible?

• What kind of data should I provide for the scheduling?

Route optimization

With effective route optimization, you will be able to reduce dry runs and save on fuel expenses. That’s why it is very important to create routes that will reduce back and forth driving or overlapping routes. Factors such as roadblocks, traffic, and drive time need to be considered while preparing the best route.

The questions that will help you verify the facts regarding route optimization are:

• Which factors does the software consider while designing a route?

• There are some traffic problems on a regular route. How will the software update the info and make the changes?

• If there are last-minute changes in the route, will everyone be informed?

Real-time tracking

Real-time tracking is important both for monitoring and safety. If you have odd-hour shifts or night shifts in your company, then it becomes even more essential to have real-time tracking. This feature also helps save your employee’s time.

Based on the GPS location, employees will know the right time to come and wait at the pickup spot. Also, they can have a clear idea of when they will reach their drop point.

The questions that will help you verify the facts about real-time tracking are:

1. Will I need any special system for real-time tracking?
2. Who will be able to access real-time updates?
3. Will the data tell me where exactly the vehicle is at any point in time?


The software should give you daily, weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly reports. Preferably, the reports should not only have consolidated data but also visualizations for easy understanding. The reports should both be user-based and organizational. A few of the must-have reports are

• Tracking reports
• Trip reports
• Pickup and drop reports
• Maintenance reports
• Historical movement reports
• Employee attendance reports
• Driver availability calendar
• Driver behaviour reports
• Live trip statistics

The questions that will help you verify the facts about Reports are:

• Can I get customized reports?
• In what format are the reports generated?
• Can I download or share the reports?
• Who will be able to access the reports?
• Can I decide the period of generating reports?
• Will the reports have only data or graphs also?

Billing support

The software should provide billing support in addition to operational support. The software keeps track of the number of kilometers traveled by each vehicle in the fleet. This data can be used to calculate the fuel costs.

The software should also have a track of the spare parts and accessories purchased, repairs, and regular maintenance. If you’re leasing or renting the vehicles, then the rent details should also be monitored.

Whether you’re managing employee transportation in-house or have outsourced it to a vendor, the software should help you monitor and manage all the finances.

The questions that will help you check the facts about billing support are:

• What kind of billing data does the software track?

• In what format are the maintenance reports generated?

• How are the services and spare parts tracked?

• Who needs to update the maintenance and service details? And, will there be an option to cross verify the information?


The front end of the software application should be simple and user friendly. The dashboard should give you clear, yet detailed stats of all the vehicles in the fleet. The app should also have different interfaces for driver, employee, and management.

The high-performance app should be able to send notifications regarding route, pickup, and drop to all the relevant parties. At the same time, the app should have access control. For example, the driver should not be able to view the details of the employees.


Also, in the management, only relevant persons should be able to access and monitor the master dashboard.

The questions that will help you check the facts of the app are:

• Is the app user-friendly?

• Are there separate interfaces for drivers, employees, and management?

• Will the app send notifications about pickup and drop points to the employees?

• Will the app send updated route details to the driver and the employee?

• What are the security features in the app?


Mobility has become a necessity these days. You should be able to access the software application on a smartphone. If that’s difficult, at least the mobile website should be accessible. It will be even better if the mobile app can perform even at low internet bandwidths.

This feature is important because many of the users may not have high-speed internet connectivity. Also, there could be blind spots along the route where network connectivity may be less.

The questions that will help you check the facts about mobility are:

• Is the app Android and iOS compatible?
• Can the app run on any system or is it OS-specific?
• Do you have both a mobile app and a website?

Pricing Packages

The features and functions of the app will give you an idea of its performance. But, then the deciding factor in choosing an application is the pricing. The cost of the employee management software should be within the company’s budget. At the same time, it should give you full value for your money.

Transportation management systems generally have two pricing models – subscription and perpetual. In the subscription model, you will receive a monthly/annual bill. The rates typically depend on the number of vehicles and the size of the organization.

So, the rates will go up or down when the counts change. In the perpetual model, you will get the software with the license. You can choose the product based on the size of the company and the fleet. However, there could be hidden fees such as upgrades, maintenance, and support.

