Telematics- A Must Have For Employee Transportation

Telematics in transportation is indeed a crucial factor when it comes to employee satisfaction. Those who beg to differ might have to face some unpleasant results when it comes to productivity. Imagine a scenario where a fleet driver forgets to pick up an employee and the employee arrives late at the office.

An unhappy start will shade his/her entire day with negative attitude and can directly affect the productivity.

So what would be the solution here?

Ferrying employees especially when it comes to big organization requires a huge amount support from technology, timely action and detailed analysis of the issue. From the technology side, Use of Telematics is the ultimate solution.


However, there are some obvious queries that arise when it comes to Telematics and its role in fleet management.

Let’s address that.

What is Telematics?

Telematics mainly deals with long distance digitized information transfer and is mainly used in when there is a need for actionable information for guidance.

In the case of vehicles, Telematics has the surveillance power by tracking your vehicle. Perks of the system does not end there. Telematics is the combination of GPS system and on—board tools which can map your vehicle position, speed, internal mechanics behavior etc.

Why Telematics in transportation management?

Corporate Employee Transportation is always hectic. Imagine the transportation of 1000 employees to various locations inside a city. It is obvious that the amount spend on the transportation it will be hefty as there are high chances of inefficiency as well as errors. Above all safety is at stake.

The only solution here would be Telematics. We are at a juncture of time where a huge number of corporations have put their complete trust in Telematics when it comes to Employee Transportation. The most astounding feature of this technology is that mobile apps can be incorporated into the system making it compact when it comes to monitoring.

What are the Major issues faces in Employee Transportation?

  • Allocating vehicles per shift
  • Seat utilization
  • Billing and accounting inefficiency
  • Route deviation
  • Fights between drivers and passengers
  • Un-optimized routes
  • Inability to verify MIS report
  • Travel duration
  • Scheduling and cancelling trip or even routes
  • Inability to verify the passengers

How can Telematics in transportation be the solution to fleet management issues?

Impeccable security: Complete tracking of vehicle as well as the passengers inside it can be done through a Transportation Management System. Features like Geo Fencing increase the security of the employees to a great amount. Communication facility is also available in the system so that employees can communicate with the manager and drivers and managers can communicate between each other.

Vehicle Maintenance: Various diagnostic tools installed (Upon the choice of the customer) along with the GPS tracker in a Telematics system can notify the managers as well as the drivers for various purposes. For instance, if run-time of an engine is above the input time of the system. Notification will be send to both the driver as well as the manager. In short, in accordance with the input data the system has the ability to notify users so that action can be taken to save money.

Fuel Usage: Fuel is indeed the most costly aspect of a fleet. However, a considerable amount of money on fuel can be saved by turning off the vehicles when the engine is in idle mode. Most of the drivers fail to do it no matter what. Telematics system installed in a vehicle can notify a driver to turn off the vehicle not only in this condition but also when the vehicle is speeding beyond the prescribed level.

Routing: Perfect routing is the key to efficiency in a fleet. Nowadays Telematics are so advanced that they have the ability to predict the optimum route for a journey with the help of historical data that has been collected over time from each employee and cutting edge AI (Artificial Intelligence). Advanced Transportation Management systems only require address of an employee to come up with an optimized route.

GPS Tracking: The most astounding feature of a Telematics system is its GPS capability. Not just for tracking but also for monitoring the vehicle real-time or non real-time. GPS also gives a fleet the capability of geo-fencing which is crucial when it comes to security.

What are the benefits of Telematics technology in Employee Transportation?

Read Also: “Dominant Benefits of Automatic Vehicle Location Technology”

Steep rise in efficiency: Proper communication, optimized routes, better driving habits etc. Is one of the guaranteed results of a Telematics Transportation Management System? This will have a direct effect on efficiency of any fleet.

Better Safety: Drivers are well aware that they are being tracked continuously and it evokes a sense of vigilance inside them and they will act in accordance with the security standards of an organization. This can also bring the down the accidents, speeding tendency as well as increase proper vehicle maintenance inside the fleet. This improved safety will ensure a positive impact on employee feedback tests.

Go Green: If the efficiency of fleets increases more people will chose the company transportation. Thus, carbon emissions caused by a company can be reduced to a great amount. This helps any company to project an environment friendly image in front of public.

