Top Features of Employee Transportation Management System

We have traveled so far since the invention of the automotive. With the arrival of new set of features employee transportation management system, everyday hassle has become non existent.

Once they were considered as unreliable and were looked upon with skepticism. Same was with the case of technology used.

However, there were a lot of people who were not willing to give up. They strongly believed that automobiles are the shortcut to development, which was absolutely right. Time has already proven it.

One of the major use of automobiles is transportation. It is the crucial factor of any industry. However, the ordeal of transportation has always been painstaking.

The situation has now slowly started changing especially after the invention of Employee Transportation Management system.


The invention of Transportation management system is a boon to companies as nowadays employee satisfaction is crucial to the success of any company.

Let’s see its features,

  • Live Tracking Dashboard:

    Real time tracking of the vehicle during a commute will be available on the dashboard. For instance, the dashboard will show a user the exact routes where the vehicle is going. If there is any deviation, the person who has access to the dashboard will be notified so that necessary steps can be taken.

  • SOS Alert:

    Employees will also receive an app which is also a part of the system. If there is a case of emergency situation, employees can alert, authorities, manager of the team as well as system admin of the transportation system simultaneously or separately.

  • Trace the Trip:

    Exact route taken by the transportation vehicle can be tracked and time duration of the trip taken can also be tracked.

  • Notifications: 

    Employees, managers, as well as drivers, will receive notifications in accordance with their role in transportation.

  • Speed Alert:

    Whenever there is a breach of speed limit the system will send the warning signals to concerned authorities so that mishap won’t happen.

  • Route Planner and Scheduler:

    New routes can be planned in accordance with the request of an employee. Often cabs are allocated as first come first serve basis.

  • Digital Trip-sheets:

    Complete details about the trip of an employee can be stored in the system and employees as well as managers will be able to access it in future or real-time.

  • Communication:

    Employees will have a private message section where they can contact their office in case of an emergency. Likewise, drivers can also contact the fleet manager or even the company.

  • Billing:

    Digital invoices can be generated instantly through apps.

  • Apps:

    The system can be integrated into a mobile app so that employee, manager, and driver can access it at the same time and can access data in accordance with their authority.

  • Vehicle Expense Management:

    The complete expense of a vehicle including, spare parts price, service time and cost, transportation price etc. can be managed through this section.

  • Third Party Hardware Integration:

    Further enhancement to the system can be made via integration with hardware’s.  For instance, camera system, sensors, etc.

  • Ranking System for Drivers:

    Drivers of the vehicle will be ranked according to the scores given by the employees. This will ensure that the commute is smooth and will create a bond between drivers and the company.

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Features of Employee Transportation Management System

  • Saves up to 25% of the actual transportation cost
  • On-time pickup and drop off of employees
  • No more disputes with transportation vendor regarding bills
  • Trip scheduling and cancellation is easy
  • Assured security for employees as well as drivers
  • Effective Geo-Fencing
  • Tension free employee transportation
  • Increased employee satisfaction score.
  • Will be able to reduce the use of automobiles by employees thus an environment-friendly image can be projected in front of the public.

How to tackle major issues that are affecting your fleet business

Transportation Management System without any doubt is one of the hectic jobs out there. A fleet manager has to make sure that every fleet is on schedule and have to manage the entire business. Apart from that, he should monitor all the employees as passenger safety is at stake.

But there is a solution to the hectic job of managers. The solution can not only ease off their work pressure but also increase the efficiency of the fleet. And the cherry on the topping would be the money it will save in terms of fuel efficiency.


All these can be availed by installing a Transportation Management System. Let’s see how it will be of help.

Fleets which could not keep up with the schedule

Fleets should always work in harmony. A slight alteration in schedule can create a knock on effect and can jeopardize the timing of the entire fleet. Often these kinds of issues are commonly seen in fleets which have not an efficient management system.


Transportation management system can efficiently track and monitor vehicles and routes which are causing delay. The system can suggest optimized routes which will be quicker than that of the old one. With proper hardware integration, it can also monitor the working condition of vehicles and prompt managers to rectify it.

Spot the bad drivers

Once a vehicle starts rolling it’s entirely the responsibility of drivers to carry out rest of the job. However, some drivers will lag behind the schedule by taking long breaks or even run slower than that of the proposed speed.