The questions that will help you check the facts of the pricing are:

1. What are the pricing packages that you have?
2. On average, what is the support and maintenance fee?
3. Will there be any changes in the fee after a year of use?
4. Is the pricing based on the features that I use?
5. Will I need to spend extra for the setup and integration?


Create a checklist of your needs and requirements before you explore the various software solutions for employee transport management. You can also use the information shared above as well as the questions to check the various facts. Based on the responses, you can decide whether or not the software will be suitable for your company.

To know more about our employee transportation software, its facts, and features, call us at +91 81 1386 0000.

Say Hello to Optimized Employee Transport Management: Here’s Why!

Productivity is one of the key parameters used to evaluate the success of any business. To ensure optimum productivity, employees need to come to work on time. And at the same time, they should be able to travel comfortably so they don’t feel fatigued when they reach the office.

One way you can ensure this is by organizing transport for all your employees. While employee transport management can be an effective solution, it also comes with a suite of challenges. So, how can you optimize employee transport management such that both the employee and the management are benefited? Let’s discuss the salient points in this blog.

The Need for Employee Transportation

These days most companies have employee transportation. Though managing transportation takes time and money, it is cost-effective in the long run. The many reasons why companies have an in-house transportation system or outsource to a vendor are:

Multiple Shifts

A lot of companies work on shift systems. The shifts could start as early as 5 or 6 in the morning and end after 10 in the night. Multinational companies work round the clock as they have clients in other parts of the globe.

Read Also: Top 10 Benefits Of Employee Transport Management System

This means that the shift timings are erratic and could start and end during times when there is no public transportation. Organizing employee transport is the best solution to help employees reach office on time and go back safely.


The other reason for having an employee transportation system is the safety of the employees. It is safer to pick up and drop employees, especially during night shifts and early morning shifts.


If employees come to the office in their own vehicles or public transport, they will be tired by the time they reach the office. Battling the traffic while driving or managing to find a seat in the crowded buses or trains while commuting can make them tired even before they reach the office. So, it is more convenient to organize transportation for employees.

On-time arrival

One of the biggest reasons why companies prefer to organize transportation is that they can be assured that employees will reach the office on time. They will also be fresh and ready to start working immediately after clocking in.

Optimized Employee Transport Management

We’ve seen that companies and employees greatly benefit from a transportation system. But then, there are also numerous responsibilities associated with the same. You need to have a team handling the transportation system or outsource it to a company that offers fleet management.

If you are planning to manage the transportation in-house, then you should definitely think of automating the system. A fleet management system can help you schedule the trips, track the location of the vehicles and the drivers, and at the same time ensure safety compliance.

Benefits of Automated Routing And Scheduling Application

Multiple Shift Management

The most common shifts followed in companies are morning shift, afternoon shift, and night shift. The type of shift is changed weekly, biweekly, or monthly. The automated schedule system allows you to set default rules for scheduling trips and routes based on the employee shifts. It will also have an option to customize shifts and vehicle schedules. 

Reduce manpower with fleet management technology

The fleet management system automates most of the repetitive scheduling tasks based on pre-set parameters. It also sends alerts and notifications to the drivers as well as employees.

The management can track all the vehicle movements and details of the employees using the transportation system on the application’s dashboard.

Decrease dry runs with effective transport management

Faulty route planning, errors in schedules, no-show, and other manual errors could help reduce the number of dry runs. With effective transport management, you can reduce unwanted expenses due to improper route planning.

Real-time monitoring of drivers and vehicles

Smartphones with GPS and vehicles embedded with motion sensors allow real-time monitoring. The app also helps track driver behaviour and improve driver efficiency. The real-time data helps monitor staff downtime and vehicle movement at any point in time.


The automated transport management system generates reports that you can use to gain insightful information. The various reports that the software generates include daily/weekly/monthly run reports, trip reports, stop reports, employee reports, tracking reports, maintenance reports, historical movement reports, driver behaviour reports, and driver duty roaster.

The app collects data such as fuel usage, distance traveled, number of vehicles, number of trips, safety procedures, and other parameters. All the data can be used to prepare a strategy. It can also be used to optimize the route based on employee shifts and reduce expenses.

How Automated Transport Management Helps


The company management will have a clear picture of the transportation details, thanks to the numerous reports that are generated. The software will also give all the vital data that they can use to plan an effective transportation system for all the employees.