Save Money: Idling of engine and driving more distance due to un-optimized routes even though it may sound not much of a deal when it comes to cost it can be hefty in accordance with the strength of organizations. This cost can be cut down completely after the installation of a Telematics system. Scheduled and proper notification of vehicle maintenance will also result in increased life and wear and tear of vehicle parts.

Dominant Benefits of Automatic Vehicle Location Technology

Automatic Vehicle Location technology is not all an alien for us now. Once seen as a mystery is now being put to use extensively in both public as well as private sector. Their widespread usage has increased security as well as the efficiency of transportation to a considerable amount.

The transit sector mainly uses Automatic Vehicle Location Technology to optimize the resource. So that it will be easy to manage a large fleet efficiently. Besides optimization it helps in reducing fuel consumption, labor and capital cost, manage transit schedule, handle passenger information etc.


Use of Automatic Vehicle Location Technology does not end here.  AVL has always proved to be crucial in earning customer satisfaction by successfully predicting destination signs, monitoring vehicle components etc.

However, there are some common queries that have been surfacing for quite some time regarding AVL. Let’s address that,

How does AVL work?

The AVL technology is based on 2 pillars

  • An onboard GPS system that can track the real-time location of the vehicle and can send the data to the user end.
  • A software system to process and display the data

The Vehicle’s real-time position is shared with retail companies using wide area network. The position data of the vehicle can be updated in every 2 minutes, it can be re-adjusted as per the demand of the user. This vehicle positioning data are also stored and a report is generated using the data to help the supervisor manager.

Read Also: “12 Ways Companies Can Use Employee and Asset GPS Tracking”

Each AVL vehicle has an emergency switch code blue. This switch sends an emergency signal and trigger alarm so that the users running the AVL application software get the emergency message.

Some general advantages of AVL technology:

  • Enhanced productivity
  • AVL helps in adhering to schedule, it also provides accuracy in monitoring and coordination
  • Reduces manual data entry
  • Enhance ability to manage and control operations and driver performance
  • Better tracking of off-route vehicles
  • Smooth communications between drivers, supervisors, operators and other staff
  • More radio messages
  • Can notify passengers about the bus arrival times, which in turn improves the quality of service and help passengers in managing their travel plan.
  • Fewer complaints from customers
  • Improves overall performance of transit agency
  • Smart decisions and detours in case of bad weather, roadway closings and accidents.

What are the benefits of AVL?

  • Employee safety:  In case of an emergency, AVL makes it easy to identify the vehicle and its location that demands immediate help.
  • Response time: If the location of the vehicle is tractable, the dispatcher can manage many scenarios including an emergency situation. The concerned person can immediately arrange a closest available team to look into the matter.  The improved response improves customer services, productivity, and curtails damage.
  • Service restoration: The AVL technology helps in restoring customer service at the earliest possible time despite adverse conditions. The AVL makes it easier for retail companies to coordinate with restoration team in a better way. The large restoration campaign involves non-company crew involvement to speed up the restoration task. The AVL enables the dispatcher to locate company crews while they assist other utilities.
  • Fast equipment delivery: Dispatcher can connect to the delivery vehicle and can provide detailed directions to the driver while searching for a location in unknown territory. It ensures fast arrival of supplies even if the driver is not well acquainted with the routes.

AVL system with its arrival and development have changed the face of transit industry to a great extent. Once complicated has now become user-friendly, smooth and extremely useful.  Present use of AVL system is not just confined to tracking.

They are now being put to extensive use in the transit industry. One of the astounding factors of AVL systems is that they can use the available data to come up with better results.

CCTV integration to Transportation Management System – Possibilities

CCTV integration to transportation management system has a prominent presence at this juncture in time. They have now become affordable and one of the most powerful tools when it comes to security.

But is that all?

Have you ever imagined the possibilities it has on your fleet?

What if your vehicle meets with an accident and the blame falls on your driver who is one of your best and is innocent in the incident?

CCTV integration to transportation management system can help you from a great deal of trouble. The possibilities are vast and a must-have when it comes to fleet business.


Let’s dig deep into the reasons.

