A Quick Guide For Employee Transportation Management System

A Quick Guide For Employee Transportation Management System is a boon to the transportation sector. They have successfully managed to revolutionize the entire transportation sector after their arrival. Same is the story of employee transportation. Full-fledged Employee transportation system software can completely automate the trip and can save a lot of time, manpower as well as the time of a company.


Implementation Guide For Employee Transportation Management System

However, there are indeed some queries that baffle an organization when it comes to buying one. Questions like, what are the benefits? What are the advanced features? What points should be kept in mind while choosing the system? Etc. are the most common ones.

Read Also: “Female Employee Transportation – Challenges and Safety Measures”

Let’s address all of them through this Info graphic representation.

Implementation Guide For Transportation Management System


Why do Employees Prefer Automated Transportation?

All of us know that corporate automated transportation is now one of the most important tools of an organization when it comes to employee retention.

Latest studies backed with research have proved that commute issues have a direct impact on employees and their productivity.

Above all that, we are living in a world where safe transportation has become one of the major concerns of women. WHO has recently done a study on women safety and found out that around 35% of women globally undergo some kind of violence on their daily commute.


These scenarios are the exact reason why employee automated transportation has flourished globally.

Assure Safety and Productivity

GPS aided Transportation Management system ensures that employees and vehicles are continuously monitored real-time by authorized personals.

One of the perks of installing the system for corporate transportation is that they can be integrated to mobile platforms so that monitoring both for the company and the employees can be done with the help of a portable device.

Employees can even send SOS messages to higher authorities with the help of a panic button incorporated in the apps of these devices.

Long commute has a negative impact on employee productivity. Transportation Management system can optimize routes to ensure minimum distance in traveling.

Mostly transportation offered by the companies is free of cost. Companies offer these kinds of services as a way to retain their employee and to make them feel that they are being valued in the organization.

Health Benefits

Hectic commute according to research can induce fatigue in an employee and can make him sleep abruptly in office or at home. Abrupt sleep, if they occur for a long time can cause serious health issues like low blood pressure, concentration issues, headache etc.

To Avoid Traffic and Pollution

The world is evolving and progressing day by day. The side effect of such development is congestion. Our cities have become overcrowded and polluted. Employees often choose their company transportation to avoid such conditions. Mostly, transportation provided by companies nowadays have air-conditioned vehicle so that employees would not have to breathe in the toxic air and fall sick.

Unreliable and Unsafe Public Transport System

Despite the location public transport has always been notorious owing to their inability to keep time and safety. Since they are mostly crowded employees have to go on a tug of war with other passengers on each day.

For Marking Attendance in the Easiest Way Possible

Manual attendances are hectic and time consuming. In the case of an Employee Transportation Management System, especially a robust one, mostly uses RFID based attendance marking system so that employees can punch-in and punch-out by just showing their RFID card or even tag to the reader.

Driver Rating System

Stories are in plenty on the internet regarding bad driver behaviour. Passengers especially women nowadays are scared regarding the whole situation. Transportation Management System has rating system through which drivers can be reviewed and rated.

Read Also: ‘”How Employee Transport Management is Revolutionizing Employee Transportation”

Above all that there is hardware integrated to the system that can track and monitor any irregularity in the driving of a driver and can notify authorized personals.

Route Prediction System

Protests, bad weather etc. can cause hindrance to the smooth running of fleets. A robust Transportation Management System can link with the internet and predict these issues and can show the driver alternate routes so that employees would not be late for work or going back home.

Saving Money

Mostly, automated transportation is offered by companies on free of cost. Since transportation requires a great deal of money. Employees find it as an added benefit for working in a company.

Business analysts nowadays say that it is foolish for a business firm to value their customers as kings and to treat their employees badly. Employees nowadays are equally important as the customers. We are in a world where people have plenty of option if they do not like a company. So companies have to do what it takes to retain their employees.

Top 6 benefits of offering Employee Transportation

Let’s admit it; Employees nowadays have other options if a company is denying them good working condition or even facilities.

Good working condition is not just confined to the office or even the salary. Transportation plays a major role in satisfying and retaining an employee.


On the contrary, transportation also plays a major role in the success of an organization too.

Let’s see how,

1. Increased Employee Productivity

Usually, Pickup time of transportation vehicles will be pre-calculated in a way that it will reach office earlier than that of office time. By doing so, employees will get time to dive into their office activities in a relaxed manner in between and after the commute. For instance, imagine that there is a presentation or a client meeting in the office. In order to make it fruitful a relaxed mind is required. Friendly chit-chat with an employee will make a big difference to the stressful mind.