Above all, the dashboard will enable the top management to get real-time information on all the vehicles and drivers at any point in time. It also helps ensure the safety of the employees.


The app sends notifications to the employees so they will know the exact time they need to come to the pickup point. So, they don’t need to wait for a long time to board the vehicle.

It further enhances the safety of the employees. Also, employees can change the point of pickup or drop by updating the details on the app.


Drivers will know details of the route, stop points, and pick up points in detail. The entire trip manifest can be updated in the vehicle’s navigation system so the drivers don’t need to keep worrying about the route or the pickup and drop points.

Features of Our Optimized Employee Transport Management System

Our employee management system has plenty of user-friendly features, so even non-technical persons can set up the system and use it. The system offers live trip statistics such as employee attendance, vehicle details, driver details, number of employees in each vehicle, and complete trip manifest.

You can also easily upload all the employee and shift details using an excel spreadsheet. The reports generated by the system help keep track of the fuel and maintenance cost. Enjoy the convenience and savings of a fleet management system.

To know more about our optimized employee transport management, contact us

Failure to Motivate Employees – How It Impacts the Management

To convert intention into action, employees need to be motivated & build into a stronger team to cultivate a pleasing working environment. Failure to motivate employees can create poor communication, diminished productivity & cause low levels of engagement inside the management.


Many companies spend a lot to hire motivational speakers by realizing that nurturing the talents of the employees is important to build stronger teams.

Motivation and reward are much important to cultivate a good working environment. It is the drive that motivates employees to work towards a goal.

There is a lot of difference between how an unhappy worker approaches work and a happy worker does his/her work. Failure to recognize and reward good performance will demotivate the employees and lead to poor performance.

There are many business theories that state the importance of motivation & drawbacks of failure to motivate employees. We will be discussing them in this blog.

Relationship between Happiness and Job

Happiness has got a lot to do with business. Imagine that an unhappy employee is given a task; the person will find the work uninteresting and will complete the task without taking much interest in it. An unhappy employee does a job so that he is not fired.

Have you ever done a job above and beyond what is expected when you are not given an incentive? I’m sure your answer will be no. On the other hand, a happy worker will find the work enjoyable and find value in the work that is to be done.

There are intrinsic and extrinsic factors that affect motivation.

Intrinsic factors

  1. Responsibility – A sense of responsibility motivates an employee to work well.
  2. Achievement – Employees are motivated when they a driven to a goal. Something to achieve is always a motivation to employees.
  3. Recognition – When employees are praised for their work, they feel good that their work is being recognized.
  4. Growth – When they achieve growth in their field of work it is a motivation for them.

Extrinsic Factors

  1. Salary – When they are given a hike in their salary they tend to be more productive.
  2. Benefits – When employees are provided with benefits other than their salary they feel motivated.
  3. Working conditions – Better working conditions are a necessity and when provided with it will increase the productivity of the employees.
  4. Safety and security – Apart from good working conditions a safer and more secure working condition will boost the morale of the employees.

Motivational Theories

There are numerous motivational theories that have been advised by experts in the field of management. They state that there are certain factors in the workplace that are responsible for employee satisfaction.

We will be discussing two of the main theories that point out the factors that motivate employees.

Herzberg’s Motivation Theory or Two Factor Theory

Herzberg’s motivation theory states that there are certain factors that motivate the employees and certain others that demotivate them.

This behavioral scientist proposed this hygiene theory factor affects the motivation and performance of the employees. There are job factors that prevent dissatisfaction while there are others that result in satisfaction. This was the theory put forward by Herzberg.

Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory

One of the most popular theories proposed by Abraham Maslow is the need hierarchy theory. It suggests that there is a hierarchy of needs that is basic to every human being. These needs are:

  • Physiological
  • Safety
  • Social
  • Esteem
  • Self-actualization

Maslow proposed that all human efforts are to satisfy these needs and that motivation is the result of a person trying to achieve these needs. These needs are represented in a hierarchical form in a pyramid.

What Lack of Motivation Can Do?

Failure to motivate employees for their work they will soon make them start to think about why they should put much effort when it is not recognized. Management must be conscious of the things that cause demotivation among employees and solve it in time.