More than surveillance

CCTV cameras can be integrated with the GPS system of your Transportation Management System and can be used to monitor what’s happening inside and outside the vehicle in real-time. Accidents are one of the biggest enemies of fleet business. However, the extent of money loss can be reduced to a considerable amount in terms of malicious insurance claims. With the help of a CCTV camera, footage can be recorded and can act as evidence if the accident was not the fault of your driver.

By integrating CCTV cameras to the GPS system gives Transportation Management System an advantage to track what’s happening or what has happened at the time of an unfortunate incident.

To Prevent Theft

Vehicles are often stolen by thieves despite tracking software systems. In that sort of situation, hidden dash cameras and external cameras can give crucial information to the authorities regarding the identity of the thieves

Work-flow monitoring

Driver behavior is essential when it comes to maintaining the efficiency of a fleet. For example, what if your fleet driver is taking unnecessary route deviation or even stops? Installation of CCTV cameras will make sure no such situation is happening in your fleet.

Uploading video to the cloud

Imagine a situation where one of your fleet vehicles has met with an accident. Unfortunately, the recording unit of the camera has suffered severe damage in the accident and the footage couldn’t be retrieved.

Read Also: “GPS Trackers – Why Are They Relevant Now?”

The only solution to this issue would be to upload the real-time video feed to a cloud-based storage system so that it can be downloaded whenever or wherever the authorized user wishes to.

Easy monitoring

The visual output of the CCTV footage is indeed a crucial part of the system. Nowadays technology has advanced so well that even the mobile phone can be used for this purpose. Detailed command center monitoring is also possible.


Some of the latest CCTV systems that are available in the market now have the ability to integrate with the new or the old tracking system of the vehicle. Some of the prime examples of such integrations are break-in alarms, turn indicators, onboard diagnostics, door sensors, etc.

Eliminate blind spots from your vehicle

A fleet might consist of different types of vehicles. In the case of large vans, it is indeed a painstaking ordeal to drive it owing to the blind spots. Often this results in damaging the body of the vehicle. To avoid this CCTV camera along with a proximity sensor can be installed to the vehicle so that blind spots will not be an issue.

GPS Trackers – Why Are They Relevant Now?

You are being tracked 24×7! As odd and provocative the statement sounds, we are at a juncture of time where it’s imminent.

Of course, the clamor for the word GPS tracking has always been loud. But look at the scenario that’s persisting. Threats like terrorism and crime are at a rapid rise nowadays. Statistics are there to cement it.


Security has always been a forte of GPS trackers, however, the latest innovations in the technology have given much more applications to it.

GPS trackers and its role inside an organization

A recent news article that came up in Telegraph has pointed out that the record spike in crime rate is forcing companies to install GPS tracking system to assure employee safety.

Another article that came up in The Atlantic clearly says that in the USA, employees are being tracked by their companies to keep an eye on their assets like phones, vehicles etc. Tracking also helps companies to ensure that their employees are clocking in and out.

Vehicle owners are saying “Set it, forget it”

Demand for GPS tracking not just because organizations are buying them in large quantity. Nowadays vehicle owners and those who are into fleet related business are also installing GPS trackers onto their vehicles widely.

One of the most attracting features of this kind of devices is their low maintenance and easy installation.

Installation procedures are carried out by the providers themselves which will take not more than few hours.

A plethora of software’s is now available in the market which can process the data that has been collected by the GPS system. They can actively track as well as geofence the route of a vehicle thus leaving vehicle owner’s tension free.

Catch em!!

Chasing suspects have always been dangerous since public safety is at stake. High-speed chases can be made a bit risk-free by using GPS trackers. A new kind of GPS trackers has now been invented which allows policemen to fire it at suspect vehicle.

Read More: “Employee Transportation & its Impact on Productivity & Business”

An adhesive is attached to the rear end of the tracker which will stick onto any object that it comes in contact with. Once it’s been attached to the suspect’s vehicle. Police can do a computer-aided search to track the location of the vehicle.

After the implementation of this new technology in the USA, a news was published in KRQE.COM regarding its effectiveness. As quoted by them a sheriff said that.

“In this case, we feel that the citizens are going to be safer, our deputies are going to be safer,”

Never miss your train

Lately, a new website was developed by Metrolink which allows users to track the location of their train in real time. This feature helps the user to locate their train and plan their time accordingly.