Studies have proved that long and hectic commute can adversely affect an employee and his productivity. So offering company transportation will be good for a company one way or another.

2. Go green! And earn the goodwill

Employees who use their own vehicle, mostly cars, do not utilize the seating capacity of their vehicle. As a result, more cars will be on the road resulting in congestion and pollution. Since even a mid-size company has over 1000 employees the amount of carbon footprint is huge if calculated annually.

By encouraging employees to use company transportation a huge reduction in greenhouse gas emission will be possible and apart from that companies can use these stats for their marketing purposes.

3. Save Money

As mentioned in the introduction employees, especially those who are experienced and the most productive ones in your company have a lot of options if they feel that their company is not valuing them.

Read Also: “Top 5 Employee benefits which are crucial in retention”

Imagine the pain of hiring a new employee and he/she getting used to the new habitat and work structure. Retention of employees is indeed a cost saving process for any company and for that transportation plays a crucial role.

4. Assure Safety

We are at a juncture of time where safety has become one of the biggest concerns of employees as threats and crimes are shooting up worldwide. By offering transportation and by efficiently automating and tracking it can increase the safety of employees a lot.

5. Develop Workplace Satisfaction

In order to yield maximum productivity from an employee, it is indeed a must to have a friendly as well as healthy work atmosphere.

Offering transportation will give employees an opportunity to interact with each other and they will start sharing their work-related issues and as a result, solutions will come up easily, thus productivity will increase. The flip side of such interactions is that employees will be more attached to the company owing to the friendship they have inside.

6. Create an Employee Friendly Brand Image

Hiring employees who are aligned with the vision of the company is important for the success of any company. However, attracting such can only be made possible by creating a reputed brand image among people.

In short, the company should be renowned for being employee friendly policies. Offering automated transportation is crucial in employee satisfaction of any company.

Besides that, while enticing new recruiters to a company tech-aided transportation can be projected as an added benefit.

Electric vehicles are ready to take over the transportation industry

Before Tesla, electric vehicle was indeed an unknown realm for many. In fact, those people who were mesmerized by the beast of vehicles that are powered by combustion engine started adoring Tesla’s path-breaking electric powered vehicles.

People choose combustion engine over electric vehicle primarily for their reliability safety and fuel availability. What Tesla did here in this particular scenario is that they slowly managed to shock the world by combining all these and added speed as well.

The stage has been set. The game is already changing.


But the million dollar question here would be, is it that easy?

If it is, when and how?

Hurdles in front

Tesla Model S and BMW i8 has managed to couple elegance, innovation and speed to their vehicle no doubt in that. They are costly; however, there are buyers across the globe that is ready to pay.

If money is the issue there are Chevrolet Bolt and Nissan Leaf in the pipeline. So what’s stopping the world to change?

The answer would be the expensive battery replacement in all those cars and the unavailability of charging points. At present charging, these cars require special adaptors and ports which are most likely to be installed in the car owner’s garage.

The biggest hurdle in front of electric vehicles manufacturers would be to make people believe them. Even though there are a lot of people who are in awe of electric vehicle. Their market is minuscule compared to that of traditional combustion engine vehicle.

Lately, news about the crash of Tesla Model S which was on Advanced Driver Assistance Mode has shocked many. Google’s prototype driverless vehicle also met with an accident lately, tarnishing the image and reputation.

However, despite all these negative factors experts are saying that by 2050 only 10% of the cars manufactured at that point of time will be of the combustion engine.

What’s good?

Electric motors have a variety of features which makes them efficient. For instance, torque.

Electric motors have a huge initial torque. And as a result, they can easily propel a bus or a larger vehicle.

The astounding factor about this kind of raw power is that electric motor can deliver this stupendous torque with low power consumption and can conserve energy while braking as well as stop.

To be precise, electric motor only needs 20% of the energy that’s utilized by a combustion engine for the covering equal distance. In MPG (Miles per Gallon) diesel engine will give approximately 3.9 mpg, on the other hand, an electric engine will give a jaw-dropping 21.4 MPG.

E-vehicles are not only important for people but also for our environment. An electric vehicle emits 6x less green house gases than that of a regular engine.

Bid good-bye to LI batteries

Cost of batteries and maintaining them has always been the biggest hurdle in front of electric vehicles. However, Tesla has managed to efficiently distribute and conserve power using (Lithium-ion) batteries which they sourced from Panasonic.