Employees who are not appreciated and motivated for the work that they do might stoop to a lower level. They must always be informed about the company goals and employee objectives. This gives them a sense of how important their work is to the organization.

It affects the morale of an entire office when one employee is dissatisfied with the work that he is doing. If the employees are dissatisfied with their jobs it can soon turn out that they will want to quit their job.

If you want to keep them occupied with their work make sure that you make it interesting for them.

Concluding Thoughts

It is essential that you must appreciate the work of your employees and give them proper motivation and appraisal. For instance, you might be running a customer service project where your employees need to solve the issues of your clients.

Failure to motivate employees might make it uneasy to talk with customers. They might not have the patience or energy to deal the customers they are talking with. In such situations, it is important to motivate them for the work they are doing.

Employee motivation can not only be done in terms of money but also by appreciating the work that they do.

How Do You Track or Measure Employee Engagement

Employee productivity is the holy grail for a company’s growth. A company’s human resource capabilities and its productive employee engagement on any day indicate the kind of growth a company is poised to have.


A lot of software products and solutions are available in the market.

Measuring employee engagement in office hours is one of the major things to be handled in a company’s state of affairs.

For staff to be engaged fully in office premises, they need to understand and believe that the company really cares about them.

That’s when the employee needs to know that their boss shows them that they care, so they’ll reply with much loyalty and sincerity to the whole group and company.

There are different methods to measure employee engagement. Most of these require both human and software-based intervention. Here are a few ways for your organization to measure employee engagement.

1) Surveys

Conduct one on one surveys on employees. This is a good way to analyze and track employee engagement. This can be done either offline or online.

By offline, it would be done by distributing questionnaires on papers to the employees and asking them to fill it up.

The questionnaire form would basically be a feedback template on which the employee can record his outputs based on the questions asked on the work culture, office environment, management behavior.

2) Recognition

A company in which its employees are recognized for their contribution would definitely add value to the whole organization.

Presenting awards for the best performers like the top employee award, most valuable player award, emerging star award could be a way for the organization to raise the competitive spirit, also improving employee engagement in various strata of the job.

3) Employee Happiness

Just having the right people would not be enough. If the company is having an uninspired workforce then it will be marred with more absences, a higher attrition rate, and a dip in performance.

Companies need an integral leader to make sure that everyone is happy and committed to succeeding. Without a clear vision to ensure workplace happiness, you will lose to increase everyone’s true talent. Happy staffs are productive staffs.

The tensions of the tasks assigned to staff can let them down. If the management wants to keep everyone engaged, then they must provide a working environment that employees want to be part of.

By introducing areas where your staff can rejuvenate and relax, the employer will increase the productivity and output of the employees. This can be done by introducing a game area, an innovation space, etc.

4) Work-life flexibility

In the fast-moving working environment, the thin line between work and life is a vexed question that is to be tackled on the go.

The management expects even more from their staff, also this can lead to putting the employees in a state of pressure or dilemma as to continue with the company or not.

Most of the time, this leads to long working hours which might end up with the employees staying away from their family which may affect them badly.

Providing flexible hours and working approaches to employees will give all employees to get hold of a good balance between life and work.

5) Regular Communication

Every staff of your company will be having their own problems. Addressing them would be a part of the human resource team and in net effect, this process would add up to employee productivity in all means.

By keeping an open interaction, you will implement an agile staff force that would want to work within your company.

Additionally, it is good to have personnel in the human resource team to take the initiative in your absence to effectively interact with your team.

Break down the silos and create systems so every staff in your company can get in touch with you. Take time to respond to your staff questions and leave very less queries unanswered.

6) Encourage staff to come out of their comfort zones

Employees are always repugnant to being or doing redundant tasks. A very few are excited being so.

By providing your employees with new responsibilities every day, the employer will also be giving them new opportunities to nurture and grow. This is equally beneficial to both the employee group and the organization.

This is a great way to make the staff feel valued and to enhance productivity among peers. New talent discovery is an undeniable fact that would come up if you introduce and delegate your staff to new opportunities and provide them with ownership.

There are also online tools to get feedback and take surveys of the employees. This is a new process that is gathering pace in the industry now.

Measuring the employee engagement process, adding points to each level that the employee has reached in the process, and incentivizing them is a new strategy adopted by the organizations to instill employee engagement.