Tracking Animal Movements

Scientists recently developed an animal movement tracking device (based on GPS) which will equip them to simultaneously collect data regarding animal navigation along with the wind information.

The invention of the device was primarily for studying bird navigation. However, scientists are now saying that there is much more tech application than that.

As quoted in Professor Yusuke Goto commented about the new technology that, “The new method we proposed in this study enables to estimate wind speed and wind direction from bird track data,” 

Apart from that, researchers believe that this new device will throw light on conservation efforts of animals and climatic change and its impact on animals.

Never get lost inside a building

GPS trackers and its functionalities are vast in outdoors. However, in indoors they are of not much use. But that’s all in the past, a company named LogicJunction has developed a technology through which your mobile device can help you navigate inside a huge complex building.

The software company uses magnetic footprints of buildings along with the sensors inside the phone to help its users.

The possibilities of GPS are endless. Their potential to an extent has been concentrated to a GPS tracker thus making it portable and powerful. Since the demand is high new innovations are bound to happen to GPS trackers which will undoubtedly make people’s lives easier than it is now.

Top 5 questions about GPS Car Trackers

Parking cars at unknown places have always been a frightening experience for car owners. Since car theft rates is on a global rise. The probabilities of someone stealing your car are high. To avoid such, the most thoughtful thing to do is to install a GPS car trackers to your vehicle so that you don’t have to be concerned or worried.

GPS Car Trackers

However, there are some obvious queries that will be in the mind of a buyer as there is a plethora of devices and software to choose from.


So let’s address five of those important questions

1.GPS tracking device are they difficult to install and use?

The process is a bit tricky, however; those who are familiar with car parts can do this without any confusion.

First of all, open the gear console and take out the meter wire, make sure that the engine is running and the wire is singled out so that it can be connected to a GPS device.

Before any connection to the GPS device make sure that an earth wire is connected to the GPS console.

GPS console mainly has three sockets, Antenna socket, and Fuel and power aux socket.

After making proper connection the device should be hidden in somewhere where none would suspect.

Read Also: “Top 5 Dominant Trends in Commercial Fleet Management Sector”

Before hiding the device make sure that signal is coming through the connection between battery and the device is tight and proper.

2.How many types of GPS trackers are there in the market?

Passive GPS trackers/GPS loggers

This type of devices can gather information but won’t be able to send it anywhere. Instead of sending, the device will store information like speed, location etc to the memory card of the device.

The data can be retrieved later on from the memory card inside the device.

Active GPS tracker

Active or real time trackers will constantly send data to your device allowing the user to monitor his assets real time. To use the device, it has to be wired with the battery connection of the car.

3.How much does a GPS tracker cost?

Investing money on a GPS tracker is just like investing on insurance. Even though u may find the cost unwanted in the case of a mishap you will know how much worthy it is.

Costs of the device vary in accordance with the type of device that’s installed in your vehicle. On Amazon price range starts from $13 for basic GPS trackers. The price is much cheaper for the Chinese version on in which price starting from just $1.

However, There are complex GPS tracking system which can provide more information than just location tracking. They can seamlessly integrate with hardware’s as well as software and can come up with vivid data which not only guarantees advanced safety for your vehicle but also to increase the efficiency of it. Cost of these tracking system depends on the number of hardware integration, software used, cloud support, vendor support etc.

4.What to consider while buying a GPS tracker?

Buying a GPS tracker is indeed a great decision, however, there are certain factors that has to be taken into consideration.

Compatibility: Make sure that the device is compatible with your car model so that it can

  • Collect all the date that the company had promised
  • It would not cause any irregularity in the normal functioning of the car.

Security: The device in accordance with its capability will collect data on a daily basis. Make sure that the company promises absolute security in the data transfer between your device and the GPS tracker.

User Experience: Make sure that the data collected by the GPS system is delivered to you in a way that you are getting the exact picture of what you have intended.

Reliability: Make sure that the device that you are purchasing is of top quality and worth every penny that you spend on it.

5.How to recover a stolen vehicle with the help of GPS tracker installed in your car?

User can set geo-fence (restrict the travel limit of vehicle) in their GPS system. If a vehicle has breached the fence, notification will be sent to the user so that he can directly approach the police so that police can track the vehicle in real time.