But still, Battery remained to be the biggest issue until recently.

Toshiba has unveiled a kind of battery which will revolutionize the electric vehicle industry big time.

Toshiba’s latest battery has the power to deliver 200 miles (320km) on a single charge. In short, only 6 minutes charging is needed for the vehicle to cover such a long distance.

As quoted by an online web portal spokesperson for Toshiba said that,

“The new battery also offers high energy density and ultra-rapid recharging characteristics, and its titanium niobium oxide anode is much less likely to experience lithium metal deposition during ultra-rapid recharging or recharging in cold conditions—a cause of battery degradation and internal short circuiting.”

What makes future of electric vehicle promising?

EV market is taking off with the assistance of innovative technology. Once they were uncool, expensive and ineffective. To get a clear picture, In the UK alone the sales of EV’s have experienced a 366 percentage rise in last year.

Range anxiety has always been a hurdle in front of EV manufacturing companies. With the help of latest technology batteries are improving their efficiency and can managed to alleviate the anxiety of potential buyers.

Tesla’s latest model S is equipped with advanced all-wheel drive motors which can independently control torque to the front and the rear giving it impeccable traction control. The motor also enables the vehicle to charge from 0-60 in a jaw-dropping 2.5 seconds.

Battery installed and power management in the Tesla car is so advanced that the car saves 21 mpg at $2.70 per gallon.

Nissan has recently unveiled their concept car LEAF which will be in sales on 2018. Nissan LEAF has got 3 versions, S, SV, and SL.

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These budget cars can run up to 155 miles on a single charge. The S model is the cheapest among three. The cost of the Nissan LEAF S is $30,680. The most advanced, that is SL model costs around $37,000.

Vehicle manufacturer giant Chevrolet has come up with their electric vehicle named as the BOLT. Bolt has the ability to deliver 238 miles per charge. They are using Nickel rich Lithium-ion battery to achieve this.

In South Korea, they have invented an innovative method to charge their electric buses. They have embedded magnetic induction devices to their road and equipped the battery inside the vehicle that is capable of magnetic charging.

Electric vehicle manufacturers around the globe are trying to install this same method so that range anxiety of buyers will be considerably reduced.

Autonomous driving has always been a fantasy that we see in movies. However, giants like Audi, BMW, and Tesla has already introduced partially autonomous driving to their vehicle.

Google is also in the picture with their autonomous car company Waymo.

News has it that UBER has already rented world’s top AI and robotic experts so that they can manufacture driverless car and earn the name world’s first driverless taxi service.

Electric Vehicles will redefine our urban areas. Most of the cities are now toxic owing to pollution. The one and only escape in this situation is to incorporate electric vehicle as much as possible to these areas.

Final Thoughts

The days to come will be of electric vehicle transportation. With the new innovation in battery and power management there will be affordable and reliable budget vehicle for the common man. Governments are also subsidizing vehicle tax nowadays to promote import of such vehicles. In short, it is just a matter of time that our cities will be filled by them.

Top 5 ways IOT (Internet of Things) Will Help in Fleet Management

Before we jump into the benefits of IOT in fleet management let’s discuss what’s IOT and why they are going to be next big thing?

According to Business Insider, by the end of 2020 24 billion internet connected device will be active around the globe.

Far-seeing the possibilities’ US government are planning to invest $8.8 Billon in the IOT market. The astonishing part about this investment is that previous year it was just around $1.1 Billion.


Since IOT is spreading like wildfire isn’t it obvious that it’s going to have a deep-rooted impact on each and every aspects of our day-to-day life?

The story is exactly the same when it comes to transportation and business related to it.

Let’s dig deep,

What exactly is IOT?

Precisely, IOT is the connection of your physical device to the internet. A physical device can be anything, computers, Smartphone’s, wearable’s, tablets, TV, kitchen equipment etc., literally it can be anything that’s confined to the digital world.

In short, these devices are exchanging data back and forth seamlessly so that they keep connected 24×7.

What sort of remarkable changes can IOT bring in transport safety?

WHO has released a shocking report on May 2017. According to the report, around 1.25 million people die each year owing to accidents.

The report clearly indicated that speeding is one of the major causes of accidents globally. However, it is true that speeding is entirely a personal choice. What IOT can do in this situation is that it can monitor as well as notify a driver upon his erratic behavior through connected transportation.