Transportation Management system can track which vehicle is lagging behind and can notify the manager whom in turn can have a talk with the driver and find out what’s wrong.

Fuel it’s crucial

In order to be profitable, every vehicle in a fleet should run on a ration of petrol. However, drivers who fear malfunction usually do not turn of the vehicle when it’s at a halt. As a result, fuel will be wasted. The loss will be hefty if it’s in the case of a fleet which has hundreds of vehicles or more.


Solving this issue is tricky even though finding the issue is a piece of cake with a transportation management system. However, to rectify the issue a deeper understanding is needed. Since it’s in the hands of the driver, proper instruction along with personalized goals must be given. Slow process indeed, but effective.

Too many Trips

Sometimes managers make the mistake of charting too many vehicles to a single destination carrying few passengers. An extra vehicle can cause a considerable amount of money to a transportation company.

Read Also: “CCTV integration to Transportation Management System – Possibilities”


A management system will notify manager if a vehicle is assigned to the same route twice. It can also suggest vehicle in accordance with the number passengers. This rectification will increase the efficiency of the fleet a lot.

Managing the assets

Vehicles are the biggest asset of a fleet management company. Often inefficiency in management will result in negligence and poor maintenance of the vehicle. Often correct vehicle service will not be carried over and as a result, malfunction happens.


Vehicle management system can prompt managers about the service date of vehicles. With proper hardware integration, the system can also find out any irregularity in the pattern of engine performance.

Embracing technology to an extent can be a great deal of help to any business. Same is in the case of companies which are into transportation. However, the key is to choose the right one since a surplus of products is now available in the market.

Top 5 Questions About Employee Transportation Management System

Employee Transportation Management System is crucial for any company as it one of the key factor when it comes to employee satisfaction. However, the whole process is hectic and demands a lot of effort and attention.

Luckily invention of Employee Transportation Management System is changing the whole scenario to a point where almost all aspects of employee transportation can be automated now. Even though lot of companies are opting for management system there is indeed lot of companies who are skeptical about it.


Let’s address their most important queries.

1)  What’s the need for automation in employee transportation?

Industries are growing at a rapid rate and so is the employee strength. Employees nowadays opt for company transportation rather than their own vehicle. The main reason would be the security it offers and the money it saves.

However, any disruption in the transportation can cause grave damage to the business of an organization. This is the reason why the need of an Employee Transportation Management Software kicks in.

What it does is,

  • Integrated software-hardware system ensures safety of employees by effectively tracking vehicle as well as the employees. Information is passed to the employees as well as the authorities in real-time with stupendous accuracy.

  • Some of the advanced transportation management system is incorporated with insights and Artificial intelligence which has the ability of allocate vehicle and to optimize routes based on various factors.

  • Within a few days of installation the system will increase the efficiency of transportation dramatically than it used to be.

  • Automation will result in cutting down manpower and efficiency increase. Thus, saving lot of money.

2) Why should there be a dedicated GPS device rather than a phone which itself is a GPS device?

Mobile phones are agile and the navigation app inside them is accurate. However, people still opt for GPS device when it comes to tracking. Let’s compare both of them and find out why.

First of all, display inside a mobile phone is tiny and detailed monitoring is a pain staking job. On the other hand a GPS system will have a dedicate monitor if its own and accessing through various features of it is easy.

Processor of a GPS device is dedicated for its purpose alone and in the case of mobile processor it has to be allocated for other purpose too, resulting in the heating up of the phone.

In addition to that, various smart cards like RFID card, HID card can be integrated to a GPS device.

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Last but not least software system attached to the GPS device is comprised of complex algorithm can come up excellent results which make it an advanced, complete secure option than that of a mobile phone.

3) How will it reduce cost?

A good Employee Transportation Management system will have analytics in them to evaluate the data that comes in so that it can come up with effective solution that can reduce the cost of the fleet business.