If the thief is trying to tamper with the GPS tracker, notification will be sent to the user with exact location and alert that someone is tampering with it.

Autonomous Vehicles – Where Do We Stand?

It is now and happening. Fully autonomous cars will soon be out of the garage. Many companies are striking a deal with Aurora Innovations; a venture co-founded by Chris Urmson and will soon introduce Autonomous vehicles to the market. Urmson says “The planned autonomous vehicles will include fully self-driving pods, shuttles or delivery vans and self-driving trucks without a cabin”. Aurora has signed deals with both Volkswagen and Hyundai and will soon launch autonomous vehicle in about three years.


Volkswagen and Hyundai are to bring out more than 15 million vehicles every year and are planning to integrate Aurora’s software and sensors which is an artificial intelligence technology. This will change the way we look at transportation.


How does the technology work?

Toyota has installed a technology called LIDAR which uses lasers to determine its surroundings. Just like the principle of a bat or sonar, the lasers shoot out, hit the objects around and bounce back to the sensors to determine the surrounding. The technology works by combining software and sensors to control, navigate, and drive the vehicle. Based on these, the vehicle creates an internal map of the surroundings and the software process these inputs and decides on a path and sends information to the actuators which control the steering, acceleration, and braking.

What renders a feeling of safety is that it uses hardcore codes, predictive modeling, and can know the difference between a truck and motorcycle. These help the vehicle to follow traffic and navigate through obstacles. Humans are great drivers, but on the contrary, machines are better at following rules.


Where we are now?

Companies like Mercedes, BMW, and Tesla already have several autonomous vehicles with self-driving features. Google has a self-driving car project called Waymo that hit the streets in 2009 and claims to make driving less stressful and roadways safer. Car making giants Volkswagen and Hyundai say their self-driven cars will be out on roads by 2021. Volkswagen Chief Digital Officer Johann Jungwirth says that it is part of “the reinvention of mobility and the automobile.”

Read Also: “Will Employee Satisfaction and Corporate Transport Management Go Hand-in-Hand”

Volkswagen said that it would be associating with Silicon Valley Company Aurora to create self-driven cars and hopes to launch a fleet of cabs in the streets by 2021. “With Aurora, VW gains access to an experienced and globally leading development team in software and hardware for driverless vehicles,” the Wolfsburg-based group said in a statement.


What do they mean to the future of transportation?

Soon our roads will be swarming with vehicles that don’t have a driver to maneuver it. It is estimated that by 2020 almost 10 million cars will be on the road. While looking out for any pedestrians or obstacles, these autonomous vehicles can detect road signs, follow traffic signals and keep track of other vehicles with the use of video cameras. We can imagine people and goods being traveled around without a driver. You choose the destination and sit back and relax and even drink a cup of coffee while you are on the run. Trucks will be delivering goods to the destination in no time as the driver needn’t take rest in between. But a negative impact of this is that many drivers will lose their jobs. Although at present the trucks are not fully automated but have facilities similar to an autopilot function in an airplane.


Dubai has recently tried out an air drone in collaboration with Volocopter. The mission is to call an air taxi just like you would book a ride in Uber. Amazon is been given a patent to try out drones that can deliver in 30 minutes and even recharge itself by connecting to an electric car.


Autonomous Vehicles are the future of automotive industry. Even though we have seen a vivid image of them in movies, in reality, we are far behind. But we are we on the right track. Keep in touch with us to the latest updates that are happening in the autonomous vehicle industry.


Features of Byton Concept SUV vs Tesla Model X

The whirl wind that EV (Electric Vehicles) have been creating is too strong to ignore. It won’t be long until internal combustion engines might just turn to vintage models amid rope stanchions in museums. Ok that might be an exaggeration, but yeah! EVs are the future of the road for obvious reasons – shrinking oil reserves and increasing oil prices. In this blog we will talk about the features of Byton Concept SUV vs Tesla Model X the top EV manufactures in the world.

“It’s time to rethink the car” is what Byton- an all new start up based in china and headed by ex BMW boss Carsten Breitfeld said, when they unveiled their first  prototype SUV that was the star car of CES 2018!


The Byton SIV (SIV- Smart intuitive vehicle- as they like to call it) is all over the news and is said to have all the futuristic features to be the competitor of Tesla’s SUV Model X.