Quite simply, connected transportation means WIFI and other sensor-enabled vehicles that can exchange data with the internet.

By connecting a vehicle to the internet, issues such as bad weather, traffic congestion, and bad route can be foreseen in advance.

Above all, this kind of smart transportation initiatives can help create safer roads, lesser accidents and save a lot of money.

In the case of fleet business, since all the vehicles are connected, they will be secure, predictive as well as cost-effective.

To get an exact idea about how powerful IOT is going to be, Gartner has recently released a report in which they have estimated that by the end of 2020 quarter of billion cars will be connected.

Coming back to fleet management, IOT‘s use can’t be restricted to just tracking.

Their top 5 uses include,

1. Keep an eye on your driver behaviour

Drivers tend to stop the fleet vehicle multiple times causing disruption in the proposed time schedule. During these stops, they tend not to turn off their vehicle in fear of malfunction.

Another scenario is that drivers sometimes drive in a reckless manner causing potential danger to the passengers.

By installing a fleet management solution which supports IOT, all these behaviors can

Be monitored, that too continuously.

2. Helps in creating a green environment

Idling (not stopping the engine when the vehicle is at a short halt) is a menace when it comes to fleet business. They are often considered as not dangerous and left alone. However, researchers have found out that over a billion gallon of diesel is being wasted globally because of vehicle idling and more than 10 million ton of greenhouse gas is pumped into our atmosphere owing to it.

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By using a Transportation Management solution idling time can be closely monitored and notification can be given to the driver in real-time.

3. Check on the parts of your vehicle

With proper hardware installation, a fleet management system which is connected to the IOT can closely monitor engine and other parts which are subjected to wear and tear. For instance, imagine that your car battery level is low or engine is performing in an erratic way. A fleet management system can graph out this behaviour and compare it to the normal behaviour of your vehicle parts. If there is any irregularity, authorized personals can be informed, thus saving a vehicle from grave damages.

4. Get hold of the precious data

Data have always had godly power in our lives. In the case of a fleet, an enormous amount of data is sent to a vehicle management system with the help of IOT. This enormous quantity of data can be processed using the software-hardware system and come up with magnificent results that will assure efficiency of your fleet.

5. Save Money

Primary motto of any business would be to earn the profit. Same is the story in the case of a fleet business. However, there are certain factors which make fleet business risky. The most dangerous one would be the fuel consumption.

A fleet management system can track as well as compare data so that fuel can be saved. Prompting tax payment, notifying proper maintenance schedule, comparing expenditure etc. also helps a lot in saving money.

Top 5 Ways to Reduce Employee Transportation Cost Using a Management System

Transportation of employees has now become one of the major factors in retaining them. However, Transportation costs are hefty and can prove to create a lot of economical problem for any company. So how to reduce employee transportation cost so that precious money can be saved? If cramming up employees in vehicles is the first idea that came to your mind. Look at the image below.

The solution to this issue should be efficient, cost-effective and at the mean time it should make the employees feel that they are safe and their transportation is reliable .All these can be achieved with an added bonus of cost-reduction with the help of an efficient Transportation Management System.

How To Reduce Employee Transportation Cost


Let’s see how.

1.Optimize the routes with Automation:

Often company vehicle travels through routes which cost a lot of time and money.  Route optimization equips a fleet in predicting cost-effective routes for every vehicle in a fleet.

The factors that can influence route optimization are,

  • Number of turns or intersection
  • Traffic congestion or any kind of protest that’s blocking the route
  • Weather
  • Safest route etc.

All this can be implemented in a fleet with the help of a Transportation Management Solution. Their software is constructed with the help of complex algorithm which can perform this task with ease.

2.Increase efficiency and decrease manpower:  

After fuel and vehicle maintenance manpower is the costliest aspect of a fleet business. Often a lot of fleet employees will be kept in as reserve in fear of any mishap. A management system can perfectly automate work flow, reduce paperless transaction, reduce telephonic conversation etc. in short; The Employee Transportation Management System helps in increasing the overall efficiency and helps in cutting down the employees of a fleet business.

3.Elimination of dry route:

Dry routes occur due to lack of good management inside a fleet. Since fuel wastage is the most hazardous issue for fleet business. Dry routes can prove to be deadly.

Read Also:“10 Accurate Predictions From Movies About Transportation”

Dry routes mostly occur due to miscommunication, poor route optimization, lack of an efficient notification system for employees, etc.