  • Optimized Trips and routes: Often fleet vehicle has to cover unnecessary distance owing to lack of planning or un-optimized routes. With the help of complex  algorithm the system can suggest optimized routes as well as efficient vehicles in the fleet for transportation which can save a great deal of money.
  • Increase efficiency of manpower fleet management technology: Manpower is the most important in any business. However it can turn out to be inefficient and hefty if more than required employees are hired or even present employees working inefficiently. What fleet management technology does here is that it finds out the ineffective side of manpower so that it the employees can be given required warning or replacement if necessary. Promoting activities like internet based communication, paperless billing and transaction also reduces cost considerably.
  • Elimination of dry runs:  Sometimes vehicles will be allotted to a trip where there are only a few employees whom can be included in other cabs. Dry runs like this can waste a huge deal of money on the long run. Employee transportation Management System will effectively automate scheduling process and allocation in accordance with passenger number.
  • Vehicle and driver monitoring through real-time data:  With its GPS tracking system and proper hardware integration, Transportation Management System can effectively track the whereabouts of vehicle and can monitor the working of the vehicle. The main advantage of such monitoring is that repairs can be done in advance so that vehicle would not malfunction in between trip. Drivers often keep vehicle at idle to avoid any malfunction. However, this can be hefty to the business as price of the fuel is so high.

4) How long will take to install a full-fledged system?

It is just matter of days that the system becomes fully functional. However, installation process will depend on the kind of integration customer are opting. Integration like RFID/HID card reader CCTV camera surveillance, Engine performance monitor etc. will take time. But the result will be swift.

5) Which one to choose and how?

Finding system that can automate your company transportation is not that of a big deal. However, choosing the right one is indeed hard since you will be bombarded with variety of software system in the internet.

Before choosing make sure that the demo the company offer are well explained as well as it meets all the criteria that you expect from the software. Apart from that try to give your custom made work flow to the system and closely watch how well it performs. Make sure that it can be integrated to the current system that you are using and data transferring is easy.

CCTV integration to Transportation Management System – Possibilities

CCTV integration to transportation management system has a prominent presence at this juncture in time. They have now become affordable and one of the most powerful tools when it comes to security.

But is that all?

Have you ever imagined the possibilities it has on your fleet?

What if your vehicle meets with an accident and the blame falls on your driver who is one of your best and is innocent in the incident?

CCTV integration to transportation management system can help you from a great deal of trouble. The possibilities are vast and a must-have when it comes to fleet business.


Let’s dig deep into the reasons.

More than surveillance

CCTV cameras can be integrated with the GPS system of your Transportation Management System and can be used to monitor what’s happening inside and outside the vehicle in real-time. Accidents are one of the biggest enemies of fleet business. However, the extent of money loss can be reduced to a considerable amount in terms of malicious insurance claims. With the help of a CCTV camera, footage can be recorded and can act as evidence if the accident was not the fault of your driver.

By integrating CCTV cameras to the GPS system gives Transportation Management System an advantage to track what’s happening or what has happened at the time of an unfortunate incident.

To Prevent Theft

Vehicles are often stolen by thieves despite tracking software systems. In that sort of situation, hidden dash cameras and external cameras can give crucial information to the authorities regarding the identity of the thieves

Work-flow monitoring

Driver behavior is essential when it comes to maintaining the efficiency of a fleet. For example, what if your fleet driver is taking unnecessary route deviation or even stops? Installation of CCTV cameras will make sure no such situation is happening in your fleet.

Uploading video to the cloud

Imagine a situation where one of your fleet vehicles has met with an accident. Unfortunately, the recording unit of the camera has suffered severe damage in the accident and the footage couldn’t be retrieved.

Read Also: “GPS Trackers – Why Are They Relevant Now?”

The only solution to this issue would be to upload the real-time video feed to a cloud-based storage system so that it can be downloaded whenever or wherever the authorized user wishes to.

Easy monitoring

The visual output of the CCTV footage is indeed a crucial part of the system. Nowadays technology has advanced so well that even the mobile phone can be used for this purpose. Detailed command center monitoring is also possible.


Some of the latest CCTV systems that are available in the market now have the ability to integrate with the new or the old tracking system of the vehicle. Some of the prime examples of such integrations are break-in alarms, turn indicators, onboard diagnostics, door sensors, etc.

Eliminate blind spots from your vehicle

A fleet might consist of different types of vehicles. In the case of large vans, it is indeed a painstaking ordeal to drive it owing to the blind spots. Often this results in damaging the body of the vehicle. To avoid this CCTV camera along with a proximity sensor can be installed to the vehicle so that blind spots will not be an issue.