Let’s take a look and compare the features of Byton Concept SUV vs Tesla Model X

1. Power on tap

Byton has promised 2 power train configurations.

Either single 268bhp electric motor driving rear axle or 4WD version with a combined power delivery of 469bhp.

Model X has 259hp for the front wheel drive version and 503hp for the AWD version.

Seems like Tesla still has the upper hand in its AWD version.  But it won’t be hard for Byton to crack that number given their zeal for upgrades.

2. Range 

Tesla’s model X will take your breath away with its ludicrous mode going up to a neck-snapping 257 miles on a single charge.

Now since they are launching it head to head the luminary in the EV business how could Byton even possibly hesitate to squeeze in the horse powers.

Byton claims a range of 248 miles on a single charge, whirling up to an exhilarating 323 miles with an upgraded battery pack.

For the speed junkies out there, the two cars might not make much of a difference simply because, both offer the same thrill.

3. Cabin tech

Model X has a 17-inch touchscreen that controls nearly all vehicle functions, including the power doors.

Byton has made sure you are left flabbergasted with the most lavishly crafted cabin tech, the moment you step inside in the car.

It has an overwhelming 49 inch curved LCD, Shared experience Display running from coast to coast, in place of dashboard, the screen being gesture controlled.

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The screen is capable of video calls, navigation, online playlist for music, and can even communicate with a wearable on the driver or passenger to get health information.

Now in case you are worried about safety being compromised as that is the space for the air bag, chill!

Air bag will inflate from below the screen in case of a crash, complying with safety standards.

4. Driving experience

Byton front seats can swivel almost 12 degrees.  People in front can easily stretch or interact with others in the rear seats of the car, by switching to level 3 self-driving mode.

The car can self drive in many situations except a few where a human instinct will require to take over. The company has promised to equip the car with level 4 autonomy once the government regulations permit.

The only thing here that model X lacks, is the rotating seats.

Other than that the driving impression of model X P100D is as crazy as the Byton. You can almost lay back and sprawl in the peaceful thrust of the EV.

5. Finally the price

After the recent price cut the Tesla model X now starts at $79,500.

Byton on the other hand has quoted a very impressive price tag with its first SUV starting at $45,000 onwards.

So with this there is a chance that Byton would sweep the Tesla’s markets clean as it offers more tech features compared to Tesla and horse power equivalent to it.

The Byton SIV (Smart intuitive vehicle- as they call it) will be launched in its home country by the year 2019 and a year later in USA and Europe.

It won’t be an easy climb for Byton to match the credibility of Tesla, but since they are offering us hopes wrapped in affordable budget, it could turn out otherwise.

The model X surely pales in comparison to the mouth watering features that Byton has to offer.

But who knows. It is Elon Musk that we are talking about! This moment invading space with his roadster and the next thing you know he launched a teleportation device.

Exaggeration again! But the point is, For Byton, it is definitely a race against time.


Electric cars are not the thing of the future it is already here. There is stiff competition between car makers to bring out the best models that have the highest running time. Hope our read helped you compare the cars brought out by Byton and Tesla.

Future of Transportation – How Beneficial It Can Be

A few years ago, people preferred traveling by their vehicles, but it is changing now. With technological advances in transportation services, the urban population prefers to commute using public transport rather than private, paving way to the future of transportation.

After surveying 50 metropolitan cities around the globe, McKinsey found that if all people living start using public transportation, the air will turn pure and it’ll save as much as $600 billion.


The more the world progresses, the more people are going to be inclined towards technology. Considering the current technological advancements, here is how the future of transportation will look like:

1. Autonomous Driving

Driving consumes a lot of time, which you rather enjoy relaxing or working on the last minute project. Apart from clearing some time from your schedule, driverless cars will ensure access to mobility, cheaper transportation, and also reduces accidents.

Autonomous vehicles will work on blockchain technology. So instead of you going to pick up your mother from the airport, you can send your car.

2. Shared Mobility

Using vehicles as the need arises is the future of the traditional carpooling system. It makes more sense to use the vehicles for a shorter time than buying it. Today, Uber is worth around $600 billion and owns not a single car.