An advanced Transportation management system can automate the entire process so that there won’t be any scope for miscommunication between transport managers, employees and drivers.

Route automation is the forte of a well made Transportation management system. The system can be easily integrated to mobile devices to that notifying the people associated with a fleet will be carried out efficiently and easily.

4.Complete monitoring of your vehicle and driver:

Drivers are the key to the success of any transportation business. The exact opposite can happen if the driver behavior is not aligned with the vision of the company.

To make sure that everything is right monitoring is the only solution. Monitoring is not confined to tracking or even watching the live feed. An advanced transportation management system can integrate with multiple hardware so that data can be collected both real-time and non-real time.

Bad driver behavior like, idling, harsh breaking, unscheduled stops etc. can be monitored through this hardware.


insights are one of the most remarkable inventions of mankind. Any analytics software will integrate with seamless data and will predict possible outcome and rectification methods so that necessary steps can be taken to prevent it.

Apart from predicting outcome analytics can give a clear picture of what’s happening with the fleet at the moment and why is not efficient. For instance, if there is an issue with vehicle allocation, analytics will point out there the issue is and will suggest better methods to increase the efficiency.

Top 5 Dominant Trends in Commercial Fleet Management Sector

In modern times, innovations in consumer technology are giving innovations in corporate technology a hard run for their money. Keeping this in mind, you would need to understand on how the commercial fleet management is evolving in the wave of the technologies.

Another hurdle in front of any fleet owner or managers in this technological advancement would be to figure out on how these innovations could make their way into the sphere of fleet management and improve their business.


Let us now have a glance at the 5 dominant trends in commercial fleet management that will change fleet business forever.

1.Predictive maintenance

Instead of waiting for a mishap to happen, fleet managers will advocate a proactive approach towards vehicle health. Maintenance needs to be undertaken on a routine basis before it melts to serious breakdowns.

With OEM (in built) telematics, fleet managers have better inputs about mechanical and physical condition of a vehicle. When vehicles are going to share this data in real time, a better feedback system is put in place.

2.Autonomous vehicle preparation

There is a widespread interest among self-driving autonomous vehicles. Several automobile giants Nissan and Mercedes group have invested millions in this domain. There is bound to be continuous development and research in this stream with added infrastructure needed to support them.

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Advanced driver assistance system would be a nice value addition. It is expected to extend much beyond the physical terrain and in the coming years is expected to scale new heights.

3.IoT focus to be more on vehicles

In the last few years all of us have heard of IoT(Internet of Things). This wave is going to spread manifold as we become connected to the internet. It would of prime concern to fleet owners on how it is going to have an impact on their vehicles. With the number of vehicles expected to grow in the coming years,  a Herculean effort will be devoted  to research on how they are going to interact with the environment.

This growth is expected to churn in benefits for the mobile workforces. The benefit is likely to spell over to plumbers, landscaper or pest control that is on the field jobs.

4.Better choices related to OEM telematics

This is not something new! But in the coming year it is likely that more companies are going to offer Telematics hardware as part of the set up. It is for the gamut of vehicles and not merely restricted to the traditional commercial ones.

This promises to be good news for all the fleet owners as benefits in the form of ease of adoption, vehicle data in a comprehensive manner along with zero maintenance is assured. With the help of this software any new vehicle could be activated online, and it does enable real time monitoring as well. With the help of 4 G connections better data connection is assured and mobile workers are better equipped to be productive on the roads.

5.Real-time logistics

The latest trend hitting the ground is the ability of logistics fleet integrating with your supply chain in real-time. The advanced telematics will allow fleet management to be cloud-based and help monitor the location and movement of your vehicles, temperature, pressure and other factors affecting your fleet.

The vehicles will reply on sensors which will automatically integrate the entire supply chain process. The transmit of information to the software will be made easier and generate an efficient invoice and bills for your loads.


With technology and innovation constantly moving ahead of its time, the entire commercial fleet management community should look out for the latest recommendations to the industry. Fleets needs to effectively manage data, decode it, and use it in effective planning and meaningful KPI’s.

Top Employee Transportation System Companies in the World

Employee transportation system plays a pivotal role in the employee management and culture. Newspapers often report women getting assaulted or disturbed while travelling in a cab or bus from office to home.

As per a study conducted by World Health Organisation, 35 percent of the women commuters do undergo some sort of violence while travelling.

There were different optimistic attempts made by the Taxi aggregators like Uber and Ola to pre vet the drivers and get their background verification done by the nearest police station, but the scenarios of harassment still exist.