Future of transportation aims to remove middlemen like Uber and connect car owners to clients so that they get the entire profit. Such technology is being developed right now using blockchain.

3. Electric Vehicles

We all know that Tesla makes electric cars, but they are costly. Still, more electric vehicles are sold now than in 2011. 450,000 electric vehicles were sold in 2015 as compared to only 50,000 sold in 2011.

According to Bloomberg New Energy Finance, electric battery prices are going to fall below $100 per kilowatt-hour in the next ten years. The product will be cost and performance effective and superior to fuel-based vehicles.

4. Public Transportation

The EuroRail has changed the global map. You sleep in a different country and wake up in another. It is only the beginning because after this technology combines with the Internet of Things, it is going to make public transportation even more flexible and convenient.

If you in developing countries like India, the public transport in urban cities like Mumbai and Kolkata are still growing with metro rails sprouting everywhere connecting the city centers with exterior areas.

The future of transportation will not only get smarter technology-wise but also become bigger accommodating more people and reliable too.

5. Internet of Things

Infrastructure and vehicles will be used to generate data, which governments and companies will use to analyze data and find efficient ways to reduce traffic. It is ideal for making long-term transit plans.

6. Infrastructure

As per population studies by the United Nations Population Division, the population is going to increase by two thirds in 2050. With such a vast community, it is going to be challenging to manage traffic on roads, because there’s only so much they can accommodate.

Public transit infrastructure needs to be upgraded starting now. Also, people should be motivated to use cycles for going to nearby places, which can double as exercise. Reforms should be taken where people who use cycles and public transport will get tax rebates.

7. Decentralization of Energy Systems

Over the years, the cost of renewable energy will fall while the awareness will increase, making it one of the most used energy systems across the globe in the next 15 years.

It will increase the use of electric vehicles and make electricity cheaper and cleaner. Most house owners will have their charging points for electric vehicles. The energy will be generated using solar panels on the top of their houses.

8. Regulation

On a national level, the government will introduce incentives and tax rebates for people using electric vehicles. It won’t remain an urban phenomenon but will take over all levels of the countries. The government will promote larger public goals including cleaner air for the cities and reduce traffic.

All these trends depend on one another, and a lack of one can result in the poor implementation of another.

For example, if shared mobility dominates because of reduced costs of using driverless vehicles as compared to fuel-based vehicles, the pollution levels will come down drastically.

At this point, the government should encourage people to try the new technology since most of them will be apprehensive about doing so, which is understandable.

How Will The Future of Transportation Improve the City Life

Reinforcing integrated mobility systems will improve the city life, which is considered as hectic and monotonous. One of the first things that will be positively affected is the environment.

With higher use of public transport, electric and autonomous vehicles, health problems like premature birth, respiratory disorders, and cardiovascular can be brought down as the air will be more transparent of pollutants that cause them.

The traffic congestion won’t be stopped immediately, but you can see developing cities like Mumbai, Delhi, and Istanbul are working towards it. For example, Mumbai, a city in India is building a dense network of metros to reduce traffic and has been successful in its phase one.


The more the world progresses, the more people are going to be inclined towards technology. With the help of our blog hope you could understand how the future of transportation will look like.

12 Ways Companies Can Use Employee and Asset GPS Tracking

Every business strives to keep its revenues growing and always try to plug the leakages. There could be resource wastage, employee attrition, new employee training. Amongst this, employee and asset GPS tracking is one of the ways in which a company’s revenue might fall if not tackled properly.

In a company where there are numerous employees, the time each and everyone spends inside the office matters.


Also assets have to be monitored closely to prevent theft or damage.

Here are 12 ways which will help you as a business to understand how you can use employee and asset GPS tracking for enhancing a better work environment.

1. Tracking On-field Employees

Many a times there exists a situation wherein you hire an on-field sales employee. The sales representative is supposed to cover 10 client locations per day but you as a business owner is unable to track the same.

In conventional situations, you would be calling the clients or mail them asking if your sales guy has visited the client’s place. Most of the time this process is a disturbance to your clients.

Here the most practical solution to be used would be to equip the field employee with a gps tracker enabled mobile application to record the time and place once the visit has been made to the client office.

2. Employee Time Clock

Employee time clock feature is a good to have solution for tracking the amount of time the employee works a day with a company.

Mostly this product is available as a software as a service (SaaS) solution online and can be subscribed for a large employee group in an organization or business.

This tool can be used to analyze the metrics for employee productivity. The free time an employee spends in an organization can be reduced considerably.

The main thing to be noted is to have a HR person who should be accountable for monitoring if the employees are keying in the right time.

3. GPS tracker for Moving Assets

Most of the businesses have their own vehicles. It could be delivery vehicles, cabs or buses to drop the employees’ home, mail delivery. A lot of revenue could be optimized here by enabling these vehicles with gps trackers.

4. Locating People in Distress

One of the main uses of implementing gps based systems in hospital ambulance is that its easier to get to people in distress with the help of it easily.

If the user or the person in distress or the relative or the friend of him has a mobile application. They could trigger a signal which would help the ambulance to reach the location and take the person to a hospital.

5. Entry and Exit Automation

Employee time tracking inside the office premises can be done using the access management system wherein it records the entry or exit of an employee while he or she punches the identity card on the system scanner kept at entrances and exit points of offices.

6. Employee Time Clock

Businesses implement time clock systems while the employees are at office or they are being assigned jobs from an offshore client who wants the total number of work hours to be tracked.

7. Asset Tracker for Hospitals

Multi specialty hospitals have a lot of valuable machinery in them. Most of them are movable. There are chances of theft or vandalism. It is better to tag these assets with a tracker tool.

It’s always advisable to use Wi-Fi or Bluetooth low energy tags and the medium to transfer the location data of the devices to the system.

8. Asset Tracker for Logistics Industry

The logistic industry is a domain where asset tracking becomes an inevitable factor. Most of the goods transferred from one location to another do not reach safe or they are mismanaged and stolen.

Tagging these items with gps would be a better option to identify these sorts of activities.

9. Employee Time Tracking

The employees need to be properly educated on how to use it and should be shown the dos and don’ts of handling an employee time tracking tool.

Most of the tools used previously were desktop applications but with the advent of cloud, the tools have been introduced online. Businesses can find a lot of online tools for employee time tracking.

10. Asset Tracking in Healthcare Industry

A lot of innovations are coming up in the healthcare industry where you can get information about the details of a stored medicine. With the advent of internet of things (IoT), it’s now easy to identify the temperature of a medicine kept inside the refrigerator of a hospital.

Temperature sensors give out signals to the admin system about the current temperature of the medicine.

11. GPS Usage for Logistics

There are incidents where truck drivers over-speed resulting in grave danger situations.

GPS based systems can be integrated to the truck’s driving system where low speed areas could be identified and if a truck passes through those areas, a trigger could be set to limit the speed of the truck within a speed.

12. Schools

Students can be monitored based on time tracking tools. The RFID chip embedded on the student’s ID card could be tracked whenever the student is inside the campus. Malignant activities could be stopped and safety of the student could be ensured throughout.


In a company where there are numerous employees, the time each and everyone spends inside the office matters. Also. assets have to be monitored closely, so we hope this  12 ways will help you as a business to understand how you can use employee and  asset GPS tracking for enhancing a better work environment.

Top 10 Benefits Of Employee Transport Management System

Nowadays more and more organizations are trying to crack the secret of having a happier workforce. With high attrition and employee engagement going hand in hand, organizations need to take that extra step and focus on the little things to help their employees feel valued and cared for.

We can start from relieving them of their daily commute stress

In major cities, office goers work in dynamic shifts meeting clients and project deadlines. Many of the workers waste time waiting for their commute in public transport with no clue of pickup and arrival leading to anxiety and worries which overall affects their productivity.

Employees should be worry-free during their office hours so that their organization can drive growth. Even though the daily commute is a trivial matter you can take a huge load off the back of your employees by ensuring that they feel more committed to the company they work for by implementing an Employee Transport Management System.

Here are 10 Benefits of Employee Transport Management System

  • Stress-Free Commute
  • Women Safety
  • Cost & Time Saving
  • Health Improvement
  • Dynamic Reporting
  • Protects Data & Increases Usage
  • Better Workplace Environment
  • Less Missed Workdays
  • Retention of Talented Employees
  • Better Workplace Environment
Top 10 Benefits Of Employee Transport Management System