One of the ways in which this could be monitored and prevented is in the case of corporates wherein the company itself can facilitate the employee transportation.

It’s so important for a company to have a transportation system for their employees, that would be adding brownie points to the company culture. Most of the employee transportation system companies are on a reckoning that the employee productivity is directly related to the transportation.


Before a company pan out the essentials in setting up a corporate transportation , it’s necessary to decide on the employee transportation systems to be used to monitor and manage the employee transportation rather than just the vehicles for it.

There are a lot of players in the industry who implements employee transportation systems both for themselves and for other corporates. Here are the leading providers for employee transportation systems whose solutions are used by leading companies all across the globe.


Employee Transport Management  is a venture started by Probytes Technology Solutions and is one of the pioneers in employee transportation. It has a combination of software as well as hardware.

It offers complete solution to the employee fleet management issues that a company faces and makes the whole process smooth. The system automatically sends information to employees, drivers, and transport managers.

The system has proven to have high employee satisfaction, better ROI (Return on Investment), multiple hardware integrations and advanced and improved communication between employees.


Started in 2014, based out of California, Swiftly provides travel data and its software helps the corporate transportation easier. Swiftly implements software to help transit companies and cities enhance urban mobility.

Swiftly has been built by transportation stalwarts for transportation based purposes in companies. The Swiftly platform uses billions of data points and intelligent algorithms to make sure that the transit system working, facility reliability, and real-time employee information are perfect.

Companies from all strata uses Swiftly’s technology platform, improving transportation services for millions of riders each day.

Sun Telematics

Sun Telematics enables holistic transportation solutions for employee transportation management. The processes including workers rostering, route scheduling, vehicle allocation, pick & drop and bill generation are fully integrated and will be performed at the click of a button.

The products are developed based on the key requirements of all parties involved like the employee, driver, corporate. The main areas of focus are cost effectiveness, employee integrity and safety, timely pick and drop, on the spot billing and payments.

Mahindra Logistics

Mahindra has a name for them in India as the vehicle manufacturers. It’s been quite a while since they have launched themselves into the transportation systems industry.

Apart from creating the rostering, route scheduling, vehicle allocation, pick & drop and bill generation, the main unique service proposition from Mahindra is that they do it for Green fleet using alternative fuel vehicles that includes carbon footprint management.

In terms of technology solutions, their features include reduced routes & cab usage for cost friendliness and end to end tracking for safety web panels for human resource managers. Mahindra claims about 200 plus operating areas all across India.


MoveinSync has their flagship Transportation Solution for staff transport management and is made available as a software as a service and is implemented to track staff cab usage data, provides systematic invoice generation with reduced disparities and equips safety additions for female travelers.

The transport managers and transport administrators are provided complete control and transparency over their transport operations in real time.


Routematic is a startup based out of Bangalore and they implement cost effective employee transportation, corporate transportation solutions.

An end to end transportation solution provided by routematic optimizes the gross mileage and total travel time while keeping employee happiness and comfort.

In terms of safety, they implement tailor made RFID locating device with panic switch enabled and female aware routing support during late hours, Routematic has upped the game in staff safety during journey time.

They also aim to reduce waiting time by continuously alerting the corporate employees updated through SMS on the real arrival times of their assigned vehicles, including delays due to traffic.


Hopon claims that with their transportation system, 95% of the admin tasks are optimized and automated.

With their digital trip sheet. All the trip metrics are captured digitally through driver app thus improving accuracy, transparency and completely eliminating paper. HRMS integration is also provided.


Fleetstar revitalizes the employee transport ecosystem with its unique technology enabled platform.

The Routing methods enhances path to implement end to end coverage of source and destination points in one trip ensuring trip reduction and good cab usage.

Data analytics is provided with dashboard and reports including cab Utilization, Vendor billing verification and Employee request details.


Mobiocean is another employee transportation company which has extra features as compared to the other providers. The employees have been equipped with their own app for  getting updates on vehicles on the move.

Family App is provided to get alerted about vehicles and children on the move. The vehicle driver and coordinator app helps to receive updates on commuters on the move.

With the help of the corporate administration panel its possible to remain up-to-date on employees and vehicles on the move


Employee transportation system is a prime concern for any employer especially in a corporate. Ensuring proper employee transportation is always part of good work culture.

With our list of the top  employee transportation system providers who enable technology to solve hassles related to corporate transportation, Hope you can find the the right system for you.